August 2023 an 8 month in a 7 year so 6 humanitarian underlying energy. The powerful Lions gate 88 portal shifts, higher, causing symptoms a huge energetic upgrade so a special time love partnership and a abundance manifestation - a time to use ones heightened intuition as the portal 88 opens bringing in extremely levels of energy and frequency enabling us to heal and journey on ..moving from the old to the new with more ease and manifestation of what our souls desires with more ease and flow with a feeling of magic ! Thus letting go of what is falling apart or not in alignment and clearing one’s path for more purposeful action and healing ourselves is part of this upcoming upgrade it’s like we are updating our software and leaving behind what is currently not in alignment and doing this with a knowing that what is meant for you shall never pass you by and divine timing and journeying is key and at play this 8 power month . 8 being a power and legacy number a time to build up both emotionally and financially our legacy our stability and our endurance to push through with trust and an inner consciousness A time to show true strength, and allow our paths to twist and turn to ebb and flow come in and leave as they are meant for our own personal growth and to trust that our infinity connections to those that we are meant will come in at the time that is meant and also for some end or complete themselves in order that we journey and grow and that we continue journey with understanding authenticity and integrity .Sometimes what we wish for or desire we wish for is not quite in alignment perhaps one person hasn’t had the time to do the self work and still needs to learn and perhaps we are completing our necessary growth and healing through karmic cycles that are huge profound and important on our own journeys as individuals. Indeed August is a month with a shining feel of Leo lights up the opening of the 88 august the 8th portal, the lion and lioness strength tapping into our inner courage and each feeling more powerful and strong especially as Venus Retrograde has come in to highlight our love lessons make us ask what will we continue to accept and how do we love or place love as importance in our Ives -Are we feeding our love partnerships are we growing are we evolving we will be making these adjustments fine-tuning our love routines our lives and also our money aspects with Venus in retrograde are we getting back what we put in ? Which projects to feed which to drop which deals are flying with excellent monetary potential and which to walk away from and are we dedicating effort planting the seeds and then remembering to water them ! What in our love lives truly align with our hearts, is it love and partnership romance and connection that feels meaningful are we chasing the dragon 🐉 and attracting money and prosperity by focusing on the right deals and opportunities are we knowing what to keep and what to drop all this comes clear through this 8 power portal month power month through the manifesting of abundance and love and with the magic and power 2 August full moons and a new moon so a super potent month ahead The first is a full moon on august 1st in Aquarius which is detached energy how we are in our peer groups and with our loved ones what do we want what have we outgrown and and then a 2nd one s on 30 th august a blue moon super moon full moon so a very strong one A new moon in Leo ♌️in august 16th full of fire Our ego our love partnerships and being in Venus retrograde a time of reassess our love our dependence and interdependence and to re look at it all August is indeed a month with a Mercury Retrograde is on the way and Venus in retrograde in Leo is active so it’s all about our relationship. I love what we will and won’t put up with re-checking our plans, and then the highlighting of the full moons which relate to our comic. Of Venus in retrograde mercury retrograde starts August 23 and that interferes with our virtual and personal communication reassessing .. miscommunication difficulties delays and not the best time for smooth flow of contracts and then a huge Energy Shift when mars moves into August into libra in August on the 27th time to stand up for oneself in conflict Uranus retrograde begins on August 28 also can be a readjustment time a boy tumultuous ..disruptive and even rebellious as we move between the old and the new cycles and then the Pisces moon on the 30th which is It’s a romantic daydream he kind of a moon to end the month with. The new moon squares Uranus in Taurus so we may act impulsive if we feel too controlled at this time whilst the 2nd full moon is 30/31 august a sturgeon moon in Pisces the 3rd Supermoon of the series thus A fascinating and exciting month to journey into ..brace yourselves ..enjoy the ride it could be exhilarating! by Lauren xxx num-uno.com |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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