Your child’s personality via Numerology Parenting by understanding your children’s Destiny or Soul Path numbers and thus their uniqueness and their main life journey and lesson Is indeed a gift. Knowing them more intimately via their particular Numerology outline means you can work with them and understand them so much more . In life ,it is difficult enough understanding oneself and to understand each child within a family dynamic can be rather challenging at times, especially as each child has their own personality. When the personalities are outlined with their own Blueprint Numerology it can be an easier journey to see how they fit within family and even why they behave or react a certain way in certain situations.Why they are calm or anxious , insecure or happy and how to work around their unique personalities to assist to make them the best version of themselves. Each child has their own Blueprint based on their date, month , and year which is their outline .The day number depicts the child as an Individual, the month represents the child’s interaction in the family dynamic and the year is how the child is in the world in general and later in his or her career. The life or Soul path often referred to as the Destiny number is found by adding day, month and year together -This is who your child could potentially become later In life and how their unique soul journey relates to his or her life purpose . So although the child is made up of who he or she is as an Individual which is depicted but their birth date the month then explains their family interaction and their year shows how they appear in the world and later their career. Soul Journey is found by adding all of these up and then reducing it to a single digit and this is their Life Journey and the path they chose to master as their destiny and their higher purpose. Their unique birth Numbers they each have many aspects to them depicting either the surface and outer traits or their shadow side which is more the subliminal or their inner traits within their personality. Each child can be analysed and to find the balance being within the middle of the spectrum within the numbers is key rather than at one or other more extreme end and finding the middle is indeed the lesson and the journey. In other words a child that is 1 personality, may be at one extreme of that and could even be in the shadow of their opposite underlying 8 aspect. A 2 child could be in his or her 2 or in their inner 7 aspect, a 3 child could be Is his or her 3 or else in their 6 aspect and similarly a 4 child could be in their 4 or in their subliminal 5 aspect. A 6 child can show traits of their 6 aspect or be in their very opposite 3 persona . A 7 child can be in their 7 or their 2. An 8 child could be in their 1 or their very opposite 8 and a 9 child is a combination of all theattributes of 1-9 both inner and outer aspects. Therefore each child is totally unique and very different to another child even if born on the same day! So as each number has a set of personality traits- A 1 child could a very much an extravert or leader and highly Individualistic child , or at the opposite end ,could be very complex have low self esteem and need a lot of reassurance to get to a middle aspect -where self esteem is healthy. Then later the leadership aspects associated with the 1 can evolve as the confidence and self esteem is corrected and further to that the child could be in their shadow 8 persona, which is a different character from the 1. 8 being totally a powerful, driven ,accolade achiever or an even an inflexible 8 personality that needs master this and learn to change and adapt. So below will outline and explain each number and give an outline and show how a personality is made up archetypically and within the numbers and thus, how one can understand one’s own child a little more and perhaps work around their weaknesses and turn them into strengths or at least balance them. Thus perhaps offer a more gentle way around dealing with certain Issues and offer the correct support they may require to optimally get them toward being more in the middle aspect of the meaning of the numbers rather than being on the extreme side of either end ! A one child born on the 1st or 10th or 28th A 1 child needs to be seen and need to stand out they may also be emotionally complex and a little self conscious and may need a lot of reassurance as they can suffer low self esteem Issues along the way to becoming a little leader and finding their own voice and individual. They can be extremely shy or Introverted as they need to overcome their self consciousness .As they grow up and gain self confidence they in fact are natural leaders and can become highly individualistic and even have a following . This though comes with much trial and error and after learning to stand up tall after their perceived knocks and perceived failures as they are very hard in themselves and self critical. The are often highly mental and thinkers and can hide their emotions. Ones may be inclined to rebel as they don’t like to be told what to do they often need to learn the lessons by making their own mistakes and need to work it out for themselves- They need to be given responsibilities from young to build their esteem - They can be self centered and focused on themselves and can struggle as they go through their hard knocks which can scar their confidence growing up The 2 child born on 2nd or 11th or 29th A little 2 child needs to be loved, hugged and nurtured a lot and can be very attached to mom or dad or a sibling and clingy and not like to be alone. They can be very soft and giving and a little co-dependent . As they grow up they need to learn to not need approval and to learn to be interdependent from their parents and piers and need to be careful not to people please . They are often very warm natured and giving they will always try to fix the problems of those around them . They are highly emotional and wear their hearts on their sleeve . They will often attach to One best friend or buddy and be joined at the hip ! They are likely to grow up wanting a relationship and partnership and be reliant on what others think of them and affected by this. They may need to learn to balance their kindness and their emotions and leave some love for themselves 2s need to learn diplomacy to work in a group as their challenge can be to give and receive love unconditionally. 2s are the partnership people and peacemakers and harmony seekers they need to master unconditional love and balanced giving and receiving . 2s challenge is not to be so emotional -They take on and absorb emotions and can take on baggage of others and can become quite exhausted and drained, Being highly sensitive and emotional themselves it is important to teach them not to be a doormat and to learn to speak up and Stand up for themselves. Rebound relationship occur often with 2s as they resist being alone at all costs Teaching a 2 child to say no and teaching them healthy boundaries can be very helpful to them The 3 child 3 21st 30th A 3 child needs to be creative.They can be known to be very highly strung and very fiery at times with a little temper outbursts being the order of the day! 3s are incredibly talented and dedicated naturally hard working and benefit by being directed towards creativity as these are excellent for stress release. The little outbursts and tantrums can be redirected into positive hobbies 3s are persistent and will not give up and usually succeed due to sheer hard work yet can be extremely hard on themselves. They can be blunt and insistent and argumentative and dogmatic when they don’t get their way. Giving a 3 child a self expression outlet can be very helpful allowing them to try different interests and hobbies . 3s can be extremely sensitive and have highs and lows emotionally and can need to be boosted .Teaching your 3 child creative self expression and balance can be helpful as they can have a huge fear or being criticized and this can make them experience the highs and lows Also showing them how to persist and not to give up and to learn to follow through til completion can be helpful . 3s need encouragement and teaching them patience self expression In a calm and healthy way rather than through u healthy outbursts of emotion -follow through is an important aspect for a 3 and they can be complex about this The 4 child born on 4th 13th or 22nd A little 4 child needs routine and order. They like to know where they stand they like honesty and integrity need to operate in a balanced structure. Their little routines can become somewhat obsessive and and rigid and they are very concerned about justice and what is fair and what is not fair. They can become very preoccupied with this and are also very hard working diligent ,stable earthly little characters but can get into little self limiting routines. 4s require stability and security to work within snd proper structure and perform best with this in place . 4s need to be careful of being too caught up In routines and they need to be motivated and they be rigid rule followers or even opt out of things and at times be a little lazy. They can be extremely stubborn and seem to know it all . Diligence ,security stability and structure can work well for a 4 -they can be solid and grounded and impose their own self limitations that they can become frustrated and struck and need to expand their rigid routines that they are comfortable with into healthy habits. 4 children need encouragement with risk taking and knowing how to balance restriction and freedom 4s are conservative but have a theatrical side. The 5 child 5th 14th or 23rd A little 5 child needs to be understood as they see life differently. 5s can be a little wild child or outspoken, cute and tenacious and always taking the alternative way round to do things. They usually like things that are completely different and they always fit in with the norm. Their parents can be at their wits end because they can come to be rebellious as they try and get their way rather than the way that they are told . As 5s they are restless and bored easily and cannot sit still. They need to be stimulated and also highly mental and intelligent and need to travel or study and learn new things. They can be very wild as teenagers and enjoy to take all things to an extreme. They tend to settle down quite late too and can be changeable in career and personal life. Freedom and versatility and the need to feel free and unrestricted- and to be on an Adventure in life and not hemmed in! They are rebellious and forward thinkers and need to explore and need to balance their extreme or everything in excess side! 5s don’t like to be forced to do things or get reigned in! 5s can also be overwhelmingly fearful at times in their lives and also have addictive tendencies. 5s also need to be taught to be broadminded and to be non Judgmental and they may need help to focus and be less afraid. The 6 child 6th or 15th or 24th A little 6 child will need family recognition and want to save the planet or the whales .6s usually love their family this can be the identity. So, for a 6 coming from from a broken home or anything a little different they can be affected. They like the ideal and the fairytale ! So being that way orientated they make great councillors and lovely friends. As they get older they are loyal and focus on saving animals and are often involved in Humanitarian and charitable causes. .6s need to learn to be responsible and see the bigger picture justice responsibility family and beauty. They respond well to gentle negotiation rather than harshness and direct instruction. The 7 child born on 7th or 16th or 25th A little 7 child will need a lot of time alone to reboot themselves. They are little learners and quite introspective at times. 7s are deep thinkers and at times a little insular . So you mustn’t worry if you’re 7child takes the whole-afternoon to themselves or focuses for hours and hours on something that they enjoy. Being very deep thinkers and life questioners as well as diligent , project focused types is very normal for a 7. They are very task orientated even to the extreme they can hermit and detach themselves emotionally. These little loners and often be-found on their own doing something solo So a 7 child is almost like an only child in behaviour, usually keeping themselves to themselves as part of their personality inherently. The 8 child 8th or 17th or 26th A little 8 child will be power driven bomb and want to make money achieve and do well from early -It’s these powerful little ones that are usually dynamic from young . 8s are quite infexible they don’t like change and therefore can stay with the same group of people and find comfort in that . They find it difficult if somebody cuts them they are very inflexible and set in their ways, 8s are competitive and concerned with status , accolades and success as well as money and power . Leading their natural way, and they can be very hard on themselves pushing themselves to their limits always wanting to be the best and to achieve. They would need some guidance with this at times and also to learn some flexibility and to hear other other ideas that could also work and understand that sometimes another way could even work better! This is a lifetime journey for an 8 because they are usually determined that their way is best. Money power success and building an Empire are very 8 qualities. The 9 child 9th 18th 27th A little 9 child would be a little off beat and sensitive perhaps .9s need to be understood and they could be changeable in mood depending on how secure they feel. They are magical beings but can also be they can that different child - or a child or just perceived to be changeable depending on their surroundings . Thus their circumstances are very important to them as well as a calm and peaceful environment. If they feel insecure they will act up as they absorb all the negativity around and any toxicity. Thus in order to blossom, they need all the positivity around them .If a 9 is flourishing it would usually be because they feel positive and are with a positive crowd . Whereas if they are insecure or fearful, they could end up making lots of little errors! Their issues are usually because of their surroundings or their fears. They are naturally very spiritual little beings and intelligent ,but need to learn attention to detail to attain their magic because for a 9 child the world is indeed their oyster, This is really a very basic outline of each of the Childs archetypical ways as an individual. Just remember these numbers in other areas also have an effect so understanding each number in fact in each area of a child’s life is the reason that one would want a reading or an outline on the child. To get understand their uniqueness hoping that the small analysis surrounding each number though it may be broad will definitely fit with some of your children and their characteristics and hopefully act as a guideline that one can further understand them and guide them correctly rather than think that something is wrong ! Now it’s time to see who your child specifically I hope this has given you all a deeper understanding in the meantime .. Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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