This February 2023 is a forward moving month it is 2 energy which is divine partnership vibrations to do with love and divine fated connections with a no compromise feel to the energies. A now or never feel -So . fated connections can come into alignment. it is all about the forward momentum, especially as the recent mercury retrograde of January is behind us and now it is go go go ! In fact right up until April 21st there are zero planetsv in retrograde -So huge pushes forward in our lives in all areas -Big shifts decisions and ideas unfolding fast - extending to our careers our home lives and love lives where changes are just occurring and many big decisions need to be made and implemented! It is indeed a time of implementation. February has a full moon on the 5th Leo which is a no compromise moon -so an I want to live my truth feel to it ! It is also at this time when Venus enters Pisces so indeed a lot about universal love compassion for others and love on collective levels as well as personal love and our dreams becoming realities. Things and people that are meant to fall away are just removed to open the path to what is next .. Venus is very happy in Pisces it is a time romance and love and divine alignment in relationships that are meant to be and the full moon in Leo turning tension into passion! There could be some tensions around near 8th of February as Venus and Uranus connect which means we may have had a shake up in our relationship patterns-and a big pushing i toward new decisions -Yes we want to live out authentic truths at this time and we to be open to these forced new ideas and implement big decisions changing the course of our lives and it may mean make ups or break ups as Chiron is showing us our wounds at this time which is about self-awareness healing turning our past wounds into wisdom-we may feel upheaval and shaken up with what we have to deal with and for each of us it is different-some is new career direction others is a new life path ..big swift change at this time with certainty and precision we move ahead on our life journey.. 11th Mercury enters Aquarius a time of awareness and curiosity On 15th of February Venus meets Neptune bit of an unrealistic time it is a time for done fun and playfulness and lightheartedness and taking things less seriously for a bit ! The Valentine moments and declarations! 16 Feb the Sun conjunct Saturn so a time to Turn Neptune dreams and Venus love into unconditional love if it is authentic if it is fated and destined love Saturn will be behind it -daddy Saturn is here to be powering and disciplining us to be authentic and follow out true Path be it in love career or home life and make the decisions we need to -The ending of karmic cycles and end of delays is prevalent at this time .. On the 19 February just before thePisces new moon the ups and downs of the past few weeks can leave us wondering what is real and what is illusion 19 sun enters Pisces just as Venus enters Aries a time to be bold real and genuine a time to Act dreams do come true if we do the work Saturn assists us and continue to strictly direct us forward .. 20th of February Venus goes into Aries which shines again for opportunities and challenges new and exciting times so it’s quite a busy month quite a delightful month full of fun and further fated relationships making and breaking time with a A time to balance ourselves with time in and time out with passion and I’ll project indeed a time of divine alignment divine reunions and divine disunion and it is also time bringing eclipses to a close namely the eclipse of October 2000 October November In Scorpio with themes of a generation and trust power and intimacy which come together April 2023 so February is a time where we are en route to this journey Feb 25-28th Chiron wounded healers time to re address our wounds and look at what is holding us back and where we at self sabotaging or self limiting and addressing these core issues So quite a forward moving months with lots to consider and being on ones true and authentic path and journey in all aspects of our lives We need to take advantage of February and March as no planets are in retrograde so it’s all go go go !! Hoping you enjoyed this interpretation By Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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