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August is an 8/1 vibration month -8 about infinity power money and stability and the one underside about reclaiming your Individuality becoming your own person again and striving for the independent You to blossom and revive.. August 8 is the 88 Lionsgate portal which entails third eye openings as wells as cosmic downloads and heart activation. One feels these from a few days before to a few days after the 88 portal opening and closing-Sun Sirius and Earth all In alignment at this time ..so any rocky ground feelings will be heightened around the Aquarius full moon! Things can catch you by surprise-so it is about detaching and allowing what is meant to be to occur and not try and control things hard as this may be . There can be a restlessness and whatever is troubling us will come up in mid August and we may feel the weight of things weighing us down heavy and the new moon in Leo August 18th may be a time of speaking ones truth.. Then Uranus going retrograde helps us revisit things we may have missed and allows us to make peace with what is or what isn’t in our perceptions of love and romance this unfolds over the next few months as this retrograde lasts til the end of 2020. Meantime 8 is about money, legacies finance and investments and it is in these transformational times that we have to focus on restructuring of investments as some may no longer work for us. It may mean finding new alternate ways to invest for instance this may be a time to go into the 1 shadow of August and literally leave things as they are and or work on something completely -So new beginning In ones life as a whole as well as in ones financial affairs.. Then if we look at the year 2020 this August we see 4 plus 8 which is 12 and thus 3 creativity coming through -Being innovative being creative tweaking things say to work perhaps online just taking on with 8 power 1 independence 4 structure and 3 creativity It may feel like a lot to take on but 8 is real inner power that one needs to harness and 1 drive and 3 passion for life and for creating a new way forward .August has no eclipses so is less frenetic planetary wise and thus the perfect time to embrace all that life going forward has to offer and not being afraid to redirect yourself in love or in commitments. It is a time to truly feel whether there is an infinity or whether the 1 is needed to cut and move on as 8s hold on and 1s sever and cut and become ready to break away and this 4 year full of change and almost forced transformation.What worked no longer does in love in career and change in all spheres of life may occur -an incredible power restart feel but the Key is what to hold onto and what to let go -deciphering your own life journey and paving the way.. Hoping you find a way to embrace this 8/1 month By Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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