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March 2020 is indeed a 3 month and 2020 a 4 year so it is about going within the combined 7 vibration. 7 energy is all about going inward reaching a deeper understandings of your truth. A time of reflecting and pondering and digestion of recent awakenings and the answers are all there deep WITHIN in this stillness before blossoming and booming with a bang this 3 month! March is also the Spring/Autumn Equinox that happens around the 20th or March which is about the ending of cycles and rebirth! For some it is the beginning of Spring joy and newness and for some going into Autumn and Winter, it is a time of reflection for it has indeed been a chaotic start to the year 2020 . The 3 March fire and passion is about to illuminate and shift us forward in our lives in the more true direction ,having learnt some harsh and difficult lessons right from and the Saturn /Pluto conjunction and then this February and it’s recent Mercury Retrograde - So a time of re-doing re-thinking and reassessment of the way forward with love , personal life issues and ones business projects . Having breakthroughs this 2020 being a 4 year, so all about integrity and structure and then the 7 internal and spiritual growth too . The flow being easier once Mercury is out of Retrograde on the 10th of March having been in there since February 16th! So going forward now with renewed direction vitality and passion and putting aside ego and all supposed failure and just Trusting that the path ahead is indeed the true one ! March has some interesting planetary aspects: March 4th due to mercury retrograde in Aquarius, there are tricks and misconceptions and we are revisiting issues that occurred between jan 16th and feb 3rd and sorting them out in a new way.. March 8 when the sun is in Neptune and Pisces -Neptune being all about the delving into ones subconscious mind and doing some deep healing that needs to be done before forging ahead with passion again- the sun conjunct Neptune and Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus opportunity to look at our dreams and visions and look at our relationships in a deeper more meaningful way and a also a time for unexpected romantic connection! March 9th full moon in Virgo Is all about Integrating things that have occurred over the last six months .Virgo is about harvesting and ripening and all the hard work and effort that we have put in paying off and a time of growth and development. March 11th The sun sextile Jupiter Is an uplifting and compassionate time where there is a feeling of optimism mingling with idealism and yet a practical aspect due to Capricorn energies still prevalent. March 14th Mars Sextile Neptune and sun sextile Pluto -Mars about drive confrontation Neptune it’s about finding solutions -it is about working in harmony and growing and turning things into inspired action. March 16 Mercury re-enters Pisces which is mystical and compassionate and because it’s Neptunian it’s about honouring intuition and visions and also receiving answers in our dreams. On March on the 20th/21st the Equinox spring /autumn equinox occurring depending on whether you are in northern or southern hemisphere together with Saturn in Capricorn being all about obligation and karma whilst its moving into Aquarius where it will stay until July 2020 before retrograding into Capricorn again in July . March 20 Mars is conjunct Jupiter which is about Mars fire igniting Jupiters enthusiasm looking at the bigger picture of your life . On the 21st of March Saturn in Aquarius again about long-term focus So March is about shifts and change and new redirected passions being uplifted again-New progress fire and determination to proceed ... On 24th of March there is a new moon in Aries so a fiery and more exciting time of the month and with Venus also in Aries it is about renewal and rebirth after the cocooning and reassessing of mercury retrograde and Pisces season and gaining a clearer picture of how to go forward with slightly less complication than what we have had thus far this 2020 . So this March a re blossoming and with up and coming eclipse season ahead which is all about endings and beginnings and further growth spurts together with further changes for the collective consciousness. So this March be in the fire and the transformation and the coming out of the cocoon and the deep thinking and moving forward in assertiveness and confidence and making March end with a Bolt of energetic renewal land refreshing starts in the new direction ahead ... Hoping you enjoyed my March interpretations ... By Lauren XX Justin Bieber is a star- a millennial , a young man with so much going for him .His charm individuality and his power as well his good looks and his pure musical talent and capabilities as well his his realness.. Justin’s life journey so far is unfolding ..being at some points the rebel boy and at other times in his integrity . With amazing highs and at other times with some major lows and his Lyme disease diagnosis and thus his depression to work through and overcome. His magic and transformative ability and some real wild moments of partying and flying high and then his tender side his loves and his heart breaks along the way ... His numbers depict all of this and outline his fame and fortune and his unique journey so here goes via the numbers ! Justin born 1st March 1994 making him a 1 3 5 9 so a 1/8 self a 3/6 in his family dynamic a 5/4 in career and world and a 9 life path. 1/8 self As a 1 person Justin is an icon a leader an example to his followers and a unique character that captures his audience . 1s don't lead ordinary lives and Justin has the ability to shine his 1. individuality and leadership and achieving fame and power in his 8 and leaving a legacy His 1 flip side being having to work on himself and his underlying. esteem issues and his depression then his leading and his pioneering in the music industry . His individuality and the positives of his 1 aspects together with the ambitious creative and an inspiration then his 8 power money and fame side and need to be successful and want to take care of his wife and make a secure family life Overcoming insecurities and even depression and low times are prevalent in a 1/8 journey to find ones self and moving into his power 8 .Justin has can continue to help and inspire others by sharing his journey . His 8 is his power encapsulates people and his success and his ability to command power and make money and to achieve and build a legacy is prevalent in his 8 once he allows himself to fly ! His 8 being power and status and balancing this 8 to be dependable and grounded as well as stable . 3/6 Family His 3 is his creative and hard working persona and his talent and creative skills apparent. .3 s are very passionate and communicative and he is able to use his talents to push himself to fame and fortune .3s are highly sensitive and can be depressive so this has to be watched for especially with the Lyme disease . His 3 side can also include outbursts and being argumentative .At times my way or the high way energy. So when this passion and creativity is directed into his music and creativity to be in his optimum aspects of his 3. In his family 3 he is fiery lively and passionate and needs to watch for burnout and over performing and balancing his family life with his home life in his 6 is important .6s like serenity and calm and peace is always a prerequisite for a 6 and avoidance of arguments. 6s are extremely humanitarian and often busy with causes of this type . Justin needs to balance his 3/6 oscillation and find the balance of creativity and humanitarian ways for himself and his family life as 6s love marriage and thrive in a partnership and like the fairy tale of life . 5/4 career and world The 5 is the rebel the restless one and the party boy as well as the rebel life questioner -it is the person that needs change travel and excitement and the unconventional 5 person verses the integrity 4 persona that is focused and wants fairness and justice and is more orderly structured and ritualistic. Learning to balance the 5/4 rebel/integrity path involves falling down and getting up stronger both in career and love ! Justin’s balance of rebel 5 and integrity 4 will teach him many life lessons His music life will be hugely successful with this 5/4 journey also at times difficult. He can use his lyrics and his music to heal himself and others and it’s important that he is not too much of the rebel 5 and more for the integrity 4 persona in his life and his world .Achieving this balance is not always easy in the music world of fame .Being authentic and real is key. 9life path As a 9 Justin can be anything he wants to be and the “World is his Oyster”just that he is greatly affected by his environment and he absorbs all the positive energies around him as well as -any of the negativity- so he need to be extremely conscious of this as if can make him feel depressed and overwhelmed .He needs to consciously surround himself by good people those he feels positive around and then he can transform his singing gift into magic and be a star and shine for himself and for all his fans around him. This 9 life path means he is a super sensitive soul and has many life lessons to master along the way and yet as a 9 attaining stardom and magic is truly possible and probable , as long as he does not fall down with the negativity and toxicity that is prevalent around him In the music industry . If he chooses positivity and following the good things on his life he can truly shine and if he is unhappy in his life or environment it will bring him down - being aware of this magic and mirrors of the 9 vibration for super talented and sensitive soul is imperative for his success and well being. Hailey Baldwin 22 November 1996 so she is a 4 2 7 4 a 4/5 self and life path and a 2/7 family and 7/2 career and world so she has the 4/5 repeated twice and the 2/7 7/2 dual carriage way 4/5 self and 4/5 life path This is the integrity/rebel oscillation the 4 being her conservative and ritualistic orderly side that believes in integrity and fairness and because it occurs twice it is her self lesson and her life path lesson so a big part of who she is.. 2/7 family and 7/2 career and world As a 2 person Hailey has soft flowing and gentle goddess energy and is a nurturing kind and gentle soul as a family member a daughter or wife she is doting kind and caring and may need to be careful of giving too much of herself and becoming drained and exhausted to her family and loved ones . She may at times be emotional and wear her heart on her sleeve and need to take time out alone In her 7 in order to soul search deep think and literally re energize and reboot alone and hermit herself at these times . In her 7 deeper self introspective and more into her intuitive self find her answers to balance this double 2 which is her super kind and nurturing side of her where she gives her all to those around her and gives at times to the point of exhaustion to herself . Learning to balance this is indeed her journey. This 7/2 is repeated in her career so needing 7 alone and project focus time and then oscillating into her giving partnership 2 which is her deep emotional side which is part of her persona in her career too so taking time out to rest and recover in between the 2 doting nurturing and doing for others is vital to keep her balanced and happy emotionally Together Synergy Justin and Hailey Justin 1 March 1994 so he is 1 3 5 9 and she is 22 November 1996 so a 4 2 7 4 together they make a 5 5 7 7 so double 5/4 in self and family so double rebel integrity and double 7/2 in career and world and soul journey so a "double karmic" connection which means a huge pull toward each other with both the 7s . The 5s indicate there could be a lot of coming and going either traveling or even infidelity possibilities in the 5s unless they master the integrity in their double 4 which is possible depending on their free will .So in the double 4 there can be a very good and solid stable home with the white picket fence and have a life as happy couple. It comes down to their free will and to their maturity and wisdom of which road they choose. Their previous life connection and a 7/2 vibe should we be Alone or /in a partnership and this the learning and the journey and their oscillation as there is much love there in the 2 but time each alone in their 7 to pursue their own inner growth The double 5s suggest a lot of travel and movement and possible infidelity even or perhaps time apart due to travel or work if they are immature about things ! yet Their double 4 is double integrity so that is also a strong pull yet to be mature enough to choose the integrity. Their 7/2 twice is double karma due to the 7s they make so their is a huge familiarity that they feel they have done this before and their double 2 is double doting caring and partnership and huge co dependent love and nurturing to the extreme .Huge loyalty in the 4 and bouts of rebellious in the 5 this needing balance and maturity to overcome This double 7 means they could both practice self focus abs work hard on themselves as individuals and take time out to be and to work on each of their own careers and them come together as loving ideal caring and nurturing partners and really love and care for each other Selena Gomez is born 22 July 1992 so a 4 7 3 5 so a4/5 self and 5/4 life path and and a 7/2 family and a 3/6 career and world 4/5 5/4 Selena has this interesting 4/5 5/4 vibration going in her self and her life path so it’s about mastering her integrity /rebel and rebel /integrity oscillation as a person when to be honorable fair and integrous and when to be the rebel life questioner and the party girls and the more bold and restless persona She does have similar attributes to Hailey in terms of their 4/5 aspects and thus she would have had a similar self journey of needing to find the balance in her home life and career her need for freedom In her 4/5 oscillation. Her 4 persona wanting what is fair and her rebel 5 being her more non conventional side . Finding her own balance as to when to be orderly structured reliable solid with integrity and then when to be the rebel and just let loose and at times be freedom seeking and explorative -this already comes out in her messages about her journey thus far 7/2 family in her family she is a a loner and a deep thinker and intuitive in her 7 and even a bit reclusive or needing to take time out got herself to contemplate and then in her two extremely loving doting caring nurturing and someone co dependent and thus clingy in a relationship and in love with partnership 3/6 career and world creative skilled and passionate versus humanitarian and family focused She would need to watch for depression and outbursts re the fire of the 3 but is extremely creative very emotional and then in her 6 kind and caring and wanting to give back to the world .Her 3 does make for her to be super creative and passionate and very emotional with possible highs and lows and learning to use the 3 as creativity for her music rather than displaying emotional outburst of passion tears or anger to the point of a break down this being the lesson and the journey. Using her 3 skills and creativity when singing and emoting through her music will be very beneficial the being in her calmer more humanitarianism 6 and learning to be and overcome her pain and move toward partnership and new love in time .She is already using her songs and her music to display her feelings and her pain. Justin and Selena Synergy Justin born 1 March 1994 so a 1 3 5 9 and Selena born 22 July 1992 so a 4 7 3 5 so they make a 5 3 8 5 so so a 5/4 self and 5/4 life path and a 3/6 family and an 8/1 career so a double rebel as individuals and life path double integrity vibe and a passionate creative feel in the family area and humanitarian vibe and an Infinity / individualistic vibe as the world and career and a tight connection there ! The 5/4 twice is rebel integrity twice ! So there could be a lot of coming and going either emotionally or actually ! In other words she could be in and out Justin’s life figuratively via her music and her lyrics or literally disrupting his life -which explain her having to find the balance of healing through the pain of their breakup Her 5 side has the ability to cause trouble by either seeking attention and her 4 integrity is a part of herself she may need to try and focus on to keep order In her life and her emotions .Her 4 side could keep her working within order and integrity to do with this . Her 5 rebel side will always question-things and need freedom ! She is currently exploring this through her music and her lyrics !it is indeed interesting that she is using her passions and her music tell the world how she feels . IHoping that you enjoyed this Interpretation of Justin as well as of Hailey and Selena and their synergies they make with Justin explaining their unusual dynamics By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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