July 2020 Is the 7 energy in Numerology where we work on ourselves on a deeper level by taking alone time to go within ..With the 2 shadow being about partnerships both in love and in business. This July 5th Eclipse follows the twoJune eclipses and is the last of this Eclipse series .July 5th one is Full moon lunar Eclipse in Capricorn -thus highlighting personal relationships such marriage partnerships and love relationships and this eclipse reveals all that is hidden over the next few weeks that will reveal itself about love or partnership. For many it will be about delving into new aspects of romance as well as new work opportunities as is all about project focus. For some it is a somewhat difficult time both emotionally and financially. It is time to concentrate on how to re-organise ones finances ones projects work and personal partnerships. In many in relationships this can be positive change but relationships that are not authentic will fall and not make through this time as lies and deception can come to the surface. If relationships or friendships are strongly rooted it is a good time to forge ahead with them as well as financial plans that have been well thought out. it is also to do with planning of pending financial ventures this July as well as this month’s theme being individuality verses relationships -7/2 vibrations and it is an ongoing reviewing process due to the Mercury retrograde which ends July 12th but has a shadow week until about the 19th.Questions like ..Do you loose yourself in your love relationship or is your business relationship stable? Are there any secrets ? As these may just be revealed because of the eclipse! There are some Other astrological transits that this month that will affect things Saturn Retrograde on July 1st in Capricorn which affects finances and our long term goals and looks at aspect like long term success . The lunar eclipse also in Capricorn which is more about our personal emotions and then the beginning of retrograde of Chiron in Aries which is about facing out insecurities and getting really honest with oneself and dealing with thing that are often hidden and now coming to the surface. This Cancer Capricorn full moon lunar eclipse highlights issues in relationships and is a time of testing relationships - it may take awhile for this to unfold as Info gets revealed over the next weeks coming.... Saturn is about being responsible and accountable and it is retrograde in Capricorn July 1st until mid December when it goes into Aquarius . July 20th is a double new moon in Cancer where it is important to heal inner wounds and it is a good time to connect to ones intuition to assist with this process.. Jupiter and Pluto are retrograde also in Capricorn meaning readjustment and re-looking at old relationships while the Sun is in cancer and Mercury is Retrograde in Cancer from mid June -July 12 so much confusion or possible misinformation possible Information that is withheld and or secrets being revealed are possible and with new moon cancer July 20th in opposition to with the positioning of Saturn retrograding July 1st highlights some struggles financial flow and some hard work with relationships. Chiron is also in retrograde around July 11th so is to do with the wounded healer in us making each of us face our deepest wounds. Mercury in Retrograde is a time to rethink and to reassess and get ready for new beginnings and this can also be to do with cash flow around July 22nd .Love and relationships is in the shadow 2 this July so is all about what is hidden and what we value .. This Lunar eclipse reveals things like whether your partner Is or isn't honest or whether he or she is disconnected or inauthentic so a time to look at these partnerships in business and identify and work on problems and decide to leave them or work through the issues. This applies as well to love partnership assessments and perhaps fjust reviewing and revising love and work partnerships. All this uses a lot of energy to handle and fine tune the balance with certain truths being revealed foe oneself and on the planet and an unraveling of truth and acceptance In the 7 vibration finding ways to be alone and not lonely and in relationships becoming interdependent verses co dependent can also be a theme of learning and preparing and this July structuring new business projects partnerships and reorganising and reassessing them- So another tough and interesting month ahead this July 2020. BY Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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