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October 2021 is at 10 month is a 10 monthIn a 5 Year -10 being endings and 1 being new beginnings so in essence is October is about completions and new beginnings. 1 being about leadership pioneering ideas and exploring them and moving forward expressing 1s true and authentic desires and individuality .It is about being assertive looking forward and no longer looking back- indeed a time for new beginnings in Love and in projects- emphasis on forward movement .1 is a very exciting number as it is about the new and about inception -it is about having planted the seed, so now growth can begin and it is also identifying knowing which projects to nurture and water-which flowers and seedlings to concentrate on. Individuality productivity pioneering and leadership are all buzzwords in the 1 spectrum. as well as joyfulness happiness and forward movement in this somewhat chaotic and trying 5 year of major mostly forced transformation which how the world is currently functioning .
This coming together is also with an underlying 6 humanitarian energy -6 also being about family loved ones and love commitments -Thus balancing time spent with family and loved ones and nurturing of our Partnerships-Choosing to do so by prioritizing what is important over what is not . October being in a Libra season which highlights our Partnerships differentiating our growing separately as well as our growth alongside our Partners, maintaining balance is key ,thus allowing for each Individuals growth with in the process of being together -this being an inherent theme for the month of October . Also enjoying the s 6 underlying family time ,the romance time and a wonderful time for Partnerships to blossom and bloom with in especially as we com out of Mercury retrograde whereby a re-focus on what is valuable and important forward movement with projects forward movement with life in general at this time has been determined. ! is also about achievement Individuality and of building one’s own confidence and to a time to remind ourselves to look at what we focus on and to look at how at our most inner desires and about being focusing on our thoughts in a positive way. October 6th is Libra New Moon and Pluto going direct - It is a stellium planet line up so the Sun Moon Mars and Mercury are all in Libra so very strong Libra energies- pushing us to creating Partnership balance and harmony and a more win win energy flowing at this time.. Pluto going direct following the recent Pluto Retrograde which is about growing and evolving having reflected on certain rebirths in life. Mercury Retrograde which started the end of September and goes into mid October is also conjunct the sun on October 9th and is known as an inferior conjunction a time of re looking at and reassessing themes that came up for us the past few months in our careers and love partnerships giving us a clearer direction of which way we are headed with purpose and clarity October 10th Saturn goes direct which takes us back to themes that occurred at the end of May and a time to perhaps re look at these and set up any necessary boundaries 10 October in Numerology a 1010 day ,a power day with huge potential for new beginnings and finding a way to push forward October 17th Jupiter goes direct good for abundance and money flow at this time October 18th Mercury goes direct and this is a time for flow and forward movement and clarity and truth in business and in our love relationships Also 17-19th is the Arcturus Gateway when the Sun shines on the planet and a time for money flow and prosperity at this time October 20th being full moon in Aries is a time for heated discussions and thing be globally in upheaval and unrest with some violence at this time - so a time of huge transformation and thus new beginnings at this time. Then October 22 the sun leaves Libra and moves into Scorpio which is a time of further transformation. Scorpio season is very transformative and a total rebirth time. October 31st Venus and Juno in Sagittarius make it a great time for love and soul connections- hearts opening and a good time for reconciliations and reconnection for some and a time for love and partnership to be celebrated new or old ! Halloween is celebrated on 31st and is a time between the Equinox and Solstice honouring love rebirth and death -the ancient festival of Samhain is celebrated a spiritual time indeed .. So October though complex does come with the Magic of love and the new and indeed celebration and new beginning.s Hoping that you enjoyed this Interpretation -stay optimistic what is meant to be shall never pass you by- Trust the process- no one said it would be easy ! by Lauren
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September 2021 is a 9 month in a 5 year -9 being all about culminations and endings so that new beginnings- Beit in partnerships , relationships ,work or in life in general. The 5 underlying chaos is pushing us each forward to work on our own journeys and forcing us to step out of our comfort zones to have healings awakenings and breakthroughs leading us to finding our authentic life paths -our True North direction . For some this could literally meaning readjusting ones course toward specific success and outcomes .This may involve completion or changes in work projects and choosing to focus on tackling things in a brand new and perhaps unconventional way . Life is not the same as it was and new obstacles are not easy to circumvent. All the economic all the changes in the world at large are literally hanging -some on the verge of collapse or complete restructure at this time. 9 September month is Indeed a time of culminations and completions .It is also a very humanitarian number and is a time to really knuckle down and think out of the box use . Perhaps a time to find stillness and use ones own gut and intuition and to really go deep to find the solutions and answers.... Indeed a time to contemplate , meditate and consolidate and find joy and flow and what resonates for You and what truly matters... Being true to ones self honoring ones own processes and personal journeys at your own pace and a time of acceptance toward peace and tranquillity- A time to feel authentically in tune with where we are at and where we find ourselves our individual journeys . This 5 year of 2021 certainly is a year drastic forced transformation and healing and being in a 5 year this comes with some level of chaos and confusion . On Sept 6th there is a New moon in Virgo -a time for resolving trauma healing by facing ones shadow side releasing old self limiting patterns and a tome to energise and feel alive again Sept 9th is a 99 power numerology day endings and graduations well as stepping up to the next level in our lives spiritually . September 11th is a special day where light workers and healers can use their unique gifts in the world 14 September is when Mars enters Libra conjunct the Sun and is a strong energy build up with fiery emotions leading to transformation this a time to balance oneself . 20 September Pisces Full moon is a more reflective and intuitive time and a deep Inner work time due to the intuitive Pisces energies. 22/23 September Equinox with the Sun in LIbra-So a balancing of Partnerships both at work and in our own lives planting new seeds and also a gentler time for many during this Virgo season..planning the path forward In career and love . 26th September is the final Mercury Retrograde of the Year is known for a final reassess and relook at things as well as miscommunication. Themes such as travel delays Mercury being the 6th planet to be in Retrograde this September so a last pulling back before striving in forward motion in both Business and lour Love Partnerships. Culminations in the 9 lead one toward taking new paths and thus using this 9 month to complete cycles and get ready for brand new projects and magical new beginnings all round- 9 is the Magic Ttansformer and also a magical time to make your World your Oyster.. Hoping you can embrace these energies positively this September … Thank you By Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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