In order to calculate Your personal it you take your DAY plus your MONTH of birth January to December and add to the current year so to 2020 Eg so Jenny born 17 June 1970 birthday her Her personal year is calculated The 8 day 6 month added to the 4year 2020 (CURRENT year ) So 8 +6+4 =18=9 So that’s a 9 year which is Endings Completions and Culminations Nb if ones birthday hasn’t happened yet you use the year before so 1 year Beginnings and Creativity 1 is an action year the beginning of a 9 year cycle so about looking at chances and potential of new beginnings. So about actually doing it and not just talking about it -action moving forwards with enthusiasm and exploring different options 1 Is about individuality and independence and implementation of change even if it means going in a brand new direction pushing forward the new and releasing and breaking away from situations or partnerships that are holding you back .It is about focus on nopportunities and just starting and pursuing incredible opportunity outside the box thinking and pioneering all or some of those never ending new ideas and actually starting Somewhere even if it means overcoming some start up problems and the will to take unexpected new direction and make the changes for You 2Year Partnerships relationships and Cooper This is often about partnerships in business of partnership in love . In business it can be about delegation within partnership you do this and I do that and also may Involve dividing of tasks or taking control of business and finances. So assessing and choosing partnerships wisely reassessing Understanding of people it can also be removing what no longer serves without being afraid of endings especially if toxic or karmic and working on values and creation of harmony .it can be about timing and patience and teamwork and cooperation What skills are required like patience or honesty looking at things like dependency or even co dependency and always being in your truth and using you gut and intuition to feel and see whether they are authentic. Healthy patterns in partnership and creating a win win situation Making sure you are balancing your partnerships 3 Creativity Expression work is creative optimistic expressive and highly fiery energy passionate and highly emotional energy that can be my way or the high way or argumentative vibes . 3 is about skills and working hard and getting the job done and it is a job well done .3 is fire and high energy so feeling empowered and passionate and energized moving out of self doubt and bring focus on creative aspects of pursuits not getting stressed and overwhelmed and then loosing your cool emotionally through temper or sensitivity and just finding a way to overcome any possible curve balls strategically. 3 is about creativity accessing your gifts and unique skills and making it happen and also about emotional well being and expression. Using creative ability keeping the passion for the project and aiming toward expansion And true potential outburst emotion and time for creative conclusions and finding your way forward in a creative way .3 is also about control of emotions and not letting them rule you and unleashing creativity communicating and expressing moving through fear to success and moving your ideas to Centre strange happiness love and laughter and spontaneity expression of emotions and staying optimistic and not allowing emotions to pull you down people and situations to trigger you and finding the joys in life 4 Structures foundations practically is about structure order and routine as well has hard work and dedication .It is about pushing ahead not allowing restrictions or uncertainties unsettle or deter you from your plans and goals .4 is about making step by step plans and achievable goals and being strategic. It is about organizing work and things staying focused on your priorities Issues must be tackled calmly and methodically and by keeping focused on the task at hand and doing what is needs to be done in an orderly structured and organized way and exploring all options .It is about overcoming uncertainty and rearranging through detailed planning and looking at how to overcome any issues with calm and ordered energy-tackling one thing at a time ..4 can be about overcoming self limitation too and any self imposed rigidity or routines that may prevent you from moving ahead and it is also about looking at the structure and foundations of things making sure they are solid and practical and pragmatic solutions toward opportunity . Structures to work with in a 4 year are very important to create as well as boundaries in work and home situations.4 can be about practicalities in the home and making the ideal home and home life for yourself and your family too .it is also about your about identifying what matters to you and visualizing planning and reaching goal it may entail looking at your finances and your purpose and breaking of limiting circumstances becoming determined and setting goals and planning to achieve them 5 Expansion and change freedom and adventure Expansion change adventure working hard looking at how to make necessary change with the structures and opportunities getting motivated get up n go freedom thinking out the box unconventional ideas embracing change attention to detail don’t rush overcoming restrictions and new ways of our the box rebel thinking good time for movement and or travel overcoming unexpected turns or twists be ready and and new ideas come to you intense movement month so keep in balance watch for extremes freedom frustration if you stuck rather consider different alternatives or ways freedom of thought new ideas exploring deeper understanding of way forward and navigating that get up and go energy keep up your fierce desires time for 5 can be a pivot point mastering freedom and change remaining curious not shutting down due to overcoming overwhelm actions 5 is about diversity change and taking risk and changes and it can be sudden unexpected change and chaos using your adventurous side and changing course or Job or movement and being flexible with the unforeseen creating and enjoying freedom and making choicely change and break free and what to do on your life in order to do his be curious but not scatters broaden your horizons Change and the new and use your own gut and free will just take the plunge and go for it ! 6 Communication Responsibility Communication responsibilities and getting creative have fun make the office feel like home create Harmony be conscious of networking opportunities .Looking at friendships and family relationships step back and yet balance responsibility it’s a month of service offering service communication and opportunities and being magnetic and look at where you what to focus and do that -help others without judging and create respect and be genunje be the problem solver and the peacemakers exploring ideals and finding justice and balance and can be time due re charge and some fun mastering responsibility and obligation. Can be time for relationships balancing family responsibilities and work life resolving relationships in the work place and at home navigation of this responsibilities being social with the work team online if not face to face work ok or toward humanitarian aspects look at your duties and your loyalties and Your responsibility release judgment 7 year Self growth self Development How to stand alone Be introspective and finding deeper meaning in seclusion go with the flow taking time out to sort out the mind and reboot reset and reflect use intuition stillness go within project focus looking at where change is needed keeping above the intensity prioritizing and self reflection removing yourself from whirlwind energies what are you doing to evolve what are you outgrowing And being patient meditate and reflect what do you truly want go deep Look also at your own opportunities self revelation and spiritual opening overcome and or utilize ur introspective 7 to project focus on the detail it’s about getting organized re-evaluation taking time slowing down going within too does it all sit right getting your head around changes by going within focus focus is 7 energy depth spiritual intuition and use your deep inner gut and knowledge 8 Power Money Material year is about money power and personal achievement true under balance and wealth creation and the way in which you can become more dependable -it is about manifestation of money and the material and establishing financial security and demands discipline and hard work achievement about making plans to achieve and if necessary the changes in order that your are in the right job or place tuning into your ambition that you are dependable and powerful and a good provider in some cases on expansion and building a legacy and following your desire for fulfillment -8s are driven and want to accomplish what they desire do need to define and set goals and make things happen and learn to make it happen see the opportunity and not stay in negative situations and if necessary working through the tough stuff to get there mastering success power and being wary of stress obsessive behavior and addictive behavior using your issues to learn from and not be victim of -8s can over be very materialistic snd driven workaholic and identity themselves through having financial success also just take charge of things in your life don’t let it just be money and power that drives you and aim to balance the ego and and go after your own desires for the right reasons and not be egotistical about success and do things reliably and practically and also find inner happiness and contentment 9 Culminations and Completions Endings need to occur for new beginnings to start so it about magic and mirrors completions and culminations-it can be about dramatic endings resolving and tie up loose ends leading to change or toward moving forward -it can be about letting go of people or journeys that no longer serve you or just about moving job or removing yourself from toxic environments or people . 9 absorbs all the negative energy and or all the positive and is about completions and endings of relationships. It is a year to reevaluate good gut feel release attachment and a year of letting go and getting ready for the new. Transformation and letting go takes acceptance so that healing and release and relinquishing of fear is mastered . 9 is a year to release you from what holds you back and fully accept you are who and where koi at at you on your journey and become ready for the new ! Hoping you can work out which personal Year you are in and benefit from these themes and insights that each year journey holds . By Lauren xx October 2020 is the 10th month so in Numerology a 1 vibration ,2020 a 4 year which added equals 5 chaos- This is the under current 5 energy which equates to change the unknown and upheaval vibrations that we are feeling ... The 1 vibration is about new beginnings and striving toward the new world order amidst this 5 chaos and this is the the theme of October as well as needing to circumvent some political and social upheaval and general unrest in a time of grand and profound transformation in our world . Thus beginning by attending to our own lives -finding creative ways to tackle life as we know in a brand new way it with brand new plans in the 1 . For many of us these new beginnings involve new jobs or a new way of working and earning .This can also extend to new starts in life or such as moving home or cities or just changes within physically emotionally and mentally. The releasing of toxic connections or starting of a new relationship or else if necessary just working on Yourself and leaving behind the old and that which no longer serves . Currently economies are restructuring as some countries are coming out of lockdowns and restriction and restarting up in a new and unprecedented way and other countries are re locking down again and thus back in the 5 chaos of a second wave of the COVID-19 virus and this is just as we are out of of Septembers 9 culminations and illuminations ! This entails 1 renewal and rebirth energies being key and creating and rebuilding our lives . In some cases from standing in our new found truths in our personal finances jobs or lack there of and this extending to our love relationships friendships and work lives . It is a brand new journey so to speak about refocusing and unleashing new ways of productivity and individuality pushing forward. .This October the moon energy is immense there is a new moon super moon as well two full moons all in one month so massive new vibrance and energy ! The 1st full moon is on 1st October in Aries -It is a Harvest moon the 2nd full moon on the 31st October a Hunters moon on Halloween ! This being an even further powerful push toward the new pushing us out of our comfort zones and into our authentic new realities like it or not ! This Harvest Full moon is orange and relates to shifting our focus back to our Truths land true authentic life desires both consciously and unconsciously. It is about learning to go with the flow and is a time for soul searching and moving forward in the direction of your passions and dreams and it can mean challenging authority and overcoming things globally encouraging us to find new solutions to global issues that have prevailed and revealed themselves. The New moon on October 16th In Libra to do with finding balance in our personal relationships and this potent Libra energy so a chance to make some changes to do with peace and harmony and blending of opposites. It is about negotiating and asserting of our own needs overcoming difficult obstacles and this may be a bumpy ride . Also a time to commit to personal goals and Libra lessons like making peace with situations in our lives and reestablishing order and balance . Venus is conjunct on 14th so is a time of overcoming blocks and unrealistic expectations in love and relationships, moving beyond illusions into grounded reality. . Then the Hunters full moon on 31 October- The Halloween blood moon which is a rare Blue moon occurring only every 2/3 years -so harvesting the new in all of our lives and adapting and feelIng inspired to get back into our own unique ways of leading the way and pioneering with courage and vision and keeping optimistic during these more trying times. Being intuitive and trusting oneself and being steady patient and organised. New beginnings require down time and time to be still to find solutions within and not become discouraged- remain determined and focused whilst setting up the new path . So financial re structure business re-adaptions and changes in partnerships and relationships at this time moving the focus back onto YOU and your goals and aspirations. Mars still in Retrograde in Aries (September- Mid November ) thus affecting the whole of October -there can be quick action outbursts triggering a lot of impulsive behavior and anger coming up and it important to remain non reactive and being aware that this Mercury Retrograde in Libra October 16th this is always about re looking at things reassessing of projects partnerships -reassessing reviewing and for some re doing ! It is also Not a good time to sign contracts and if you have to at this time to expect and anticipate delays and remember to read the fine print ! At the same time as the Supermoon new moon is highlighting and prepares us for these new beginnings and fresh starts. The Sun also in Libra October 16th to mid November is about Libra balance and diplomacy and sincerity so apologies can be expected and harmony restored and justice returned at thIs time. The avoiding conflict especially if letting go of karmic situations and thus reconnecting with a more spiritual alignment . The LIbra sun enhancing charisma and magnetism at this time as well as balance in partnerships -this can be in business or romantic partnerships or friendship a time of correction and balance and peace ...So quite an October ahead Hoping you enjoyed my interpretation Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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