21 21 21 Vibrations ..Truth and Bliss
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21 21 21 is a portal that opens this 21st September and is indeed profound this sept 21st and this 21st century 21 is all about fulfillment and happiness. 21 is the number of freedom and the gateway to truth and it breaks down to 3 which brings expression and manifesting of your desires on a large scale . The World card in Tarot represents the number 21 and is symbolic of success completion and fulfilment of desires In Numerology in ones chart as your birth number it promises triumph and victory 21 is indeed the journey to our truth and the Indeed the truth shall set you free ... 2019 is 12 which breaks down to a 3 year and 3 all about creating joy and bliss . 12 is the mirror effect of 21 and 21 the 2 is partnership and the 1 individuality So partnership and trust are joined as one and thus the joy and bliss and happiness. 21 represents truth trust and the divine and the 3 is all about passion joy and happiness . So living in Joy and truth is a process and being in ones truth and feeling free within it this 21st century is indeed the truth to bliss vibration involving Happiness to joy 21 is about partnership and creation and being in one’s state of authenticity Truth is beyond what we say it is more the energy behind the words and the feel when saying them -for some say and yet do not live their truth . Truth is a light and love is all about what you say do and it’s a belief inside each of us. It involves going deep within oneself to source sharing it In our truth it already is so there is no need to convince others of your perspective it is just so. That is the power of Truth and this 21 21 21 portal of authentic energies about being your authentic You... Number 21 is made up of the vibration of the 2 and the 1 ,number two resonates with duality finding balance consideration partnerships relationships and selflessness as well as your divine purpose and you’re Mission as a 1 includes new beginnings and striving forward. The number 21 it’s all about versatility energy charisma and communication. 21 is a message from your Angels guiding you through transitions to remain calm and balanced and happy at that will work out for your highest best good.The number 21 is about thoughts that are manifesting and positive attitude towards current change and manifesting your desired results. In your Truth you can create from a very high vibration and the cycles of life where we are all Interconnected. It is the Truth that sets us free .. It is the space to find one’s finding one’s own Solutions by going deep to your subconscious - The Journey of truth of one’s inner most self Joy comes from your own power of truth and 3 equates to joy self and expression . So the more deep the Truth the bigger the release and releasing all that is is not for ones higher best good needs to be let go of ... Accepting yourself and your truth created bliss When it comes to love and truth the Angel number 21 it’s all about receiving receiving love and happiness in ourselves and in our relationships and the meaning of 21 comes from selflessness which will benefit the relationship in positive ways. 21 is all about new beginnings and change and one must not be afraid because one has to bring the world into balance and harmony and be ready to see the world through your own eyes in a more Independent way. 21 also means new opportunities right in front of you and to focus on these and having a positive attitude in these necessary changes . 21 being all about new beginnings and knowing the balance is inside of you and being ready to give as well as receive and is about being positive and is all about removing self doubts in your life. Believing and focusing on Yourself and leaving your hurts and disappointments behind you so that you can move forward and shine even if your situation has been difficult to overcome ... 21 indicates that you will find a way to happiness through and around the obstacles and talking about one’s innermost feelings is also important and also minding one’s words and being considerate and kind . 21 is about giving life to others but also allowing others to love you and looking deep inside patterns appear to do with this . If one breaks down 21 it is also a deep understanding of the numbers 2 and 1 and 12 is about Core diplomacy and is the mirror 1 and 2 .So to trust when it’s time for new beginnings and positive attitude watching one’s own beliefs and thoughts and creating one’s own reality motivating yourself for positive outcome. 21 is a creative spirit and drawing in a reliable partner and if there is conflict in an existing partnership to try and find a way to compromise and maintain the partnership if it is essentially good . 21 energy is all about self expression relationship diplomacy inspiration and optimism .If 21 your Destiny number there is an optimistic and artistic feel around relationships with the Life Path number it means there is creativity required to maintain relationships .This creative spirit and the basic essence of this number is all about cherishing friendships partnerships and relationships and learning to express them creatively and with authenticity . The 21 being the essence of the 3 and the intrinsic number is about self-determination partnership self-expression truth and freedom joy and bliss . Symbolism of number 21 is the principle of individuality place between the world and spirits and meet the meeting of both representing harmony and creation number 21 is the highest possible number 3representing maturity and responsibility and the divine. If you’re born on the 21st of any month your vibration also be similar to a three at 12 or 30 because the numbers all reduced to 3 being optimistic creative charismatic and joyful number. 21 is a message from your guardian angel to put trust into them and manifest your desires spiritually and it is the symbol of new beginnings.. Happy September 21st and 21 /3 vibrations this 21st Century By Lauren xx September is an auspicious month and it fascinates me to go back to September 11 of 2001 when 9/11 occurred. I am always intrigued by the meaning of the numbers in relation to this topic -So I will now touch on the Numerology with specific regard to that 9/11 day. .here goes ... Sometimes the old needs to be released for the new to begin .. The number 9 means Visions and Conclusions and 11 equates to Partnership and the double 11 is about Manifesting. On this day 2 planes crashed into the World Trade centre and the impact of which changed the world as we know it . 2 of the 4 planes were the number 11 2001 being a 3 year which represents fire and passion as well fanaticism is indeed very apt. So what supposedly occurred and for what reason or purpose - 92 people left Boston for LA..on that day - A flight attendant reported a possible hi jacking to ground control - Two accidental transmissions to ground control were made -The US defence force alerted National Guard to tail flight 11, but before that could happen flight 11 crashed into North Tower -Then Both North and South Tower collapsed Much later some bizarre facts became prevalent : -An 18th century ship was found beneath the building rubble -A plane part found 11 years later in a New York alley believed to be part of the landing gear of the plane -A new man started his job that day supposedly grounded and closed down US airspace -resulting in two more planes crashing that very same day! 1 Into the pentagon and 1 in Pensilvania and It was indeed noted as a morning of chaos ! The numbers 9/11 continue to fascinate me The Numerology of 9/11 is as follows 1 promises a new journey or cycle 9 Is a conclusion or ending and that is what happened.. 9/11 in conjunction is a breakthrough to create the new- A transition either a beginning or an ending -A leadership role on the horizon. 9 is about completions and endings compassion and wisdom, often spiritual wisdom and a higher level of evolution involving a significant change and this impacted on the entire world following this event . 11 is about ambition for the future and double 11 is positive new beginnings and initiations. The double ones in 11 are self focused intention and actions involving deeper truths and humanitarian ideals 9 with a 1 is powerful so with a 11 super powerful and 911 is an emergency number and is the response to urgency and danger and upon impulse involves fighting and change which is what 9/11 has been deemed to be about .. Thus, different powers and different truths.. The Angel meaning of 9/11 - It is all about being transparent and that the truth will set you free - this being very much in sync with 9 vibrations.. 9/11 is danger and impulse and believing in something noble 9 is the culmination of something and 1 is Start of the new The Psychic meaning of 9/11 involves moving to a new level of consciousness and embracing love and freedom Thus these interpretations overlap with all the meanings and innuendos of 9/11 Glimpsing at the Conspiracy Theory aspects on 9/11 Was it an inside job ? Did the planes crashing into the building, in fact weaken the building that was perhaps simultaneously demolished ? Some other Facts and Understandings 9/11 had a Truth commission investigate further in 2009 many of whom came from diverse backgrounds and many feel that was an inside job ... - Tower 7 collapsed without being hit by a plane .. Perhaps It was a controlled demolition of the buildings of the World Trade Centre There are some that feel the government did not tell the truth -There was no plane wreckage at Pentagon attack -Speculation that was a perhaps even a missile or an unmanned drone -Was it indeed a planned Conspiracy? How come the US Air force the mostPowerful Air Force in the world intercepted No planes that day - a disaster killed almost 3000 people ! Whatever happened that day and why it seems we will never truly know. Yet that disaster ended the world as we know it in so many ways - New safety and travel laws and restrictions that are far more intrusive have become the norm at airports in the name of safety. Which truths to believe and whom to now trust , sanctity broken and who to blame? New beginnings and implementation of rules and extra precautions and regulations 9/11 a profound moment in our history that changed how the world is to how the world now and the tragic loss of unnecessary lives ! Will we learn from the 9 or will we mirror mask and repeat and will the 11 new way be better or is there more to come ? These are indeed questions that remain with us and i ope you enjoyed my interpretation It is indeed a profound event as is its meaning via Numerology and we just hope that our world can learn from disasters such as this ...Always Remember ...or should we rather never Forget? By Lauren xx
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September is a 9 Vibration month and indeed a month of culminations and new beginnings - September is Libra and the scales of balance - A time to release and a time to make positive change as well as major life decisions . September is a 9 energy -to do with completions and change and embracing changes in our own lives. It is about reaching decisions finding the balance and focusing on what truly inspires the soul rather than being distracted by frivolous things and learning to see the beauty in the simplest things is important for our true and authentic happiness . If one looks at this September and the first quarter it’s all about steering yourself in a direction well you can reap the rewards of your work and see what is and isn’t successful in your life during the last quarter of September 2019. There is a waning moon representing the end of cycles again the 9 and maybe some decisions and some reflection needed. Indeed the 28th of September is the New moon very much invigorating time the 1 a period of luck ,planning, strength, newness and creative times- A time of new beginnings break throughs and overcoming some difficult times and endings this September. The planets are indeed as follows this September -Venus in Virgo, which is really a time to look at once finances and pay attention to spending . Jupiter and Venus affect these aspects and they can be some confusion in this regard. By the middle of September to the 3rd of October when Mercury crosses Libra and is later conjunct Venus it is time to sort out both agreements and relationships in that regard. Mercury and Pluto will also be in conflict which one means one must watch one’s words. Mars and Pluto in harmony is a time for strategy and building. Jupiter connecting with Libra towards the end of September can also be good for romance and good fortune as long as one is connecting in these matters for ones Highest and best good otherwise the need for completions and endings will occur. September is also when Saturn in Capricorn goes direct -this in fact occurs on 18th this is all about focusing more on ones Life Purpose and ones work. Vesta Retrograde in Taurus on 23rd is more about patterns that affect our self confidence and looking more closely at these, so that by the time the end of September occurs ,we have done more of the work on ourselves . 9 as a Vibration is also about finding the magic making the World your Oyster and really eliminating what no longer serves . The shifting of focus back into the flow and once in the flow the 9 Magic is possible and appears as though from nowhere. It is vibration where anything is possible and attainable when we find our truth and align ourself to the highest vibration and shift into our authentic focus on what is truly important . This is key to unlocking all the possibilities in our worlds even in our friendships relationships and in our careers and on our life Journeys and Soul paths. Hoping that is 9 September interpretation resonates for you - Happy September and heres to attaining 9 magic and taking it into 2020 ! By Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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