June 2023 is a 6 month in a 7 year so a 4 re building foundations overture within a humanitarian and self evolving mindset a time to push on with life in a new and adventurous direction ... Leaving the May eclipse and retrograde times behind and flying forwards with force into these new beginnings where we each find ourselves however crazy it now seems in the aftermath of the havoc of the eclipse and retrograde that forced us to leave behind what no longer serves and to readjust our course with optimism and independence hard as it is...Be it a new country a new home a new job a new opportunity with love whichever applicable to you on your own personal journey. Jupiter in conjunct the north mode and sextile Saturn all about growth partnership and fated love that is deeper and more meaningful and we are each navigating our lives to get there So whether its new start in love and life or an ending of a chapter there is just so no more time for procrastination and we now implement our live changing plans in big strides forward trying to gather ourselves and breath in the newness of it all ..Yes , the calm after the storm… 1 June Jupiter conjunct north node in Taurus is about a new journey for some and finding the higher meaning and brand new life opportunities .Mercury also leaves shadow phase of retrograde so things to do with communication and contracts and disputes run more smoothly 3 /4June full moon in Sagittarius this is an adventure full moon , a time of travel expansion and joy so a go big or go home attitude ! We are moving through our karma making changes in our love and romance by committing to the next level or else taking a stand and finally walking away from what no longer serves.It is about getting real and living your truth and with Saturn square to Mars in Leo this comes with being proactive and involves bold action ! 5 /6 June Venus in Leo love beauty and more romance time - a time for love harmony and emotional honesty with our loved ones allowing also for a re bonding in this Venus In Leo period which ends on 8th October. This Venus transit also affects money and finances and our professional lives and what occurs around the 6th June is what we are specifically dealing with for this period . During a Venus retrograde which comes up in July that only occurs every 18months a re-evaluation period of our love partnerships clear old patterns and wounds and looking at our relationship dramas so we can make the right decisions and look at our relationship and partners doing forward a well as our relationship with money and the flow of it and how to truly shine until October this is the theme .. 11 June Mercury in Gemini a time of thought and using the mind and your ideas as well as travel and communication a great time to explain and share and talk about your emotions and feelings at this time Pluto, has been in Aquarius re enters Capricorn so looking at how we have grown and transformed healing these past traumas sun wounds and clearing up the old damage from 2008 and newer issues from October 2022 and March 2023 ..So any themes recurring for in love or finances and looking at how far you have come and where you are now headed. 11/12 June is Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus so a great time for creative projects and a time to attend to anything you have put off or delayed and for things to blossom and grow 17 June Saturn retrograde starts its for 140 days in Pisces so ending November 4th 2023 a time to reevaluate our life and our karma and understanding why we repeat and attract the sane circumstances repeatedly so a good time to address our karma and heal and evolve rather than repeat the lesson! Looking at themes that were going on in March 2023 that may come upbeat a time now to take responsibility-daddy Saturn forced us to be accountable . 18 June new moon in Gemini a time for new ideas to chase these with positivity and passion and a time for self love and nurturing looking at balance in our lives The sun is squaring Neptune at this time too so though a time of creativity there can be some confusion thus time for self expression and self care June 19/20 Venus enters its shadow phase for its retrograde so themes re money relationships love and beauty are likely to recur for that re look 21June sun enters Cancer the feelings sign and the solstice season so a time of heightened sensitivity and compassion a time to nurture yourself and others with high levels of empathy and emotion a time for emotion and family and Ceres enters Libra on the 21st calmer and trusting time of regeneration and allowing what is meant to flow .. 26 June Mercury moves into Cancer tilJuly 11th a time quality versus quantity and a to feel and focus on matters of the heart .Love is in the air at this time for some ! 30 June Neptune retrograde to December 6th a more dreamy and spiritual overture heightened empathy and compassion and truths and revelations occurring in our lives putting us onto our true and authentic journeys guiding us to see the truth as Neptune retrograde is about removing the illusion from realities a time to move into your own authenticity So again a dynamic month filled with so much Thank you for reading this and hope you can navigate June 2023 with open eyes and an open heart ❤️ heightened empathy guiding us to see the truth as Neptune live your truth- so l open eyed and no more rose tinted lenses ! Hoping that this gives you the tools to navigate this June with optimism and courage! By Lauren x x |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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