July is a 7 month so a time of deep introspection and self evaluation and undoing of our unconscious patterning . Being in a 6 year, a great time for project focus and 4 structure to make things work In your life by taking the time to organise and allocate time to balance out work and play .
7 is an introspective overture so going within in order to reboot and also to address our inner wounds and do the inner shadow work as well as finding the focus needed to pin point onto important and pressing matters and projects and work in our lives. It is a good time to concentrate and complete projects and tasks and being ruled by Leo , this July has a fiery and creative energy productive and exciting energy can be harnessed and activated . On July 1st we have a Capricorn full moon to start the month so all about our goals ambitions and structures for success. It may be good to set boundaries at this time so as not to become exhausted and to also stay positive and optimistic "Rome wasn’t built in a days the saying goes" -It is a good time to address fears and embrace change at this time..It is indeed a time of completion of tasks and implementing them with success. On July 1st Mars squares Aries and Pluto in Capricorn so a time of passion and fire forcing us again to address those inner wounds with discipline and structure and a time to ensure we are not seeking respect and approval from those who don’t and can’t respect us and getting to the core of the matter .Learning to tap into ones heart and also calm the mind to make head and heart decisions verses just head of heart . The month shines bright with the Sirius Gateway Portal which is opening on the 3-7th of July where the Sirius star shines super bright . In fact it shines 23 times brighter than the sun thus huge activations occur at this time- magic and miracles in our lives...It is know as the Spiritual Sun so a time to delve into our feelings of love and a time to trust the divine timing of true and authentic love... It is indeed a time to nourish connection of soul love and destiny and address our innermost feelings at a deep level . A time of truth and authenticity -a time of depth spiritual growth and transformation turning our dreams into reality with this extra light magnificence. A time of moving towards our fated paths of destiny and overcoming obstacles and reaching our goals too is key too as we feel alive and inspired to succeed and shine with Leo grandeur ! On the 7th July the 7 7 is the portal opens this is powerful also a huge activation at this time so deep spiritual growth and enlightenment, Matters of the heart that were confusing or unclear now clarify and reveal themselves so time to go into delve deep and review ones inner most feelings and detach and trust ... Things will literally transform and unfold and flourish as they are meant and feelings of your authentic truth with full attention and pure intentions. So the 7 energy of retracting into one’s self to really sit with what you truly desire is important and then to redirect and realign to manifest that. Taking this quiet time me time will also balance one and this be extremely beneficial at this time so that one can then also complete those tasks and projects and fly forward with success action and creativity. July 13th is a Capricorn full moon so a time of structure and discipline and achievement and reward where one has put effort in to now reap those rewards. Chiron Retrograde occurs on July 19th its acknowledging how far you have come and looking at your journey of healing and turning those wounds into blessings and wisdom . July 22nd is when Leo passion and excitement energy occurs as Leo season kicks in followed by an exciting Full Moon in Leo where healing and balance and authentic love prevails and what is meant to be will start to unfold... On July 28th Jupiter goes Retrograde in Aries so a fiery passionate and spiritual growth spurt of energy to re direct or direct us . In some cases tower moments will occur to break things down and move us toward where we are meant to be on our True North soul journey and to add to this transformation July ends with Uranus conjunct the North node which pushes us all further onto our destined paths and into our truth and authenticity in love and career and in life .. So as you can see a super exciting and transformative July with some excitement and chaos in the mix ! Hoping you enjoy the ride and enjoyed my Interpreation By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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