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September is a 9 Vibration month and indeed a month of culminations and new beginnings - September is Libra and the scales of balance - A time to release and a time to make positive change as well as major life decisions . September is a 9 energy -to do with completions and change and embracing changes in our own lives. It is about reaching decisions finding the balance and focusing on what truly inspires the soul rather than being distracted by frivolous things and learning to see the beauty in the simplest things is important for our true and authentic happiness . If one looks at this September and the first quarter it’s all about steering yourself in a direction well you can reap the rewards of your work and see what is and isn’t successful in your life during the last quarter of September 2019. There is a waning moon representing the end of cycles again the 9 and maybe some decisions and some reflection needed. Indeed the 28th of September is the New moon very much invigorating time the 1 a period of luck ,planning, strength, newness and creative times- A time of new beginnings break throughs and overcoming some difficult times and endings this September. The planets are indeed as follows this September -Venus in Virgo, which is really a time to look at once finances and pay attention to spending . Jupiter and Venus affect these aspects and they can be some confusion in this regard. By the middle of September to the 3rd of October when Mercury crosses Libra and is later conjunct Venus it is time to sort out both agreements and relationships in that regard. Mercury and Pluto will also be in conflict which one means one must watch one’s words. Mars and Pluto in harmony is a time for strategy and building. Jupiter connecting with Libra towards the end of September can also be good for romance and good fortune as long as one is connecting in these matters for ones Highest and best good otherwise the need for completions and endings will occur. September is also when Saturn in Capricorn goes direct -this in fact occurs on 18th this is all about focusing more on ones Life Purpose and ones work. Vesta Retrograde in Taurus on 23rd is more about patterns that affect our self confidence and looking more closely at these, so that by the time the end of September occurs ,we have done more of the work on ourselves . 9 as a Vibration is also about finding the magic making the World your Oyster and really eliminating what no longer serves . The shifting of focus back into the flow and once in the flow the 9 Magic is possible and appears as though from nowhere. It is vibration where anything is possible and attainable when we find our truth and align ourself to the highest vibration and shift into our authentic focus on what is truly important . This is key to unlocking all the possibilities in our worlds even in our friendships relationships and in our careers and on our life Journeys and Soul paths. Hoping that is 9 September interpretation resonates for you - Happy September and heres to attaining 9 magic and taking it into 2020 ! By Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
Quick linksPlease note that due to legislation, you must be over 18 to have a reading with me and I have to state that all my readings are for entertainment purposes only. I am also restricted from talking about or giving information with regards to legal, financial or health issues and would recommend that you consult a professional in these fields should you have any concerns with these matters in question.
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