November 2022 1111 Realignment and Transformation..Eclispse and Mars Retrograde..and more ..11/1/2022 November 2022 a 2 month in a 6 year so an 8 “power”overture -indeed a powerful month to say the least major transformation and realignment in our lives due to November 8th being the 2nd eclipse, a lunar eclipse and final eclipse in this Scorpio series . The 111 of the 1st of November and the 1111 on the 11th are two super powerful days of manifestation big destined or fated changes in unique alignment with the universal plan. Pay attention to your focus on these days it can mean the right person is on their way to you partnership or relationship wise 1111 being the twin flame angel number .Have you been seeing 1111 on the clock - this is confirmation of you being on track .It is also a number of self love and self confidence and powerful new beginnings and about embracing iife and following your heart! In business it can meet fresh starts and new opportunities and projects being presented and initiated at this time and the one is about power and purpose and the number 11 of November is about frequency of manifestation and is a master number in this 2 month ( 11 becomes a 2 ) it is indeed about love and partnership and for many reconciliations or new beginnings in love . The new Moon on the 15th of November in Scorpio too so a super intense energy transformation rebirth and using our intuition releasing what longer serves and readjusting our life course this all happening fast and intensely . This this new moon in Scorpio is about our addressing pain and trauma and facing our shadow side and uncertainties . This may involve literally closing up chapters that are going nowhere and redirecting your journey onto a brand new the course -this being the next chapter of our lives higgling impacted by this Eclipse and Scorpio Full moon. This being blood moon Lunar Eclipse on November 8th. Chaos and upheaval may rock to redirect ourselves massive amidst this upheaval growth and rebirth and a forced re direction ! we will literally be pushed into another somewhat fated direction abruptly with massive synchronicities and tower moments that will just make re direction crystal clear .This releasing ourselves and removal of any toxic or karmic stories and purging and releasing what is not meant not be- this will just happen at this time and any chaos upheaval and readjustment is just a total shake up in our lives towards transformational re alignment. This is also be a super and exciting time of shifting mystery miracles and magic and fated reconciliations that can magically reappear for closure ! Lessons from the past can recur at this timed a rekindling with new free outlook- a new sense of exploration of ones freedom-there is no fitting a round peg in a square hole -it ether works and fits for you or it doesn’t! Thus a time to set new boundaries and reach new levels and heights of healing. This Eclipse is connected to May 2022s previous full Blood moon eclipse so we can look back at the themes of what was happening for us in our partnerships or careers then…This could then be a further chapter of similar karmic cycles to complete if we have not learnt. It is a magical time too wonderful for fated events and reconnections that can happen magically and quickly. We need to honour ourselves and get ready for a crazy ride the truth- no more illusion ..For this is the journey honouring your soul and taking your light where You go to shine like the sun. November also be challenging month Mars will be also be in retrograde so a need to push forward with energy the best we can try not to overreact ok the craziness of this Mars retrograde! Tempers are high and we need to watch our wounds and our words. The time is now to make peace and o reconcile with the past, heal and overcome anything that holds us back in the 2nd half of November there is Jupiter retrograde and Jupiter together with Mars Retrograde is a truant fierce levelling up Mars is strong fiery and action orientated November 5th the Venus retrograde also moves into Uranus which is also fiery and massive explosions of change -Thus November is a time to manifest our truth reach our goals work and work areas of one’s life as Venus in opposition t Uranus can put spanners in our love life so prepare for a bit of a crazy ride November 28 the Mars retrograde goes direct with Saturn and gives us strength and determination and a time for us to shine again! What a ride what a month brace yourselves people it’s all happened life is chaotically transformation living your truth purification and regeneration so a wonderful time too this November ! Hoping that this assists you to navigate your way! By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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