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February 2021 is a 2 month in a 5 year therefore the 2 energy influences us in a big way and an underlying 7 energy also exists. In Numerology 2 being all about partnerships -it is a month of divine partnerships too, so blessings in this area of ones life- A time to look at ones partnerships both in business and in our personal lives and then some re-evaluation of these during the Mercury Retrograde which lasts the first 20 days of February . Then there is the 5 underlying chaos of 2021 which is all about change and transformation which is simmering this whole month and year bringing about radical change to our world upon the arrival of the Age of Aquarius. On the 2nd February 2/2 there is the opening of huge energy portal and this entails energetic downloads and upgrades of information and the 2 again is emphasis both love partnerships and business ones - Are things fair and flowing in these areas of your life ?What do we need to balance or change ?These are some of the likely themes... On Feb 11th there is the cosmic Stellium line up which clustering of 7 planets in Aquarius all at once! These planets include the Sun the Moon ,Mercury ,Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Pallas all simultaneously in Aquarius and Pluto also nearing Aquarius resulting in an intense time . This unusual line up is indicative of change- Aquarius being an air and mental element -thus a change of thinking on a world wide scale and a move over to new systems and out the box thinking. The use of the mind the intellect and expression of many different view points which showing up truths verses deception and disagreements of ways different thinking in the world to do with Aquarius in identifying the "Truth" and getting to the heart of the matter - So this February this unravelling of this in the world leading can lead to uprising and chaos thus the riots around the world are already in play and are like to continue. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus and Uranus is in Taurus for the next 7 years - Taurus rules money and Uranus involves unexpected change - So rapid changes in banking systems currency and the financial markets may occur and turbulent stock markets. Mars is in retrograde in Aries at this time til 20th February a lot of reassessing and re evaluation. If we look back at when Saturn last went through Aquarius it was Feb 1991-1993 the end of Apartheid in SA the Rodney King Riots and also the first woman Prime minister in Canada as well as the 1st internet becoming available and Bitcoin was created so now it is all this magnified and more occurring in this new Aquarian Age-. The Aquarian energy is about looking at new systems of technology- also the questions of how it is being used or abused. Looking at value of currency and money and banking systems what Is real what is tangible. It is also about freedom and independence and different thinking going forward. The 5 energy is the revolution and riots energy -people are wanting to know what is going on -people are standing up fir what they believe in- so this 5 chaos time while Uranus and Mars squares is all about "wrong verses right" and at times not being able to see others perspectives - this is uncomfortable times and Aquarius energy is a time of upheaval and restructure on a grand scale. The New moon on feb 11th is at 23 degrees Aquarius and with all the planets in Aquarius it can entail big changes in life In general it is a time for goal setting and restructure. Feb 12 is the Chinese New Year the year of the Ox it is a time for grounding and is a yin metal energy - so a brand new Year in play. On feb 17th The Saturn is at 7 degrees Aquarius and Saturn squares Uranus which involves breaking of rules and this leads to progress via upheaval and revolution - Governments and structures and norms will be questioned and some universal truths and there will be a turning point with the full moon is in Virgo ends the month promoting a slightly more gentle healing vibe. So February 2021 is in fact the most pivotal month of the most important month since the Jupiter Saturn conjunction with a 20 year impact So ..hoping with this heads up you can master this February and evolve with the times Thank you for this opportunity keep an eye on your finances and your relationships as prepare for quite a stressful month. By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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