This September 2023 is a 9 month in a 7 year and a superb 9 at that ,incorporating self liberation via the
ending of karmic cycles and toxic patterns of what no longer serves , allowing us to re look re assess re address and even revive what is meant to stay and accept what is meant to leave to teach us on our unique Individual journeys of our fated truths… They say it’s all in the journey and not the destination The month starts with post effects of the once in 25 years Pisces blue Supermoon moon unfolding of our next quarter century once in a Blue moon…the next one 25 years a magical time like no other in this window in the pisces Virgo Axis where structure meets spirituality! Fated moments occur where Virgo has a plan and Pisces is feelings and yearning and wanting to do things right . September starts with a grand trine of Mercury Uranus and Pluto at the beginning of September and on 3rd h Venus the planet of love and beauty finally goes Direct after 40 days of being retrograde which enabled us to address and make the changes that we’ve needed to make in our love lives our partnerships with our hearts ❤️ what we do and don't want for ourselves. September 4 Jupiter retrograde begins, which is not as common as Venus retrograde. It’s about confronting problems. It can sometimes make us be overwhelmed and stuck on a particular problem a time to decifer things once and for all as Jupiter Retrograde is the end of 2023 until 30 December so this is a time to move through karma and access what is truly meant for us . Mercury Retrograde ends on sept 15th we have been chaotic with all sorts of mishaps such as miscommunication and contract disputes and other confusions accidents car and computer issues due to the Mercury Retrograde pull! Venus ending its retrograde, as well as Mercury Retrograde in full swing slows us down to do that soul search and that taking that neeeded re look especially at our most heartfelt relationships Being in Virgo season it is about the detail and the practicality of our lives health wealth love life and wellbeing. we need to ask the pertinent questions and get to the core and the truth.. How do our dreams and illusions unfold and which are which?Where is the truth the magic and where is the facades?Where is our stability and how to join two ends of the spectrum of the truth and self deception? Do we need to embark on the new and take those risks or does Venus and Mercury allow for the return of something from the past with someone in order learn the next step ? It is all about love self love and working on our inner wounding and Chiron retrograde is also there to help highlight and unravel our wounding and our toxic cycles Each of our stories are different as we embark are each on our own unique journeys walking our own paths and experiencing something different to learn our life lessons expand our souls through the agony and ecstasy and the journey in between Virgo season a time to love yourself more to release those repetitive ruminating thoughts that go over and over in one’s mind keeping one see saw ing or stuck rather being feeling and allowing the the mind and getting in touch with the heart by strategising writing down journaling, or even meditating to feel it rather than think it. Using our gut and intuition removing any obligation or manipulation from making decisions that impact on us and our lives going forward and finding our unique balance -creating those structures and order and trying to get clarity before impulsive action with possible errors miscommunication and misunderstandings during this Mercury Retrograde tale place amidst the delays and inevitable chaos during this time of complete reassessment of where we are at in our lives in our social lives in our work lives, and trying to put together a more balanced perspective all of these later in September we go forward into Libra season a time to balance and find justice the 9 September which may mean ending chapters and cycles to allow for fresh new beginnings or re connection of previous cycles to complete them by giving them a fair chance each of us on our unique journeys.. Seven planets in retrograde during September Uranus has been retrograde in Taurus is what we need financially to feel stable goes direct on 4th a time to mend wrongs and a time to emotionally transcend and Jupiter Retrograde allows us to explore expand see things from a new perspective and evolve Re looking at this lots of rumination of thoughts and figuring things out amidst tower moments revealing truths that set us free. Chiron the wounded healer planet Turning our wounds into wisdom Mercury is reassessing our love and partnership relationships break up make ups 2nd chances or not … just total weighing up and reevaluating as well as Venus retrograde which is all about our love partnerships and relationships what is right for our soul going forward verses what is for a season a reason or a lesson on our sacred journeys Neptune Retrograde taking off the rose tinted shades and smashing the illusions from reality proper reality check time and 9th month 9 is completions culminations endings followed by new beginnings moon Mars retrograde involves tackling the issue head on and no displacement on anger Saturn retrograde is a review and revision of our karmic lessons within pit journeys Jupiter retrograde is a reminder need to expand our horizons to get the results we wish for Uranus retrograde is shake up revolution time and finding new ways to create old intentions ..and Pluto retrograde about embracing our own unique inner power to overcome tower moments and seeming obstacles in our way of achieving the life we wave be it in love and or career so dealing with all of this in a 9 month ..the humanitarian and the egoistic and overcoming the naivety of the mirroring and projecting we all do and reaching where we are meant September 9is a time of restoration of balance. There is light at the end of end of the tunnel. Should we add a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow this is especially when both Venus and Mercury go direct or it’s about re prioritizing things in our life, taking time to feel breathe look at our hearts desires now the heart feels a little bit lighter one can go forward with a bigger sense of curiosity and wonder, Jupiter goes retrograde on September 4 we get an extra dose of larger than bigger than which is why we want to have sorted out values during Venus retrograde September 9/9 is the 99 portal opening the ending of cycles and birth of new opportunities focusing on inner wisdom and our own spiritual jounney to the truth September 14 new moon in Virgo shows the possibility of something beautiful and magical occurring where dreams can come true - It is a time for a clean slate reviewing and rebalancing of career and love partnerships as well was self =care routines and health being Virgo season. Neptune September 15. Make sure he goes direct which is about moving forward and magically turning things around that especially with something that seems stuck or broken beyond repair clarity truth and closure is possible and prevalent at this time . September 17 Venus squeeze Jupiter and we feel this influence for the entire month of September wanting to pay attention to what transpires around this time for you which means those are the things we need to work on September 23 the sun enters libra it is time for a balancing act this time for equality it is time to be open to we not me to do without comes It is the Equinox a time for self reflection and stillness September 29 is the full moon an Aries a fiery time f creativity and rising go out inner phoenix turning our wounds into tapestries a time of fire renewal and balance and justice returning to the end game ! So indeed a fascinating month full of culminations leading to new goals and creative new beginnings Hoping you enjoyed this interpretation by LAUREN XXX |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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