Do you notice the ‘time’ at a certain time each day or notice number plates and numbers that constantly repeat in a certain sequence? I have always found them fascinating.
On my own journey I noticed this and became conscious of this repetition of numbers and by studying Numerology took this awareness of numbers to a new level. I felt as though the numbers held messages from the Spiritual realm like a Morse code. These numbers that I was seeing were so powerful. Amazingly via our very own birthday numbers we can actually be assessed into numerological personality Archetypes and all sorts of behavioural characteristics can be ascertained. Thus the Repeated numbers really fascinate me . The more one is aware of these sequences the more one becomes aware and can use them to guides oneself intuitively. 000 – In Tarot 000 is the FOOL CARD, sending us on our way into the unknown- on a new journey and a new impulse with no idea where it will lead.. 000 represents mobility and fluidity -the Alpha and Omega this being the Beginning and the End. DO YOU SEE 000? IF SO, NEW BEGINNINGS INTO THE UNKNOWN ARE LIKELY. 000 INDICATES THAT YOUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS ARE IN UNITY WITH ASTROLOGICAL AND UNIVERSAL INFLUENCES. 111 in Tarot 111 is the MAGICIAN CARD-showing us we can rely on ourselves if we have the courage and find the confidence in our own inner power. 111 being a Master number magnified three times represents insight and enlightenment and becoming conscious. Manifestation, angel guidance, profound synchronicities, self journeying, self mastery as well as new projects, new beginnings and a sense wholeness or becoming 1 with the self. DO YOU SEE 111? IT IS THE START OF A NEW CYCLE IN YOUR LIFE AND WHAT YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT CHANGING IS CORRECT. 111 ALSO RELATES TO A ‘ONENESS’ CYCLE IN YOUR SPIRITUAL PATH. 222 in tarot is the HIGH PRIESTESS card - it tells us to listen to our subconscious mind. It’s about authority and understanding partnerships and foundations. 222 is about being at the right place at the right time and the coming together of the masculine and the feminine feelings within and creating partnership and balance in your life. Whether it is a partner, a soulmate or a friend , it all needs to be looked at and assessed honestly and all put back into balance and equilibrium. Sometimes difficult choices have to be made and one must focus on the 'right ' relationships. DO YOU SEE 222? ARE YOU IN PARTNERSHIPS THAT FEEL EQUAL? ARE YOU AUTHENTIC AND LISTENING TO YOUR GUT AND INTUITION? IT INDICATES THE RIGHT TIME TO DRAW LIKE MINDED SOULS. IT ENCOURAGES YOU TO STAY FOCUSED ON WHAT YOU WANT AND THAT IT IS ALL IN THE SYNCHRONICITY AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME AND TO CONTINUE IN THE DIRECTION OF THIS PATH. 333 in tarot is the EMPRESS card- Its about creativity and wealth of ideas and a femininity. It’s an abundance card...Finding a spiritual ‘oneness’ within and ultimately the alignment of mind, body and soul. It’s the Trinity Triangle. 333 is about checking whether you are spiritually growing or whether you are by-passing your life lessons. DO YOU SEE 333? ARE YOU PLAYFUL AND CHILD-LIKE? ARE YOU LIVING IN FEAR AND SCARCITY RATHER THAN IN ABUNDANCE? DO YOU HAVE A SENSE OF PEACE AND ARE YOU CREATIVE AND JOYFUL? FINDING YOUR JOIX DE VIVRE, IS A 333. CREATION AND MANIFESTATION. 333 INDICATES BIG LIFE TRANSITIONS, ALL FOR YOUR HIGHEST BEST GOOD. YOU ARE PROTECTED BY THE ASCENDED MASTERS WHEN YOU SEE 333 AND MOVING HOME OR LOCATION IS POSSIBLE. THE ANSWER IS YES TOCREATIVITY WHEN 333 APPEARS. 444 HOME CALL In tarot the EMPEROR card - Is about turning ideas into reality, the responsibility and the Father figure aspect. This card has to do with domination and power. 444 is to do with feeling confident and resonating in Universal synchronicity - knowing what gives you butterflies and a good warm feeling inside. When you look at your family are you the provider or the protector. Or do you feel like you are the person being protected? DO YOU SEE 444? IF SO, DO YOU FEEL SECURE AND PROVIDED FOR? HOW DO YOU FIT IN WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS? 444 IS ANGELS OFFERING THEIR HELP! IF YOU ARE ASKING A SPECIFIC QUESTION, 444 INDICATES THAT YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS MAY NOT BE CONGRUENT OR ALIGNED. 555 AMPLIFIER OF CHANGE In tarot the HIEROPHANT card. He is the older, wiser advisor or counsellor and often a spiritual or religious adviser as well. 555 indicates Big changes, freedom and travel, as well as passion and excitement - breaking out of the mold and stepping out and taking a risk or opportunity. DO YOU SEE 555? THIS INDICATES A CHANGE IN DIRECTION AND CHANGES THAT WILL REALLY MAKE AN IMPACT ON YOUR LIFE. IF YOU SEE 555, FOLLOW YOUR THOUGHTS TO DO WITH CHANGE. 666 DREAM BIG AND SEE INFINITE POSSIBILITY In tarot the LOVERS card NOT THE DEVIL CARD- 666 which in biblical terms represents The mark of the beast. Which is not entirely true. The Lover represents beauty, love harmony, joy and passion. It represents the sacrifices made for the greater good of those you love, and the rewards are fulfillment. When you see 666 you need to check if your thoughts are in alignment or if you need to change the direction of your thoughts. You should examine your current situation and look to find your Divine or Soul purpose. You need to live for joy! You need to not hold back, and learn to love yourself. DO YOU SEE 666? IF SO ARE YOUR THOUGHTS OUT OF SYNC OR BALANCE RIGHT NOW? DO YOU HAVE A CLEAR TRAIN OF THOUGHT? ARE YOU LIVING FOR YOUR OWN FULFILLMENT AND JOY? ARE YOU ABLE TO LOVE YOURSELF?- IF SO YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK TO ACHIEVE INFINITE POSSIBILITIES IF YOU SEE 666. 777 HARMONY CARD In tarot The CHARIOT card - The driving force within us to do with contrasts in harmony and emotion. It is also to do with Inner and outer contrasts. 777 is to do with will and will power and focusing on your dreams. It is about focusing on doing what you love. It is also to do with using your full potential and using this to create your dreams. DO YOU SEE 777? ARE YOU USING YOUR GUT INSTINCTS AND INNER WISDOM? ARE YOU TAKING THE NECESSARY TIME OUT TO REGENERATE SO THAT YOU CAN USE YOUR DRIVE AND FORCE TO CREATE AND FOCUS? 777 IS INTROSPECTION AND MIRACLES - IT INDICATES THAT A LESSON HAS BEEN LEARNT 888 MENTAL MATURITY In tarot The STRENGTH card-is the mental maturity card and mastery of fate. It represents purity and spiritual strength. It represents power and having an invincible desire and spirit. DO YOU SEE 888? DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO BE POWERFUL AND TO SUCCEED?ARE YOU SEEING AND FLOWING WITH ABUNDANCE AND OPPORTUNITIES? ARE YOU FOCUSED ON ACHIEVEMENT OF MATERIAL ABUNDANCE AND DO YOU HAVE THE MENTAL MATURITY AND INSIGHT TO GARNER IT WITH WISDOM? IF YOU SEE 888 YOU MAY WELL BE WINDING UP AN EMOTIONAL PHASE OR EVEN A CAREER. YOU MAY BE PROGRESSING TO NEW HIGHTS OF ABUNDANCE, INNER POWER AND FINE TUNING YOUR ABILITIES TO MANIFEST ON THE MATERIAL PLANE. 999 COMPLETION OF A CYCLE IN tarot The HERMIT card. It’s a card representing inner seclusion and the higher voice of the divine. It is to do with the completion of cycles and having the wisdom and the time for preparation for all your new beginnings. DO YOU SEE 999?ARE YOU READY FOR THE COMPLETION OF A CYCLE? ARE YOU SEEING THE HIDDEN MESSAGES AND GOING BACK TO SOURCE? 999 OFTEN DEPICTS A PERSONAL COMPLETION OR A PREPARATION FOR TRAVEL OR A FINALE OF A CYCLE. IF YOU SEE 999 GO BACK TO SOURCE AND LOOK FOR THE HIDDEN MESSAGE. GET READY FOR A NEW BEGINNING AND WRAP UP AND COMPLETE THIS COURSE IN YOUR LIFE. 1122 YOUR SPIRITUAL AND AUTHENTIC PURPOSE One needs to look whether you are on your path for your highest and ‘best good’ to foster your spiritual growth. Following and finding your soul purpose. Enlightening yourself so that you can later inspire others DO YOU SEE 1122? THIS IS THE PATH MEANT FOR YOUR HIGHEST AND BEST GOOD. 1122 REPRISENTS YOU STEPPING INTO YOUR AUTHENTIC PURPOSE AND STEPPING OUT OF THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. 1212 PATTERN RELEASING This number fascinates me. It is all about frequency and about dreams and manifesting - It involves releasing what no longer serves us. It is to do with work home and all your relationships. The realisation that some things or people are in your life only for a reason or a season and through your releasing of old patterns and re-engaging with yourself on all levels, some people will stay for a life-time. DO YOU SEE 1212? THIS IS ABOUT YOU MAKING HEALTHIER CHOICES AND RELEASING PATTERNS THAT KEEP YOU STUCK. 1212 PERIODS ARE DRAMATIC, BUT PROVIDE US WITH MUCH NEEDED CHANGE. 1212 PUSHES US TO FOCUS ON WHAT IS MEANT FOR GROWTH FOR A LIFETIME AND APTLY... THAT IS FOCUSING ON OURSELVES. 1234 ASCENDING- if you see this you need to ask if you are elevating your vibration and moving toward positivity and progress DO YOU SEE 1234 ASCENDING? - POSITIVITY AND PROGRESS 4321 DESCENDING- If you see descending numbers you may need to check if you are regressing in a particular area of life`? DO YOU SEE 4321 DESCENDING?- REGRESSING AND A DEPLETION OF ENERGY TO MOVE FORWARD These below are a few more permutations that I often see combinations and sequences of.. 121 1121 1221- you are on a spiritual path so proceed 131 1331 1313 3311 1133- these confirm that you are on your spiritual path and to proceed 141 1441 1414 4411 1144- these are a cosmic No to your particular question 151 1551 1515 1155- these indicate change and moving in a new direction 161 1661 1616 6611 1166- this indicates your thoughts may be out of balance and to question the path you are following/taking 171 1771 1717 7711 1177- this highlights that a spiritual lesson has been learnt that was necessary for your progress and growth. 181 1881 1818 8811 1188- this shows a phase of your life is coming to an end- so follow your thoughts. 191 1991 1919 9911 1199- these indicate a process and completion of a journey. 2323 2322 2233- these indicate the Angels and Guides are supporting you and with you. So as you see numbers are indeed Magical universal guidance’s, grabbing our attention and enabling us to grow mentally and spiritually. Keep your eyes peeled for these Universal codes and subliminal messages and keep growing on your path of mind, body and soul. Start to notice which numbers appear repetitively or frequently and then check if the meanings resonate with you! By LAUREN XX |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |