2024 is a year of technology and finance - A time of infinite possibilities - A karmic time to the building sacred lasting love and partnerships love relationships and 8 is power money digital currency and legacy year and more!
8 requires flexibility- so it is vital to let the 'wrong' stuff go and tackle specific projects in new ways and to eliminate and choose wisely to stay in the flow of the 8. There are a lot of transits this year that really gives us that push forward into taking that leap of faith its a magical time of once in a life time type of opportunities.The karma and the work we have put in comes to fruition. 2024 is eight energy vibration, 2+0 +2+4 = 8 a year of wisdom, confidence and being bold. A growth time spiritually a time for new projects, new relationships, using all the wisdom that we have learn an empowering and abundant year financially if we are wise and we take the opportunities. It is a dragon year 2024 in Chinese Astrology which is a year for prosperity and abundance planning and consistency of material success. onJanuary 1st of 2024 we go straight into Mercury direct, which is action time after having spent three weeks in December during Mercury Retrograde re-looking rethinking with and reconsideration our lives what to change and what to keep and which structures going forward into this January 2024... Saturn's influence on 2024 is on discipline and money so imperative to qualify projects properly and put the effort into the right ones ..8 is money solid and systematic structure . Jupiter has a huge influence in 2024 how we either Do or on’t fit in to this world or certain situations and it is time to stop sitting on th fence. The first half of the year is Go Go Go and the 2nd half Jupiter forms a square with Saturn this continues the stories from December 2020 zero degrees in Aquarius - During this Jupiter Saturn cycle we may find ours at a critical cross roads and need a change in direction or take action and opportunities and for some in a totally new direction ... 2024 has 3 major astrological events North node Chiron conjunction healing and transformation of our wounds and traumas and turning them into wisdom.It is a time of powerful healing - it can also be a time of humanitarian focus and it can also be a time of world chaos that teaches us or tries to for the greater good of humanity elevating our wisdom and compassion sion and a time of heightened consciousness changing the way we approach others so. more understanding and compassion Jupiter conjunction with Uranus which is huge to do Jupiter conjunct Uranus March to May is a huge and extremely significant alignment this 2024 and being in Taurus to do with finance, self-worth, abundance, expansion and affecting global and financial markets and moving even more into digital currencies and online money transactions When Jupiter and Uranus come together, war surprise shock unpredictability leading to instability The peak of the alignment of this transit is on April 21 but it will build up as early as March and go through until about May there is much room for growth and expansion this conjunction is every 13 or 14 years it has surprise and often positive surprises Venus joins Jupiter and Uranus and its a time for magic an once in a life time stuff in love and career opportunities.This Jupiter Uranus transit is also to do with finance and technology development Pluto moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius so a totally different focus .These past 16 years Pluto was in Capricorn which was a lot to do with communication mending of our hearts and making new decisions about old hurts and now in Aquarius a time for deep transformation can be life altering and profound-Pluto is about wealth and money and it can be a time of material abundance this 2024 especially the 1st quarter of the year as all the planets are direct Jan Feb March so big increase In creativity activity and flow a straight clear path to fly Pluto goes retrograde in Aquarius at 2degrees til July so big changes personally and globally at this time then it goes to 29 degrees Capricorn stern lessons that are quite hectic til October 12 th when all goes direct So July -October is more challenging. Relationships are going to be a big theme in 2024 removing what no longer serves us and some beautiful alignments of healing - finally breaking toxic patterns and leaving those toxic cycles behind especially as January to April Chiron placement in the North ode Which is to do with the end of suffering on a personal level healing wounds and traumas from the past and really making the change. Also on February 19th North node is conjunct Chiron in Aries our wounds are our healing north node is karmic so am opportunity to re write our destiny make new different decisions on matters that have been problematic draining and holding us back from our true path. So when this north node meets Chiron we can break cycles and take new paths and heal even generational wounds. What is is and what is no longer working becomes clear. Technology and inventions are very possible it is also a favourable time for investment and increase in wealth from our investments this in March and April Jupiter enters Gemini in May of 2024 This Gemini energy is the about the duality of life, the good the bad the light the dark so learning to honouring our selves. A great year for two social media writing publishing big news especially as Jupiter sextile Saturn in pisces a great time for luck change and great opportunity so its about seizing these opportunities Jupiter Square, Saturn, July to December they will come into a direct square triggers conjunction very similar to December 2020This particular square Jupiter will be in Gemini Saturn will be in Pisces and this combination can create a lot of friction and want us to focus on and set boundaries keeping our end of the deal creating and setting boundaries will be hugely necessary at this time . Pluto officially leaves Capricorn in November and moves into Aquarius for 20 years. Pluto in Aquarius is massive shift. It’s been between Capricorn and Aquarius for sometime and the themes of Pluto being dark secrets and truths being revealed..Capricorn theme was about global financial systems and establishing order and Pluto helped exposed where there was abuse of power and Aquarius relates to technology so a huge shake up and great expansion a humanitarian undertone Mars retrograde occurs this October 2024 it is to do with our energy and action and in retrograde it may affect our confidence home emotions and it may be a time to catch for fatigue and burnout but its more to have the awareness keep the balance as the transit goes on til May 2025 so a time to balance work and play and keep emotions steady do the shadow work take the time out and work with it not against it so to speak. Eclipses are time of unforeseen disruption and change - unexpected sometime - So its to expect the unexpected from chaos comes order - The 4 Eclipse times for 2024 are - libra lunar eclipse in March 25 Aries solar eclipse April 8 Pisces lunar eclipse September 17 Libra solar eclipse October 2 The four eclipses of 2024 three of which fall under the Aries Libra axis, and the one falls under the Pisces Virgo axis. The Pisces lunar eclipse on September 17 is part of a separate eclipse that will give us a taste of things for 2025. The other three eclipses are a theme and cycle we currently working through- regarding our relationships dynamics. Specifically where we are giving and receiving in libra so in our partnerships and keeping a healthy balance. Also where we need connection and togetherness in our lives, and where we need to give up connections and union in our lives and toxic or karmic cycles.especially as solar eclipses are to do with new beginnings in relationships and balanced dynamics. Mercury retrograde s 2024 times to reassess re determine re look at work projects love parterships and career during there times things may muddle delay or slow down and it is best not to sign contracts or else to expect unforeseen changes and delays -This April 2nd to 26th Mercury retrograde in Aries 27-15 degrees -ThisAugust 5 to 29th Mercury retrograde in Virgo 4 degrees to Leo 21 degrees -This November 26th to December 16th Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius 22- 6 degrees So as you can see a lot of forced transformation and shifting of focus-time to blossom and evolve and stabilise this 8 year of 2024 and a time of abundance power strength and karmic destiny -Jupiter conjunct Uranus is very rare we will feel it from jan to March and right up to May its a from rags to riches and from riches to rags time depending of our decisions and focus so get ready to gallop and fly this 2024 Wishing you all the best ... By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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