May is a 5 month so in Numerology it is about rebelliousness movement out the box somewhat controversial thinking and most definitely change adventure and freedom .Looking at our lives and assessing what limits us verses what gives us freedom .
Taurus season is about practicality and sensibility and what we value and it’s about trying remain calm within this 5 frenetic and somewhat transformative energy this May month within this 6 humanitarian year of 2022 making a 2 overall aspect- So a time to look at our love and business Partnerships, reassessing how our they transforming-whether or not they are still working for us - whether are they healthy and balanced . Allowing what flows to flow and what needs to go to let go especially with eclipse season whereby the April 30th solar eclipse kicks us into May with making us look at our love partnerships finance and literally eclipsing in what is mean and eclipsing out what is not meant -so looking at any trauma bonds or inauthentic unions and toxic aspects that may trigger us and a time to heal our patterns and traumas especially with Pluto in Capricorn Retrograde addressing the underlying issues and doing deep inner work and to do the deep thinking and do the work to heal and change our negative patterning addictions co dependency and any self limiting beliefs. Eclipses are often surprising or shocking truths which lead to massive resets and new beginnings as well endings and for some new manifestations..It is about allowing and surrendering to the process being a total eclipse a massive reset verses a south nod eclipse which releases karma and a north node one which pushes us into our true North one need s to step back surrender allow and trust what is happening at this time Taurus season is about simplicity valuing evaluating what must choose to focus and concentrate on and what to pull back from which projects to pursue and which to ditch! This Eclipse season is also magical time for divine intervention divine alignment in amongst the change as well as miracles moving us toward our paths of authentic destiny in our personal lives with love finance and career . The 5 is change in Taurus season makes us focus on realistic and structured aspects of our lives within the chaos and the eclipse season is all about changes are necessary whether we are ready or not! Pluto retrograde Mercury retrograde and eclipse season and the retrogrades are a reflective tone to go inward and a tome to make the changes anyway and move forward and no longer be stuck. May 5th Sun in Taurus as well as Uranus in Taurus which involves lots of change and shock and with the up and coming Mercury retrograde a time to halt and reasess May 10th to June 3rd Mercury Retrograde being in Gemini it will be affecting communication and our relationships the moats well as our travel and business plans so not the best time to sign contract s and if one has to just to check them throughly communication delays and mishaps can occur at this time so a better time to re evaluate and check things and verify contracts documents signature as well as electronic devices and software On May 10th Jupiter moves into Aries , warrior energy..this is the 1st time in 12 years- so about reaching for our dreams with entrepreneur energy and standing up for one beliefs and in the world possible arguments debates and differing of opinions On May 11th Jupiter the abundance being assertive and taking that leap of faith with inspiration and wisdom as it moves into Aries until October and then it move back into Pisces in retrograde The lunar eclipse full moon in Scorpio on May 15 and 16th bringing up our inner darknesses and vulnerabilities I and traumas readdressing our shadow and inner sides of ourselves and whether we are healing making us look back at the previous eclipse of April 30 which was a solar Eclipse in Taurus so taking us back to what happened for in October 202 1 and whether we have healed and closed the chapters or not May 15th Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries our wounds move into our forefront of our minds a time to heal our heart- Chiron being the wounded healer turning our pain Into a gift and being open to real and true love and overcoming the pain by looking at where we are triggered at this time Sun enters Gemini conjunct Mercury on May 21st so a brilliant time for any projects that involve communication writing or the mind to put them in motion with an extra push May 23rd Mercury is Retrograde in Gemini in Taurus so a time to reevaluate our communication and values with Gemini curiosity May 25th Mars in Aries a time for confidence and strength and action so forward movement and fire no more and a no excuses feel to things so a go go go feel. May 28th Venus enters Taurus a sensual time a time of love and pleasure and romance a time to express ones feelings with ease May 29th Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries confidence and action and a time for action a time to avoid doing things from the ego May 30th new Moon in Gemini a time of been spontaneous and setting new intentions getting ready for the forward movement again once Mercury goes direct Taurus season is a re look at some unforeseen events that will rock us and our world and change our lives so we need to focus on what brings us safety and security in our own lives and how to stay calm in times of change and turbulence in these transformative time. Because of Venus is placement there is also very loving energy there and it’s a powerful manifestation time around May 2 when Mars and Venus are in Pisces because of the energy of Neptune and Jupiter so a time for magic and miracles and a time for romance abundance and life changing manifestations that are indeed possible and then the Eclipse will take over and either takeaway or put into our lives what is meant. This Taurus season we need to connect with our values connect with nature ground ourselves see changes that occurred from October 2021 to now May 2022 this continuous transformation throughout the rest of the year because of the clip season where many changes occur whether we want it or not it can be about our work lives are romantic lives or partnerships and finances and careers are all affected as well as healing and evolving at this time -Indeed a profound time of transformation and evolution of our lives -what is meant is meant and eclipses in what is not shall be eclipsed out -May is the beginning and it will take the next six months to all unfold … Hoping you enjoyed this interpretation By Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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