May ..2023 ..mayhem, profound change.. from total chaos comes order ..a new order in the form of new beginnings , new focus and a lot of fated unexpected twists and turns to put us on the right path this 5/5 month! Yes moving us onto our true north and with Mercury retrograde in Taurus very early in the month together with the Scorpio eclipse on the 5/5 day 5th it is a month activation of the #555 portal so huge change ahead in anything and everything from our jobs to our homes to our lives in general! Amidst the rocking of our worlds as we know it the only way around it is to adapt and be super flexible..easier said than done ! We need to be out the box thinking freedom and transformation orientated and we cannot stay stuck in what was or any self limiting patterns as our entire ways of being are being turned upside down and literally shaken upside down and from this turmoil comes transformation whether we are ready or not an no more inauthentic ways of being ! We are being forced to shift and heal and face our fears and address our shadow side! These changes in our attitudes our habits our partners and our lives are fated and karmic and now us the time to make the changes and live life in a forced new way . May is already a 5 month which is about freedom thinking, breaking out the box non-conventional but if we take a look at the month itself it it quite chaotic and challenging to say the least! We start on 1 May with Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius this highlights technology expansion on a global level and brings anything that has been suppressed to the lime light 1 May is the day is also Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun a powerful day of new insights and pioneering and clarity on this Mercury Retrograde day and because of the Retrograde a little slower til mid May with contracts and completions of projects a lot of assessing and re assessing and overcoming of unforeseen obstacles .Juggling things around and dodging curve balls ! May 5 Scorpio, full moon, lunar eclipse on the 5th bringing about a lot of heightened emotions and transformative energy peeking around this time people from the past re appearing and resurfacing for completion either re entering as new beginnings or else completion and endings of cycles -especially with the eclipse arriving on the 5th sudden twists turns and change During Mercury Retrograde it is a time to re check details and decisions need to be re-looked at best not to sign contracts at this time so a kind of back-and-forth feel to tasks and matters of the heart -best not to make any major decisions at this time as they will also possibly sway . May 9, the with sun conjunction Uranus a volatile day - we may really feel compelled to make some changes in our home lives relationships and work fronts thus It all gets a little shaky and things get pushed out if our control either with delays and miscommunications and general upheaval and lack of flow all leading though to bigger awakenings freedom and inevitable change which is indeed the game this month of May! 5 in numerology is huge travel movement shake ups making out the box decisions Being pushed right out of our comfort zones that life will probably never be quite the same 14th May is another 5 /5day and Mercury goes direct into Taurus and so like a sea saw and it’s all about much faster insights towards our financial goals and relationships especially with money .Things transpire more efficiently again after the shadow of mercury retrograde so things will complete themselves between 14th and 21st of May in business deals will conclude and life will flow a bit better When Jupiter squares, Pluto and it may make us feel like look at our power and we may feel it is necessary and face the challenges that are ahead more head on more bravely and it’s all change change change!! 555! May 16 Jupiter enters Taurus, A very important cosmic transit creating a new financial cycle and a time to plan longer term finances and a time to build up security for the future Jupiter which is the planet of expansion and thus will enhance any lessons for us, and any disruptions or indecision. It is indeed a time for expansion globally and individually. May 19 the Taurus new moon it may be a time to recharge relax and closing off the eclipse portal a re-organise and align oneself and digest the massive changes that have occurred and in especially in the areas cash flow too May 19 Mars is conjunct Pluto another fiery planet exchange a time for arguments, restlessness, irritability be careful of your words at this time May 21st The sun enters Gemini and Gemini season starts, which is a time for the two aspects of our being our soul and all physical body to become tested so we will feel more energetic and creative at this time and a time to share with others May 27 to the 29th when the sun Square Saturn they are also some difficulties in this alignment, and we can look at what came up for u which challenges we are putting off the end of May is the time in to focus on all the changes that we’ve had in this month. Look at our intuition, our wisdom, and try to go with the higher portal of frequency that is aligned with the sun aligning with the royal star, it is a silver gate portal that opens at this time. Mass of learning experiences are ahead Scorpio eclipse 5/5 . Freedom change each day formulating a New life over next 6 months October 28th last eclipse of the series with the last eclipse and end of Pluto retrograde MAY 29-31 The Alderbaran Gateway is activated by the Sun a thinning of the veil at this Time a time to use our inner wisdom and a time where soul contracts are activated and a time for soul lessons So by the end of May life may look really different by then and it will have been a rocky ride for many! By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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