This January 2022 January is a 1 month and 2022 is a 6 year which makes for 7 energy.
The 1 of January is about pioneering and leadership and a time to shine your own individuality . The year 2022 is a transformative humanitarian year being a 6 energy so about improvements in humanity in the world large and the underlying 7 is about deep inner introspection looking at your inner self -going deep within to find yout unique answers and solutions . Venus is in Capricorn is in a Retrograde from December 19th and only ending on 29th January -Venus is not just about beauty and love but indeed a time to look at how others make us feel at our boundaries and about setting them firm and healthy. It is about our own values and learning to honour ourselves and valuing ourselves improving out worth and about unconditional love. Venus Retrograde is about awakenings and destiny and fated love ! Magic and miracles can occur at this time with divine Love connections and twinflames- These can find their way back to each other and it is indeed about reviewing and re-evaluating or even renewing relationships with love and harmony and finding peace and balance for ourselves. Venus highlights themes of love and beauty and is a time of reflection re-connection reviewing and re-discovery- Looking at what feels enough emotionally or what doesn’t sit well and an emphasis on being balanced and being with whom we feel good around energetically. Venus being about money and love in our lives -so also time to look at assess our finances look at career options and how to make more money and what adaptations need to be made. . It is a time to enjoy the magic of love and our relationships it is part of a unique 40 day period of Venusian reevaluation of our lives where we assess what needs to stay and what needs to go in both love and in our careers and to asses and implement the changes that are necessary. To add to this reflective energy Mercury is in Retrograde too from mid January so some pause and further re -evaluation and re-assessment of our lives in love and romance looking at what serves and what no longer does in love and figuring out and assessing financial affairs-better ways to make money and to make our investments work. The Sun is in Capricorn at this time so time a shine our 1 individuality -to work on oneself and focus on ways drive toward achievement and to plan for this success .For each one of us this will be different -Questions like what drives me ? What ignites me and how can I adapt are prevalent ? Mars in Sagittarius is a time for freedom loving moments and Mars being a time for impulsive action and with Venus turning direct in Capricorn indeed a time for love and fun and also themes about self growth ,expansion money abundance and focus within the magical Venusian energy. This being a super special time for magic and romance and a time for soul connection and love and a time for the unexpected! So quite an exciting month ahead with reflection and pause time and a time to start the new year shining with positivity and embracing the Magic -a time for financial blossoming and enjoying the magic and miracles in romance for many. It is is also about making sure we don’t have unrealistic expectation of love or friendship and a time to look our feelings and change or adapt relationships that do not serve well as making amends with others along the way . Self love and self validation and even a return of old flames can occur at this time can happen this can be all Be the part healing and having the Retrograde too allowing for a re look as to which path in life to choose to be on - which things can be fixed or which things need to break for good! Venus Retrograde can have a huge impact on the journey of our lives and on our love relationships life that test us and make us ask what does the my heart want ? To ascertain whether we are illusion orin reality with you our dreams and desires. assessing whether this what you deserve and whether you are ready . January is full of this type of energy - so a wonderful somewhat romantic and introspective combined and time and start to 2022 with a well thought out bang with love and money and life all in universal balance Wishing you all a fabulous magical celebration healing and love this January 2022 By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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