November 2023 is the beginning of the aftermath days of Eclipse season still under the haze of this lunar eclipse energy looming and clearing our karma of the past 27 or 28 years (1995/1996) more currently 2014/2015 and most recent karma November 2021 ! So leaving us looking at our lives and assessing who is in and who is out! These karmic culminations are what we are healing from and working through some are trauma bonds and wounds some are the codependency patterns or the rescuing persona where one is the marytr or the victim and caught in a cycle of avoiding realities ..So what is now and what is next? With any new beginnings November offers it comes re amidst the havoc that came from the post eclipse effect what has come up for us to heal or complete -who must stay who must go- Its as simple as that ! So reflecting on the issues and cycles that were prevalent in November 2021- Whether it was a love thing or a financial thing or both? Now the realignment In our fated re direction ..Are we hitting our heads against a wall and repeating these old patterns even though our intuition an gut is screaming No or are we evolving! Be it love partnership reconsideration or in career in investments and finances …It can all be a bit of a blur right now... November the 1st is a 111 day a day of optimistic energy and new beginnings start to the month and this Scorpio season is indeed fierce -It is the unraveling of darkness of previously hidden truths and removal of those rose tinted shades revealing some more of those harsh truths and illusions peeling back the layers on many matters for each of us different and now how to navigate these with a new plan.... The eclipse won't let us ignore these issues any longer ... November an 11 month which is a master number and 2 in Numerology so looking honestly pragmatically and truthfully at our love lives and particularly our relationships friendships and partnerships, reevaluating all. So no more covering up ,no more lies no more illusions or self deception we are faced with the truth head on! This is not always easy or pretty. The truth hurts ...so facts and truth, looking deep at our wounded hearts and ruminating minds of the how's and the what ifs - Examining our business Partnerships and our love partnerships - Both parties need to put in the work and thus a re-evaluating what is moving into balance, true scales of balance after huge truths have indeed been highlighted. So any rose tinted shades of viewpoints are in your face with fact and now left strategising a path forward amidst this 2023 7 chaotic time of change and resolution ... November is a perfect time for achieving and setting these new goals and strategies by setting boundaries No is no and then taking baby necessary steps toward resolution . The Beaver full moon in November a time for honesty in love what is working and what isn’t. Mars in Scorpio is unraveling the harsh truth because there a stirring up of issues and some chaos and Uranus also appears and throws those unforeseen curve balls at us forcing us to let go detach realign .No more eyes wide shut scenarios just the brutal truth of betrayals and in some cases financial and emotional loss forcing us to face the world with new eyes new ideas and new ways trying to fathom a way to create and breathe again by purposefully achieving this by wrapping up matters that arise in November 2021 unexpected fated, redirection endings or beginnings we come into a profound November 1 November 111 is high energy new beginnings and fated redirection whatever came back in the recent eclipse for review 3 November with the sun in Jupiter, the eclipse energy still so strong Jupiter, the planet of expansion, so looking at the areas in our life that we want to expand and looking at the truths and solutions to problems 4 November saturn goes direct into Pisces haven’t been retrograde so we may start to get clarity of what is really going on in our lives and finding specific clarity on subjects that have been bothering us on November 16 trains Pluto, which is about power in one’s partnership. Venus is the planet of relationships so when must watch for power plays with in relationships at this time 8 November Venus goes into libra easing up the eclipse tensions a more loving time 11:11 day, the angel number, the magical number in new beginnings manifestations. Great day for manifestation of anything that we are focusing on 10 November a time of imagination and exploration as Mercury goes into Sagittarius 13 NovemberThe sun is opposite Uranus, which is a surprise planet can be unstable and scattered energy, but an energy that can further shake things up Also on 13th new moon in scorpio a powerful time to manifest your desires and a time for immense clarity on what you do and don’t want ! 14 November there’s a Scorpio new moon very in the world stuff and our fears can take over transformations can begin and the eclipse transformation can start to show itself will Kelly November 18. His son is conjunct Mas, which is an annual alignment. We need to really look at what keeps us stuck in inauthenticity out of our face at realities and this shift will begin. 22 November Sagittarius season begins, which is more playful light, and the Scorpio makes us dig deep, it has an inspiration aspect to it with new ideas and new concepts in the playfulness November 23 as the sun squaring Saturn can be about getting things done making a list will help at this time and going through it methodically 24 November Mars enters. Sagittarius a time for adventure and some travels gaining perspective November 25 Mars into such an intense time, fiery high spirited and we will look at how we have grown November 25 Saturn moves into Pisces which is quite challenging. It can be a bit of a push pull dynamic. We can find ourselves butting heads and arguing They could be escalations protests and in world conflicts around this time November 27 we enter month for the Gemini full moon, which is about releasing out of our lives what is no longer in alignment and closure is all happening at this time. November 28th the sun is conjunct mars a time to grow evolve and learn and start over are you in or are you out and starting afresh ? Are you pushing your boundaries to explore out of your comfort zone ? Evolve or else repeat ? So a chaotic redirection of letting go wrapping up and staring a new the last part of this story culminates in March 2024 Pisces seasons eclipsing it all into a finale of what starts now redirecting us more onto our true north fated paths Hoping you enjoyed this interpretation By Lauren xxx to edit. |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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