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SEVEN ... I decided to pick the Number 7 because it is the month of July which is the seventh month and it is a month is full of seven vibration energy! The month of July therefore a reflective month-Seven is a mystical number to do with introspection the seventh month ensures that one thinks about and does enough inner work. In fact it is a good time to go within especially with 6 of our planets are also in Retrograde and 2 eclipses this July! So a crazy month where we all have home truths to face and inner work to do . Jupiter Retrograde is about an optimistic mindset and manifesting good luck and abundance. Pluto Retrograde is all about uncovering hidden truths bringing closure and forward motion. Saturn is about Karmic payback and giving and receiving of positive energy. Neptune is all about the messages we receive from our dreams Mercury Retrograde is all about re assessing redoing re looking and repeating until we learn the lesson. It is a period of reflection and revisiting our issues. Lastly Chiron is all about healing old wounds and turning them into strengths and wisdom. The 2 eclipses in July SOLAR ECLIPSE IN CANCER AND NEW MOON JULY 2ND ...bringing in what we have to learn from in this 7 month and thus going deep within to heal FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN AND PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE JULY 16-17TH things being brought in to look at and learn from and then being removed! particularly hidden truths and toxic connections! So with all this planetary excitement and emotion and learning this 7 month is all to do with self analysis and self honesty and introspection . Being a seeker and finding and facing ones demons and truths in order to learn. We need to look at what issues we are keeping us stuck that are deep-seated in our souls. -Is it a new career choice? Or is it an emotional issue that we are keeping attached to? This seven vibration is all about going deep within and listening to one’s own inner voice and not to blame to others, but to rather really tune in and look at what is really so and what we need to face head on.. So what truth is staring you in the face? Even if you try to avoid skirt or bury it , things are going to be coming up at you head onion this 7 month vibration. 7 is considered a lucky number and is a spiritual sensitive and intuitive vibration. It is also all about ideas and wisdom and is dedicated to universal truths and deep self trust. It is also known as the virgin number-The Goddess Athena's vibration is a seven . There are 7 days in our week and the seventh day is the day of rest ! In Astrology Neptune vibrates to a 7 frequency and the seventh sign of the zodiac is Libra . The world was created in seven days and there were seven lions in the lions den with Daniel and 7 locks of Samsons hair! Joshua blew 7 trumpets in Jerico.. Moreover the world is has the seven wonders ! So seven is indeed profound THEN and NOW! In Numerology it is all about our gut and our inner wisdom- deep thinking ,project focus and personal journeying. It is both an explorative and practical vibration and is the number of intelligence and perception. It can also have a flipside of aloofness and emotional detachment and the ability to seemingly cut off .Thus deep questioning of one’s own inner voice and one’s own growth is required . 777 in the Angelic realm Is all about growing spiritually and it is also a lucky number to do with miracles and dreams good fortune. 777 repeated is a message from the Angels and is all about spiritual awareness moving toward the path of ones dreams... The 777 is the readiness to grow spiritually and to use the wisdom received and enhancing it into growth and self evolving.The double seven is a very positive number significant of abundance and being open to spiritual growth and transformation . The Angel number seven is about the synchronicity and the divine magic and opportunities of work and enjoyment the 777 is also about being ready to move into the truest version of oneself -becoming wise , noticing what the universe has already got planned for you . 7 Has a Karmic connotation and a soul driving desire for spiritual wisdom. Karmic lessons need to be learnt and addressed in the 7 vibration. Sevens are not only spiritual but also analytical and perceptive and they are academic . 7 is a prime number broken down to number 3 and 4 so 3 being creativity and passion and 4 being practicality and stability. This 2019 year is a 3 year so the years Energy is a 3 which is joy creativity and passion ! This July is the 7 month so full of the 7 vibration. In Tarot the 7 is the Chariot card -The Greek God Apollo drives the chariot and it is a lucky number full of determination energy and goal-setting ! It is a highly spiritual number and quest even going back to the Middle Ages and the holy grail seven is usually broken down to number 3 and 4 Earth . So if 7 is in your chart as your Individual personality, or is your Family attribute or how you are in the World all these traits can be prevalent .As your Destiny or Life Path a 7 can be karmic .It can take time for 7s to become attuned and into the depth of ones vibration and find the guidance and via spiritual work that supports this. 7 is the deep thinker, the researcher and the finder of the truth . 7s don’t take anything at face value a person has a chart dominated by seven is often a little introverted but without self-esteem issues and in fact 7 is often very intellectual. 7s can be aloof can have a dry sense of humour and a natural love and understanding of art they can be eccentric ,are loners and can be very charming , cynical and arrogant and sometimes even oblivious of the pain of others. People born in the seventh month as in ,born in July, can have highly developed minds but their emotions can be somewhat detached. Their minds can be analytical they have great intellectual gifts but can also be very rational. Ones intuition improves with meditation which will be beneficial especially when a 7 starts to trust ones own intuition. 7 is project focused and brilliant at finishing these projects but can also be opinionated and stubborn highly critical and highly self-centred . 7s are also loyal and perfectionists . Sevens are mysterious and secretive they’re always trying to find the truth, so this July as a 7 you are extreme with these aspects and the overall 7 vibration and 7 July month there is this energetic feel to work on one’s self, face one’s self...look deeply at ones own truths and ones own demons and go deep within and work through them.. I hope you enjoyed this insight of this July 7 month vibration analysis and understanding the Number 7 and it’s magic ! Hoping your understand a little more of the essence of the 7 and this July and its energy and lessons for oneself more clearly! 777 may the Force be with you ..May you be on the right Path and living and serving your Divine Life purpose.. Just remember seeing 7s repeated means the Universe is happy with your progress due to your positive efforts and hard work! By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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