Eclipse season in fact begun in January 2019 and is about continue in a big way this July for an incredible six month transformation period that culminates into the Aquarian age by the end of 2020. In fact this July 2nd the next eclipse occurs and is the first of several that are coming up over this period resulting this big change in 2020 energetically which will affect many areas in our own lives and in the world and its systems. Huge changes in medical, growth and in financial and banking systems as well as expansion to do with the Internet and communication and massive planetary change is occurring over this time- involving huge awareness and growth and the beginning of a new and different way of thinking ! This ties in with the 333 energy portal that opened in March 2019 and the growth to 5d vision and a whole new way from 2020 is being eclipsed in so to speak over these next months! So how do we prepare and how does it affect us ? Certain people with Capricorn- Cancer strongly in their charts will literally be flown into a growth period and its for one to be aware in order able to embrace the changes that will occur in the best way possible! For like it or not these Eclipses and the changes affect everyone and force people to move out of situations that no longer serve them and to grow and evolve and stand strong. This spreads from relationships to career and into world affairs! Eclipses are hugely powerful and they move people to learn at speed ! There are both Solar and Lunar solar eclipses. Solar eclipse occur during the new moon when the sun and moon are at the same degree with the same zodiac sign whereby the moon passes between the sun and the earth temporarily obscuring the sun. If this occurs in the daytime it is dark for a few moments and the sun is completely obscured by the moon. The Lunar eclipse is on the other hand corresponds with the full moon phase and during a lunar eclipse the earths shadow is literally wedged between the sun and the moon and it is known as a Blood Moon as it has a red tinge ! This January 5-6th this year there was a partial solar eclipse and on the 20th and 21st of January a total lunar eclipse occurred pushing us into our karmic lessons for the year! Now on July 2 the Eclipse is in Cancer and Capricorn - Cancer being emotional and Capricorn being structural . Thus resulting in emotional changes and healing and eliminating what no longer serves and implementing new structures. There are also Retrogrades in Neptune and Chiron and Mercury this year which make us re assess and re look at ourselves deeply ! Then there is an annular solar eclipse on December 26th straight after the Dec 21st solstice pushing us into January 2020 where a lot more planetary stuff is occurring , resulting in the beginning of huge planetary change. Eclipses signify change energetically they make the changes occur really quickly in a bolt like way! Even from ancestral times there was fear during Eclipse time as the changes are and were quick and quite profound. It is a time to speak up make change ,live your truth remove illusion and fantasy and face reality and literally bring in the new and remove the old . Eclipsing in the new and out with the old ! This can be with reference to ways of thinking in ones own life and to do with world affairs. Sometimes doors shut in our lives unexpectedly and almost by surprise and we see and find ourselves facing abrupt shifts during these Eclipse periods. You could say it speeds up the inevitable things that were actually going to happen eventually anyway just that in an Eclipse time frame it happens suddenly! The December eclipse is the finale of some unexpected endings ,beginnings and opportunities. Starting now this July 2nd eclipse is a time to change and move away from anything that does not serve the soul . Finding the courage to let be, rather than try and fight it -whether it is a relationship or work issue a project are culmination because there is a new way - a new start ! So during the next up and coming Retrogrades in Neptune Mercury and Chiron that also occur this year - It is just time to regroup with oneself reassess ones life path and life journey and time to take a moment to look at what was good or not good around July 13 2018 and then one will understand perhaps more how this affects one personally and more directly and what it is about for each of us Individually. For that was the first lunation in the series of ones own karmic story that is now continuing and unfolding during this next period and fully ends and completes in July 2020. So one can look back at who were and what were the major influences or conflicts that occurred then and what in fact unfolds now with the Eclipses it will begin to unravel to finale in December 26 upon that eclipse so by 2020 it is an absolutely new beginning and very profound! So if in ones birth chart and the Lunar nodes are in Cancer or Capricorn or even Aries or Libra you could say this next year and a half could be wild! By 2020 everything could be very different- yet different for the better and activated by this Eclipse season- So nothing and nobody is off the hook! Cardinal signs such as Aries Cancer Libra and Capricorn will be activated directly by the Eclipses whether it’s in your sun your moon or any other placement in your chart. Effects that could be is indeed a journey of growth and huge transformation both spiritually and energetically. 2020 is the beginning of a new era as several planets will all be In Capricorn. So if one thinks back to 2008 the planets momentarily aligned similarly- it was when banking systems changed and the global financial crisis begun when Pluto went into Capricorn as well as Jupiter! There is that alignment coming up now and by 2020 huge global change in financial and banking systems. In 2020 Jupiter will be in Capricorn as well as Jupiter Saturn alignment and there are further Eclipses all in Capricorn which will bring about new systems again and new structures! It’s a huge shift -into a new age so to speak and this line up in Capricorn is a massive change cycle . A cycle of Jupiter and Saturn occurs every 20 years but the change we need to note is Jupiter snd Saturn are moving from earth signs into air signs which changes a lot! So December 21 2020 Solstice and the Eclipse on the 26th of December is when it moves from earth into from air in Capricorn through 2020 into Aquarius which is the new age ! It can means and relate to ending of oil coal and heavy industry and earth energy stuff and moving into technological growth communication and huge growth in these areas. If one looks back to 1980 the planets were in air signs for a short time and was beginning of Internet and google ! Now that internet technology and communication should fly and develop rapidly and fully into the Aquarian age which is all starting at the end of 2020. Saturn and Pluto is a recurring cycle that was here at start of World War One and at the end of World War 2 so the negative of this energy is indeed there possibility of World war and or corruption ! Jupiter and Pluto over this period come together which is good for abundance and the restructure of wealth in the world - Will it be fair, will it be done with Equality in mind? Or will mistakes of greed be repeated? The Uranus Taurus alignments in 2020 shake up of the financial system of the world ! The 2020 Eclipses will further shake people up all round and then Mars going Retrograde in Aries is also key! So there is much happening to evolve and grow and push us into the Aquarian age - We need to work and move toward this change rather than resist it .The trick is to be aware and ride the highs and manage the changes and re-adjust ourselves mind , body and soul so that we can embrace fly and grow in this Magical time of change ! I am not an Astrologer but find the effect of it all so interesting and incredible and looking at the dates the Numerology and studying ones own Birth Chart one can understand just that much more.. Enjoy the read... Lauren x x x |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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