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April is a 4 month and 2020 a 4 year so April is about 4 structure versus the underside which is 5 rebellion and revolution . This vibration is twice due to the month and the year -the double 4 adds to the 8 vibration being about wealth money and infinity. This is all about our wealth structures and our creation of wealth in these times This time planetary-wise is a time of, restriction obligation and order this ties in with the recent Equinox and Saturn moving into .Aquarius This is affecting government systems banking systems as well as economic systems . Everything will all be questioned at this time and broken down before transformation through this period . Saturn in Aquarius includes living with social restrictions and somehow finding ones way forward and this is relevant to us now especially in this time of social distancing shutdown and lockdown that we are faced with almost every country of the world, -April 4th Jupiter meets Pluto Jupiter is the planet of expansion and Pluto the planet of transformation then in the sign of Capricorn - Jupiter and Pluto meet every 13 years so last met in 2007 in the sign of Taurus . So Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn brings expansion growth power back into our lives and huge change and development which is in Capricorn which is business structure and responsibility. This April 4 meet up occurs and then again June 30 and November 12th 4 is again order and structure and is a day 444 day a profound day for meditation for world healing . 7 April Is full moon at 18° of Libra . Full moons are emotional times to do with manifesting and completions . Being in LIbra it’s all about the balancing one again to do with the 4 Vibration of Truth and justice in life and partnership entailing getting some balance back into our lives in this time .We will need to be fair and accountable this is very 4 attribute. On 19 April The moon goes into 3° of Taurus and as with all new moons it is do with fresh starts and protecting of our assets .There is much awakening ourselves at this time the new moon in Taurus will shake us up in order to wake us up . Specifically with money with finances and investment there is big change and some chaos . Meantime we are awakening to what really matters in our lives and how we cope Putting aside panic and fear which occurs if we move into the 5 aspect being the shadow of the 4 during this chaos and fear particular around the covid 19 Coronavirus and the fall of world economy and world markets . In order to cope The world needs rigid structure 4 mode with good leadership- At this time leaders do not all know what to do and nations require specific instruction keep the world in some order during this fear and chaos whilst many are being inflicted with loss of loved ones and family from this virus pandemic. Sure not all die and some become ill and have a mild version of it -Yet in many countries there is pure chaos and much anxiety and loss Our only way is to be in the 4 energy which is all about being rigid orderly fair and finding our way with legal structures being implemented and social distancing shutdowns and lockdowns which could be strictly implemented further this April . The shadow of the 4 is the 5 which is is about our freedom and questioning everything and it can turn into blame fear and fighting which to be prevented 4 is also about finding a way to economic order else the breakdown of this via loss of Jobs and business's and world economic crashes -Many will be in panic and fear and many find their unable to pay their bills expect there will be cutting back and frugality in order to survive and a lot of 5 chaos in this uncertainty. The fact April is a 4 is also positive in one sense for through structure and some chaos comes order At present many in lockdown or social distancing one needs to find moments of stillness to find a higher level of being in tune in order to get used to a new way of being and making 4 structures for yourself and small daily plans to get through this time of flattening the curve of this virus preventing chaos This pandemic is a time of uncertainty and it’d about security and your roots -We all need a coping plan -A person or people that you can count on and no one likes to be isolated or restricted and this together with the fear and chaos can be extremely challenging at this time This too shall pass and how we find a way to cope determines our way forward April is indeed a time where there is a reset of life and an awakening and further appreciation for our earth and humanity and bringing more peace into a world somehow through this crisis and overcoming the stress and uncertainty in these times HOPING YOU ALL STAY SAFE and take care Lauren x x |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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