January 2024 kicked off with Mercury going direct having been in retrograde in December so FORWARD MOVING times go go go month . Capricorn season ruled by Saturn so a time to plan to be disciplined to be organized with our goals and structure and forward movement going in January 2024 a year of massive change as we move into the age of Aquarius when Pluto moves into Aquarius its a new era the next 20 years .. 11 January opening bringing in higher frequencies, unlimited magic, goals and miracles and as long as we keep our discipline and structure a time for goals and achievement in this 8 money, abundance year. profit, certainly a time to revise our attention specifically to certain tasks and works projects as well as our love partnerships relationships .it is good to review our own independence versus a codependence on our partners -this being a a theme for this January to re look at the balance of . Indeed time to stand on our own two feet and to aspire for an abundance . It is important to concentrate on the right projects and to remove toxic connections out of our lives once and for all as they heavily impact and influence our success and drain us be it materially or emotionally or both . So examining these aspects of our life for the year planning forward movement especially with this 111 portal opening significant to new and fresh starts and extra powerful being is on the same day as the Jan 11th new moon in Capricorn . This new mokn gets us thinking further about our long term goals and future plans to do with career and financial goals being the first new moon of 2024 a powerful one ! 14 Jan moon is conjunct Saturn this is a karmic portal bringing rebirth into our romantic cycles a time to face our fears and remove inauthentic people and exit these relationships finally even if it’s gradually. There is a massive transit this January the most significant transit of 2024 Pluto moves into Aquarius from Capricorn…So expect the unexpected …Pluto has been in Capricorn for and now the emphasis is on technology and as much as we need forward movement technology, this transit opens up this dynamic for the next 20 years this is a huge rare Transit affecting our lives as well as the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. Jan 23rd Venus enters Capricorn so a great time for rekindling love and romance On January 25th the Leo full moon brings strong love and magic in partnership and in love miracles-divine soul unions it also tears apart toxic and karmic connections and severs them as the sun in Pluto at zero degrees in Aquarius a grand reset and the end of the way we know things to be big technology jumps and developments for the next 20 years From Jan 27th all the planets are direct til April so it’s all Go! What a grand start to 2024!!! By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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