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September is 9 vibrations -Magical transformation from chaos comes order ! 9 is about turning things around into the positive as the negative can be hugely overwhelming in our own lives and collectively .The negativity of late can literally pull one down thus draining and depleting one completely. So it is best to use your intuition at this time and any tools you have to find positivity and to keep your wits about you as it is a time to re-evaluate your life completely and look at all that is working and all that is not. With 9 culmination energy start to complete and remove cycles that no longer serve and remove all toxic connections and thoughts that hinder our growth . To use the 9 magic to journey towards authenticity and what feels right for you .This mean literally making change Now - Identifying and moving away from toxic connections and any toxicity that is in and around your world. Finding time to be still to pinpoint and find the answers that are right for you within this stillness . So to find a way to embrace 9 magic and to avoid falling deep into the mirroring of negativity and fear driven aspects where 9 vibration of mirroring can pullnYou down verses achieving 9 magic which is also an option at this time .. Planetary wise this September Jupiter and Saturn both end their retrogrades -Jupiter Retro ends Sept 13th and Saturn goes direct into Capricorn on September 23rd . Jupiter is all about discipline reaching goals as well as courage and self respect ! Saturn is about rules and discipline.There are 2 moons this September that will affect us - A full moon in Pisces September 2nd and then New moon in Virgo September 17th which is to do with highly analytical decisions making and determining which course of action to take both in business and in personal relationships thus an important and defining time. Mars goes retrograde in Aries on Sept 9th to November 14th. This last happened 32 years ago in 1988 and won’t happen again til 2067- This energy is all about tapping in and then acting with courage and doing what is right for you -evolving and not making enemies in this process of your finding your truth and redirection . On 27th September when Mercury goes into Scorpio a time to assess ones close relationships and emotions as well as true desires and differentiate from illusions or fantasy in ones life and looks to make major authentic decisions. This September one must be cautious of who you surround yourself by as well as what you read what you take on board as 9 is a mirrorIng the energies of those you and coming out of this crisis a lot of fear and misinformation to sift through and decifer for yourself . 9 is a month of mirrors or magic it’s a month where is is imperative to find your own path your own true north and to really note when you are mirroring toxic energies to note when you feel exhausted and drained or depleted. This occurs when you are taking on toxicity around you rather than positivity that can literally sink you rather than allow you to fly ! So learning lessons and releasing karma can be involved too here. Whereas in the flip side 9 magic and positivity anything and the magic transformer energy and power associated with 9 means anything Is possible and it’s time to transform now and aim high! Deep intuition and usIng you inner 9 gut feel is necessary as the choices are what will shape you ! So a time where anything you want can either become or fall . So you are either flying or sinking depending on your choices .Themes like walking away from illusion and distinguishing reality from illusion . It is a month of optimism and pessimism Like day and night or the sun and the moon and you are destined to evolve and learn and at the same time be in your own truth and truly surrender and detach and let the truth flow transforming into pure magic in your life . This applies to career projects partnerships and your love partnerships ..Be discerning and authentic and be true to yourself and always be You ! Collectively it is a time of much chaos preceding change mirrors and the magic of transformation-reading and understanding the bigger picture for the world at large ending of many old ways of doing things, preparing for new beginnings -a time to evolve and adapt time to change and transform -our World as we know it will never be the same ! Growing tensions around the world new rules being implemented and broken conforming or Not Hoping you enjoyed this September interpretation By Lauren XX |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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