Dec 2021 is a 3 month in a 5 year 3 being about finding added joy and passion in your life and Scorpio season is about deep and intensive transitions and transformation forcing you to look deep and attend to your shadow side and to face your deepest fears head on identify where you are not evolving and also what takes your joix de vivre away and attending to any self limiting beliefs .
The Eclipse on December 4th/5th is going to be integral to this change and push one into faster change of things in your life at this time that need to change whether we are ready or not! Eclipses bring in speedy and necessary change and seemingly forced transformation there is nothing we can do except face it tackle it and embrace it fully ! Any tower moments that happen are there to further push you and move you toward where you are meant to be and healing will be the obstacle which is the change. This can apply to relationships money career and life on many levels . December being number 12 signifying that good things are on their way and to keep ones focus positive- The 12 breaks down to a 3 which is about expression of emotion and utlilizing creativity and involves the unleashing of the fire and the determination to rise like the Phoenix and redirect ones energies correctly to achieve and blossom both in Career and in Partnerships.. This being the final push this 2021 , a year of total upheaval and chaos being a 5 year so again the main theme of it being forced change and transformation which has already turned many people’s lives upside down in some way. So be it a new direction in career or finding a new way to make money or whether In our business partnerships and personal love connections - It is indeed a time to come out of the illusion and find ones authentic true north path at that -no skirting of issues and no shortcuts a push push push and fire energy facing life and its curveballs head on. This means adjusting ones course in many ways and maybe in several aspects of life to prepare for what is to unfold going forward into 2022 which is a 6 year a year of massive humanitarian and further evolutionary change. Starting on Dec 1st is a total Eclipse of the Sun in Sagitarius as well as the fact that Neptune in Pisces which leads to using ones intuitive side too- leading to unexpected revelations and a new way of being literally a new dawn in our lives On the 4th December is Venus in Capricorn in Retrograde which prolongs Venus’s time there-Venus is in fact in Capricorn until March so it is a time of practicality persistence and being unstoppable in ambition . It is indeed a time for magic and love but also shifting out what is not authentic not settling and really testing our love relationships especially during the Venus Retrograde which is about balance in our love Partnerships equal give and take and re calibrating what is out of balance .The December 4th/5th total Solar Eclipse is indeed a massive transformation expansion and growth time for us all Dec 13th Mars in Sagittarius is about overcoming obstacles toward the goals ahead to keep the focus despite any unforeseen obstacles or difficulties and a time to act on hunches and make tracks and go with the bursts of Mars energy to propel you forwards Mercury in Capricorn is all about rational solutions to the thoughts that have been going on and the planning and structures being set up toward and for new ventures going forward. On 19th December the Sun moves into Capricorn so a great time to further develop ones goals and talents and plan ahead- it is about taking charge and being in charge and planning for the long term. On 21st December Taurus moves in North node which pushes one to look at where we are going-what makes you feel secure and prioritising you personal pleasure and values and care for the planet and being effective in any crisis situation. Scorpio at this time in South node makes us look at where we have come from and what we have been through a time to work on self esteem and to do good without the fear of not being thought of as a good person. Scorpio is the time for new beginning and transformation so moving into self confidence at this time and overcoming self limitations On December 22nd is is the last Saturn Uranus in Retrograde the last square occurring on Xmas eve this being the 3rd square in the series square highlighting the desire for inner joy and facilitating change so a time of breakthroughs and or shakeups or even breakups making one really look at our lives and long term goals and wake up and return to reality - this Retrograde wants to bring in change and freedom and a highlighting of financial aspects and matters of the heart Dec 24 Saturn in the revolutionary Aquarius Uranus retrograde in Taurus a time to keep pushing forward with changes and transformation despite your own self resistance and pushing toward meaningful change going into 2022 a humanitarian year a year of activism social justice and evolving on all levels being heard and working for the greater good of mankind being the theme This has been quite a year to say the least hoping you benefited from this Interpretation see you with more in 2022! Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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