July 2021 it’s a 7 month in a 5 year so there is a 3 creativity overture .The 7 vibration is all about Independence self actualisation as well deep project focus and self growth. Indeed this is a time to go within and look at your deepest inner desires and shift your focus in that direction. So for some it may entail transformation and deepening one’s own Spiritual journey and for others it may mean taking goal orientated steps to work on projects and focus on the material in the direction of the success toward completion. This for some being a major turning points in ones life for some as it is a completed total re shift and refocus for each of us uniquely and it may entail some of us leaving behind what no longer serves -especially after 7th of July which is the end of Mercury Retrogrades shadow when final decisions are made and things begin to move forward . This Mercury Retrograde showed us each the very area in our lives that we needed to evaluate and to look at work on and if we each look back at what came up for us at this time we can see where adaptions can now be made. For some unexpected turns and changes occurred in our lives due to the eclipse energy combined with the retrograde. Eclipses are known to bring sudden and unexpected change in and make us face tower moments that adjust our course of life forever back onto our authentic paths. For some it meant looking at our own triggers and shadows that needed healing and to now re address and make sure pat traumas and patterns have been released - for some Karmic relationships played out triggering making us truly look at ourselves our values and our love an partnership dynamics and taking decisions . Themes like -Did you end a career path or go for a job offer that seems more fulfilling or more authentic at this time ? Or did a relationship or partnership fall away or did you save it and balance out things together?Whatever the case it resulted in a free will choice and in a redirection toward ones destiny ones true North bases on the outcome of the results of these decisions. 7 being a more solitary time a time to heal wounds from deep within us and really address past patterns fears and triggers and really assess ones love relationships - Are they for a reason or just a season or are they worth working on for a lifetime together? The 2 partnership questions that will arise to keep them or to let them go and rather take what you learnt and just heal where you were triggered . All these old wounds coming up for healing at this time so a refocus and re-shift completely on oneself going into a deep reflective within and in time rising just like the Phoenix and firing forth in a forward way never forgetting to honour an be grateful for the moments and lessons experienced and to trust that why is meant for our destiny will never pass us by. So in the depth self refection and self journeying in the 7 at this time allows us to be redirected back onto ones own course , taking baby steps and learning from the gifts and tastes of love received. Honouring our individual progress pressing on forward as hard or as resistant to it one may feel at this time -we all all being called to do the work -the inner and the outer work to survive and learn our life lessons and reach our dreams and goals. This July from the 1st -4th there is a T square with Mercury Uranus and Saturn this is a challenging alignment making one feel restless frustrated even perhaps lacking in the will or the self-confidence -Yet a time to shift focus onto the positives ,looking for clarity and take the steps for your Soul going forward clearing and releasing the triggers that came forcing one to go deep inside oneself to find the confidence and the inner warrior aspect in you in order to move forward and let go and let God! The Sirius gateway opens 3-7th July at this time which is very beneficial for technological advancement and a time for tuning in to ones intuition and gut as well as psychic abilities. July 7th the 77 the double inner self reflection or double project focus time at the end the shadow period of a 3 week Mercury Retrograde and a time to re adjust ones sails to move in a new direction and begin to heal the grief and the triggers that were revealed and leave it behind as a lesson . Journaling meditation contemplation in the 7 energy of July trusting in the bigger picture and truly honoring ones self and own journey being true to yourself and your own heart and bringing Life and Partnerships back into balance or choosing to work on them or choosing to let them go and release- so profound re direction at this time with a lot to process grieve and make peace with July 9 is the Cancer new moon and then maybe similar emotional themes that began in the beginning of the month -feelings and healing ones pain a major theme and releasing of emotions-balancing family life again and adjusting to losses or the new course in life chosen ..these emotions are likely to pour out or be repressed and moved into hard work and creativity-So one needs to find a way to practice self-care and come at this time July 12th is trine Jupiter which entails sorting out the paperwork from the miscommunication from the previous retrograde now that’s just post the shadow time to re negotiate contracts at this time. July 13 Venus is conjunct Mars and this can be a time for soulmates and twin flames and love to be ignited and certain things to be corrected for some around July 21 - August 15th Venus is is Virgo a more sensitive time and a time for communication in relationships a time to make right or do acts of kindness-always with free will and authenticity . July 22 when the sun is in Leo -This shift involves lovers re uniting or in some cases just a super fiery creative exciting time - The creativity and fire is an underlying theme this July so it can also mean being productive and creative and a time to express. July 23 is the Aquarius full moon the first of Aquarius ( the following one in August) A time to step out of the comfort zone and embrace freedom and find a new way of being and to shine July 28 retrograde Jupiter now returns to Aquarius Jupiter has been in Pisces so up until now time to think about those around us and humanity the under lying aspect of the 3 .So finding humanitarian ways with those around you -moving toward your soul tribe and being creative in this new and unstable world we find ourselves in and working toward the greater good Mars in Virgo July 29th-September 14th- A time using all the clarity to surge forward into the next few months leaving behind what no longer serves July thus is a profound month of self growth and self analysis -a time to really self reflect and get to the bottom of what one needs to focus on in one’s own life be at growing spiritually and rather relying on oneself then on and nurturing ones individual goals and balance in partnerships at this time do adjusting ones partnerships so that the balance is correct for You -whatever this means and that is the energy of the month of July finding that unique balance is key-hoping this assist you. By Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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