April is the brand new start of this year …following much change and transformation . Being a 4 month in a 7 year it encourages us to have 2 energy, which is an eleven thus a 2 so a deeper look at our partnerships especially under the Libra full moon -We need to look at what we want to work on and want to leave behind in our lives .. Integrity routine structure and honoring ourselves are all 4 attributes making solid foundations and the 7 year is project focus one whereby introspection and self contemplation self journeying and growth as an individual as well as in our 2 partnerships so a unique time for fated and divine partnerships. It is a time to complete cycles to mend wounds and to reconnect and journey with the souls we are meant to this is the essence of the April 2023. Aries fire and movement , unpredictability and amidst all the ups and down the solar eclipse influences the world of the planet and the world of the our partnerships in business and in life how we keep calm and navigate through the adaptations and what is sent in for us to journey with and learn from..a time of fate and destiny! April 3 Mercury in Taurus time to create endurable tangible and stable at this time slow sure deliberate April 4 is the 4/4 gateway setting intentions and manifesting them into reality fated and destined paths aligning and material success Also on 4th Mercury moves into Taurus about about contracts communication and information so one has to be careful of how one says things and there is major tower moments and difficult conversations leading to final outcomes at this time April 6 full moon in Libra strong urge to finish complete and release …The moon being in Libra and a solar eclipse is profound . This eclipse is all about Healing in relationships partnership both personal and professional up for a review and looking a their synergies and re-connections. ..Also a look at relationships contract commitments and where we are prepared to compromise as well as unions collaborations and declarations of love else on the flip side there could be some relationship drama in committed relationships and a deepening or a balancing out to either start or else end romantic relationships depending on the quality of them ! it is all about being accountable within a relationship It is also time to break free of toxic and karmic unions and a great time for manifestations and fated relationships April 11 It’s an extremely lucky day Jupiter is the planet of luck wisdom and fortune meeting up with the Sun so a sun Jupiter conjunction in Aries there is a boost of energy confidence and high vibration Venus in Gemini a social butterfly time Good for networking April 13 last quarter moon is a time to be active responsibly and head toward completion in Aries And another 4/4 day this month for divine alignment and fated unions and financial success -a time to build and lay foundations.. April 19/20th -This is a massive total solar eclipse at 29° Aries 29 degrees means it is at the end of the sign so it’s massive huge change and it’s an extremely potent time or energy passion a new bright beginnings.. The new moon solar eclipse at zero degrees so brand new beginnings in all areas … So this eclipse closes up and completes the March 21st full moon one of 29degrees..thus leads to big transition and transformation and completions . Because this solar eclipse activates Pluto in Aquarius at zero degrees it can also activate dramatic crises across across the world globally especially as it lands at a similar degree to the Saturn conjunction with Jupiter in Aquarius from 2020 a crazy time if you remember when we went through huge massive change both financially environmental and politically where we can all be affected! And April 21 Mercury in Taurus retrograde -So no contracts to be signed if you can help it -some delays forward movement and in travel and miscommunications and car and phone and glitches of these sorts anf delays all round ! This mercury retrograde is about looking at our material stability and looking at what happened in late February as mercury is activated at the same degree where there was a banking crisis at that time it can activate these types of issues- A stressful time of mental turn around and turning points at this time The fire and new push in Aries towards our fate and destiny so a time to build and strengthen foundations in love partnerships and in finance areas ..be disciplined be discerning and be wise and embrace this new Aries fire at this time Hoping this assists you along the way to balance and navigate the fated ride April 2023 ride ! By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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