The month of April has been a spectacular one for our energetic growth .We are seeing fundamental and foundational changes both on Energetic and Astral realms. We have been placed in what some may consider as our next cycle of energetic evolution which is steadily preparing us for 2020. This is considered the beginning of a major change. Some may even fear this date and yet others like myself rather embrace it and look at it as something to indeed look forward to and as a time of incredible growth journeying and evolution. These energy shifts hard as they may seem are an indication of what is to come. I would like to believe that compassion and kindness will be ingrained into many more people on this planet and that we will become empowered to live in our Truth as individuals and in Harmony with each other. Most importantly that Consciousness will be altered into a higher level of being . This is currently referred to as moving into 5D or into the 5th dimension. Presently, we are operating in 3D and 4D being the 3rd and 4th dimensional levels of being energetically.The 333 Energy Portal that opened has also contributed to this energetic shift. This has happened in conjunction with the Astrological New year, this April ,as well as the effects of the March Super-moon combined with all the Retrogrades making it hugely impactful. In fact it all already started doing so from this March 21st 2019 as this 333 Portal of energy , coincided with the Northern Hemisphere’s Spring Equinox and was also in sync with this years ‘3’ 2019 energy being all about passion, growth, fire and creativity. 333, being one of the highest vibrational energies and the highlighting of ones own intuition and higher self, also bringing a new found Creativity into our lives . This manifesting ocurring via things like art or music or more profoundly via the energies and awakenings created from our very own perceptions.The 333 portal also being a deep ,personal awakening time, as well as a massive energy shift of old thought patterns and old structures.These all falling away and literally shifting one into a new and authentic reality. The energy of the 333 number combination ultimately realigns our world via the guidance of the Ascended Masters. This assists us to connect to our higher selves more and with a new found consciousness and higher wisdom, aligning us to being guided by our intuition and our higher selves more! This meant for some of us even walking away from what no longer served ,for ones highest and best good and finding a new and different sense of Peace and Happiness in our lives. The focus on letting be and being authentic and honest rather than having expectation toward specific outcomes. Releasing, trusting and allowing life to unfold as it was meant instead of forcing what we thought should indeed occur. In doing this releasing and detaching from fantasy and wishful thinking allowing what is truly meant to occur naturally and thus facing the Truth, moving away from Illusion and eelf deception .This being very tough at times and us requiring time heal and to process, whilst transitioning into this new level of 5D consciousness. This 333 energy being an entire re-balancing act, of body mind, heart and soul ,marking the beginning of the new Astrological year for us as well as a brand new cycle for our spiritual growth. Seeing and noticing the 333 sequence repeatedly meaning that your consciousness and self awareness of this 333 energy working through you and its realigning you via this new felt inner peace and harmony and acceptance of what is. So, your Soul's purpose being represented through these numbers reflecting and thus living as your authentic self and your true life journey in your life. 333 energy connecting us to our humanitarian nature, helping to bring more kindness and joy back into the world. This urging us to Manifest what we call the ‘New Earth’ providing us with the necessary tools to shift the entire planets level of consciousness. If one became complacent or stagnant it literally forced us into a profound reaction to make the changes, even total disruption of our very foundations to the core ensuring the necessary growth and change. Yet channelled correctly used to create new Dreams and a new Reality for ourselves. This 333 portal opening also tied in with the last Super-moon of 2019. Being the last one of 3 super moons this 2019. So another ‘3 ‘in the mix that also occurred on the 21st of March 2019! This amazing 3 energy everywhere ! However, Mercury then went Retrograde during this period and this did not make for an easy transition. Retrograde making us re-look and re-assess and re-do! Pushing our minds, thoughts and actions into a direction where we were forced to take full responsibility and find and secure authentic re-direction for ourselves. With these Retrogrades, the Super-moons and the 333 Energetic Portal and all this combined massive concurrent energy- It created a powerful ripple effect that left no one untouched. Moreover, when all else fell away there was only "you" left to face it all and heal it! At times one could have felt extremely vulnerable and raw. However, this process Indeed pushed us hard to cleanse our lives and also to learn to forgive ourselves and to become strong and creative and also to create new and healthier boundaries. Yet, most importantly, pushing us forward on our paths and all of us learning to accept and see the truth even if this meant for some total a total upheaval and disruption of absolutely everything as they knew it! This was seemingly relentless period of transition and ultimately the start of the New Order and a new way of being. Mercury goes Retrograde a few times each year we have all heard this buzz word 'MERCURY RETROGRADE'. When this occurs, planet just appears to have stopped moving or even begun to reverse in the sky. . Mercury, the Roman counterpart for the Greek God Hermes, is the God and planet of trickery, magic, travel and communication! So when Mercury goes Retrograde (Rx) being the symbol use-We can expect some trickery and some crazy moments whereby nothing works smoothly whilst this Retrograde is happening! For instance It could involve your computer just crashing or even your car tyre going flat! For some just unforeseen delays or even cancellation or rescheduling of travel plans . Communication can be muffled or even total miscommunication can occur! There can be delays in any contract signing and in fact it is suggested that one should try not to sign or work on contracts during this period where possible - or at least anticipate delays! Details can be misunderstood or overlooked and It all just seems up in the air and to be a little topsy turvy and upside down! Thankfully this Retrograde passed over and Mercury went direct and out of Retrograde on March 28th . From then, life started flow again and things begun to work with less delay! So when looking at all these events concurrently ,for some it may seem merely coincidental. However we realise that absolutely everything is Interlinked even our Sun and our Moon and the Sun and the Equinox leaving the Southern hemisphere returning it’s warmth to the North. Then 3 Super-moons back to back and the potent effect that they had on us... The last Super-moon in was in Libra where so much of our emotional world surfaced again and made us face ourselves, forcing us to be authentic and implement the necessary changes and face these head on .This last Super-moon, in fact challenged us to face our Hearts truths. For some this meant remove people that no longer were meant to be part of your Life and the release of toxic connections and taking away what was no longer in energetic alignment. This occurred unexpectedly and abruptly for some in their lives causing shock and revelation. It made us take of the rose-tinted shades of Illusion and made us see things as they truly are and not as fantasy any longer! This all being part of this 333 shift of energy rebalancing and shift. Yet, as hard or harsh as this seemed, these were the precursors to the current spiritual evolution and an evolving and a growing of ourselves, tapping into our own intuition and gut feel. This changed us for the best and has shifted us to operate from a higher dimension and perspective-truth and authenticity being core ! Our lesson at large to celebrate and embrace these necessary changes and sacrifices to start to live with proper authenticity. Also to find new joy in ourselves and to heal our old wounds and release our old patterns and ways of being. This leaving us either newly energised or completely drained and listless depending. Importantly, remembering that all of this is in fact happening for an even bigger energetic reason, this being to help redirect us and integrate us into this 5D energy. In these times we see the synchronicities of the Universe just unfolding before us. The main challenge being to start celebrating and processing the changes and to cope calmly. There is a great saying: “Do not try to calm the storm. Instead calm yourself as the storm will pass.” This is perfectly apt, for if we learn to remain calm in times of change and turmoil, the storm does pass. It is how we react and embrace life and its changes that is key . We have had to learn to understand and anticipate all the delays and the Retrograde hitches. The 333 Energy Portal opening, and remarkably all the planets sitting at 0° (zero degrees) on March 21st, the Equinox the Super-moon were all completely in sync with one another. Over and above this the two Libra Full moons also occurred back to back both in April -One on the 6th and one on the 19th. These Full moons occurring were all about re-balancing. This process had begun prior to this with the New moon in Pisces back on 6th March, which then moved into Aries, ruled by Mars which was all about movement, fire, action, Independence as well as Leadership. This made for a feeling and a need to be somewhat Impulsive.The effect of these transits was even more noticeable if any of these aspected in your own personal Natal Chart. Libra being ruled by Venus had a direct effect on both our personal and business relationships. However aggressive and impulsive the energy was that came about , it served to push people into a place of conflict and deep questioning resulting in change and in some cases a total re-arranging ! The Sun at this time was also aligned with Chiron. Chiron, known to be the ‘Wounded Healer’ in our Astrological charts! This representing our biggest wounds and the ability to turn these into our biggest gifts . The challenge being the acknowledgement and healing of these wounded parts of ourselves. So, if at this time this aspect affected you specifically or particularly brought up old wounds to the surface, Indicates that these planets and signs may have had a strong placement within your own Natal or Transitory charts. Chiron together with these 2 Libra Super-moons pushed some of us to work on and heal our wounds with a new found strength and wisdom by tackling and facing them head on and no longer ignoring them. Jupiter also went Retrograde in April 2019! Jupiter being the planet of Success, the God of Authority and Abundance asking us to re-assess our beliefs Ideologies and Ideals. This Retrograde occurred in Sagittarius was shifting the energy and power to our new endeavours. Asking our higher selves to look at the deeper meaning behind our thoughts and finding new insights and new methods and ways to access our ideas better. Reminding us not to fooled by Illusions, but to rely on our own Intuition and Insight creating greater understanding of our higher selves and our natures and how we achieve success in our lives. Saturn, went into Retrograde on 29th April and retrograded through Capricorn. This forced us to release our Karma and made us understand that any good energy and thoughts that we put out there would eliminate the harmful aspects of the Karma that we had accrued for ourselves. In doing so forgiving both ourselves and others and becoming accountable and taking responsibility. Pluto, the planet of shadows and planet of our inner fantasies as well as and of our deepest secret desires went Retrograde on April the 22nd in Capricorn. Pluto Retrograde bringing up things to the surface and shedding light on things that no longer serve us. Being in Capricorn made us look at our innate our need for stability and structure and emphasis on learning to become more consistent as people both in our careers and via our plans and our core truths as Individuals. These are the things that surfaced, the re-establishing a new way to challenge us in our career spaces and within our core selves. Pluto has a marvellous way of exposing skeletons in closets. Similarly, It will bring much success to those that are willing to face the changes of their core foundations. Capricorn being the final earth sign, and Pluto retrograding through this sign may have also brought up things like Mother Earth and the way we have treated her thus bringing inmore activist energy whereby more people step up and fight to heal our planet. So to conclude, You are in this 333 Energy so embrace it and all of its wonderment! Learn to enjoy some of the Madness and embrace the changes for they are inevitable . Look out for 333 and then just go with the flow! By Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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