October 2022 is a 1 month in a 6 year so about project focus and spiritual growth as well as a transformation 7 overture. Being the 10th month in Numerology, it becomes a 1 ,so it is about completions of cycles leading to new beginnings as the underlying theme. There is feeling of movement, progress and forward motion this October, a moving forward fast and not looking back in all areas of life at this time! The 1st of October and the 10th are when the #101 and #1010 portals are ignited signifying energetically the completion and closing off of chapters followed by flow and forward toward the new . People come into our lives to journey with us in order to teach us -some are temporary and some are more permanent depending on the journey and the lessons we each have to learn.. At times one can literally be the light for someone in the dark or else they come in to teach us something in our lives as we are all here to learn and evolve …We go through different things to prepare us for what is meant for us on our paths which continually teach and enlighten us along the way . So accepting this and understanding the reason season or the lifetime aspects of our experiences on our journey and the mastering of these lessons is indeed key. Working on our deepest wounds and tackling the shadow sides of our personalities and doing the inner work as we grow and become different versions of who we once were . At times we repeat these lessons as we prepare ourselves for our next chapter of our lives and shed what no longer serves us and as we reach a higher vibration we naturally shed and eliminate toxic connections and either grow apart or grow together with them- this being the lesson and the journey unique for each of us and healing along the way . At this time clarity and completion of cycles by working through our insecurities and our repetitive patterns as well as our triggers which allows for our healing and allows each of us to evolve and learn . It can offer closure of chapters and more certainty on our paths and give us direction in our love partnerships especially as we recently we have had a lot of time to re-assess these partnerships and our careers as well as our careers and financial situations. During this intense Mercury Retrograde that ended on the 1st of October it forced us to find workable solutions to overcome our triggers and offered healing to our wounds and helped us overcome some issues that were highlighted along the way. By setting new boundaries and making some firm changes decisions and adjustments and at times even a re routing was needed.. By making these slow and sure yet consistent changes and by facing our inner truths and tackling these things head on rather than oscillating back and forth, in indecision with one step forward and two steps back and understanding what feels good. for us In our gut and our hearts and what doesn't allowing us to learn move and grow. With the unpredictability of the world at large currently we all need to learn to be super adaptable and flexible and make amended plans to stand solid on our own two feet. Together with universal timing and the Solar Eclipse this month in Scorpio it also makes for faster movement and unexpected change and ultimate conclusions becoming crystal clear with no more oscillation and procrastination. This growth and transformation that has occurred is major post the intense Mercury retrograde days whereby the previous delays and unforeseen complications that have occurred and the tower moments that shook us up to our core enables us to face the lessons the truth smack bang head on! Navigating these severe curve balls have also made for wild yet also wonderful and refreshing exciting times learning to navigate and circumvent and do the necessary damage control . October with the Scorpio Eclipse also forces us to see life as a series of new discoveries and a beginning of new journeys, new ways and leaving old ways that were should I or shouldn't I far behind ...becoming decisive and implementing change being key. October with the Solar Eclipse will be also redirecting us onto our true north...our authentic paths with some forces and unexpected changes that just become necessary. This transformation occurs post these intense retrogrades ( 6 planets hand in retrograde at the same time ) whereby the past three weeks have been full of issues delays and unforeseen complications within our own lives making us re examine things carefully so resetting and opening new flow in new directions. Getting things t tackling our projects in a refreshing way so things unfold and happen more smoothly.. A time to concentrate on our selves our growth our own inner journeys and thus completing these projects . 1 is about our individuality our inner most wants and needs for ourselves to blossom and on the 10th the 1010 portal which opens is indeed a powerful reset day toward these completions in our lives and generally a time of new and grand steps big movement towards this , October being is a month of personal growth it is a time to enjoy the Libra win win balance vibes and self-care aspects and a time to adapt to the eclipse energy which is fated in its direction and much unexpected change redirecting us onto our true north and the authentic direction that we are pushed whether we are ready or not ! So October 1st Mercury Retrograde in Virgo is finally over- the most intense 3 weeks prior ever and it is time for slightly calmer waters ahead after a very difficult and upside down period. On 8th October Pluto the planet of transformation and destruction in Capricorn goes direct - It been in retrograde from April 25th so it has been a time of reflection and growth. If we look at the recent Pluto retrograde lessons that came up for us to see more about the changes and destiny in our careers. Capricorn is a about rules and a time to know how to work within the new environments that have come to be and the huge shifts which can result in job or career changes very positive for many. The old ways just don't or won't work any longer and thus It can be a dark and scary time for many but the new ways ahead are also exciting so a positive mindset is required and huge transformation and growth to do with toxic patterns and even certain relationships coming to an end making the changes that are imperative to our inner well being and growth. On the 9th of October there is a full moon in Aries so they will be a very fiery vibe and it can also be a time of passion and temper and a time of courage to overcome obstacles and to align with our souls purpose. It can be a tricky time romantically in our partnerships a need for freedom and love -It can result in reconciliation with a loved one or a business partner especially as Mercury goes into Libra on October 10th making for making for those win-win situations a balancing of the scales of life love and justice. What is meant shall never pass you by but it is imperative to adapt and to choose partnerships wisely and be prepared to work on them and grow together . Venus enters Scorpio at the same tie as the Sun making it am intense time emotionally a time to go deeper look very seriously look at our levels of commitment in our love relationships and they cannot definitely deepen at this time. It is also very much about transformation to do with finances as well and love and it’s mystery and transformation is all round and it is quite a powerful time to make emotional and financial investments towards long-term growth during full moon a there is definitely a time of high emotion especially when broaching emotions and things will just shift again towards the 23rd of October when Venus moves into Scorpio which may feel more relaxed and romantic The Sun in Scorpio brings up the buried truth that come to the surface the via the Solar Eclipse which pushes us toward some life altering changes towards our destiny via certain unforeseen tower moments that can occur and change our lives and its direction forever so a super exciting time ! October 28 is Jupiter retrograde Jupiter and Jupiter re-enters Pisces for the second time this year , so it is about ones dreams and a time to get honest with ourselves , indeed a a spiritual time and a time for philosophical growth and development ..where are we and where do we need to be or get to for ourselves? October 29 when Mercury enter Scorpio time to deepen connections the time to be more serious on the 25th of October there is also Scorpio new moon and just before on 23rd Saturn the planet of structure is about re evaluation as it moves into Aquarius Focusing on our projects again is a good idea what we will do forward with and what our dreams and destiny want for ourselves .It is a time for massive transformation and also to look at what needs to be sacrificed to actualise these dreams especially as Mars enters a two month retrograde period too this October The partial solar eclipse in Scorpio entails huge and somewhat major fast shifts and tempers and high emotion and high stress too this is also time .Ending difficult or karmic situations that are bad for one emotionally and time to choose to love oneself first is key. Mars is a planet of conflict so as it goes retrograde on October 30 things may turn difficult again for all of us We must watch our words when getting our point across and precise communication is important .Indeed a time for high energy and creativity for many a turning point in ones life and for some a change in direction -so a lot to look forward to albeit brisk change upheaval and excitement and a bit of chaos ! Saturn square Uranus is about looking at the past and the future and taking the steps in the authentic direction so its all happening from all angles ..so much change and an exhilarating exciting crazy October ! Enjoy the ride and manifest those miracles-work on your dreams ! Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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