Jan 2021 ...1 month in a 5 year Be your own Superpower ..navigating unprecedented waters...1/2/2021
January 2021 begins a crazy enthusiastic creative energy -a time for brainstorming and being innovative even within current restrictions and changes globally. January is a 1 month in a 5 year so a 1 a 5 and 6 energy prevails...6 being humanitarian energy what is good for all. January is a 1 time for starting up new things ,new business ideas for 2021.. January is the start of new way of implementing leading and pioneering being inspired and assertive and an independent thinker is key and being careful of becoming weak or helpless and overwhelmed within the 5 crisis chaos creating transformation and forced change - Changes that are occurring no matter how hard we resist so moving from the old to the new with grace rather than avoiding or resisting the changes to flow with it.- utilising the underlying 6 energy- connecting networking and helping those around you wherever possible no matter how small- creating an umbrella as so many people are struggling this time. What we said good to in 2020 is done and now it's how to proceed . For some it could entail a job loss or the loss of a loved one or even the release of toxic people that no longer serve . A time of release and inner growth . On Jan 5th Mercury is conjunct Pluto which is a time to work out what is important so what to prioritize in our lives from most to least important Jan 7th Mars is in Taurus and because Uranus is in Taurus too it can be quite intense energy -Being careful of ones words at this time -outbursts and loosing ones cool is the energy so try and think before you speak as once the word is said the damage is done! 9th Jan Mercury enters Aquarius and Venus enters Capricorn so the Capricorn order and structure amidst the Aquarius feel which is more about managing of ones thoughts -Prevention of some otherwise violent clashes or outbursts at this time in the world -clashes and differences of opinion politically and some chaos. 10-12th Jan Mercury conjuncts Jupiter and Saturn at 2 degrees Aquarius so some surprises and breakthroughs in our own lives and in the world at large. Also because of Jupiter and the new moon conjunct Pluto on Jan 13th it will be a time of renewal rebirth. but also chaotic time with unrest and pushing for more Aquarius freedom Jan 14th Uranus goes direct highlighting so what is true and what is not comes out 1 Uranus squaring Jupiter at this creates some possible outbursts and clashes in world leadership and highlighting poor leadership in some countries- each experiencing different repercussions from the Covid19 2nd wave. Jupitermagnifying this and highlighting things such a job loss and economic pressures and making for a really volatile period . 15th Jan the Sun is conjunct Pluto some introspection and awareness looking into our own circumstances and trying to balance these. 18 Jan Jupiter in Uranus indicating more upheaval and disruption between the old and the new rules and regulations as well as old and new beliefs paving the new way in the world. Like it or not it is here it happening and Jupiter magnifies this -so themes like restriction and freedom coming up and making for unrest and chaos. In SA my country this could relate to confusion around further lockdown possibly and curbing freedom more to cope with the 2nd wave of the virus peaking around the time and for other countries -Jupiter magnifying it all! On 20th Jan sun enters Aquarius which will mean 4 planets in Aquarius and this is the start of Aquarius season which will begin them of the 2021 5 year which is change chaos and transformation Jan 21st Mars conjunct Uranus Mars is a 6 degrees Taurus -there is anger and blow ups thing blow up and the world becomes angry as Mars is all about managing this anger On 24 Jan sun conjunct Saturn -so an excellent time for new projects building and committing to work projects Jan 29th sun conjunct Jupiter which is making us let go of old ways and question old beliefs verses new and working out how to go forward differently Jan 30 Mercury goes Retrograde so it is about replan re do and reassess reinvent and adjust ones course and check on the finer details In each of our lives with our work and loved ones So as you can seeJanuary as a 1 month is a pioneering month needing leadership and innovation quite a start to 2021 .. Hoping you enjoyed this outline and you can navigate your journey into 2021... Thanking you by Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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