NOVEMBER 2024 Love union and destined magic 2 month 8 year ..let your individuality shine !11/1/2024 November 2024 is a dynamic month full of surprises and astrological events. Its most certainly time to see things in our with clarity and intention.What a crazy Dragon Year it has been so far ...November is no exception the 111portal bringing in magical transformation and unraveling of the mystery of life..big changes death of a cycle and the rebirth for many There is a New moon Scorpio on November 1st so this is an extremely powerful time for setting intentions and it taps into the 111 new beginnings manifestations portal thus a time for profound change in our lives. Scorpio season involves secrets unravelling into tapestries that will heal us and put us back on course- changing the course of our lives … The 111 ignites new beginnings and in 1-st and 11th and then on 22nd of November the 22 portal for divine alignment is open and destined connections are to unravel and unfold and transform our lives ..closing old chapters …Our lives will not be the same after these healings and transformations…Mercury is also in Scorpio on November 2nd this bringing about deeper understanding and transformation of love mysteries in our lives and unravel our minds and those of our loved ones and taking a deeper look art our feelings versus our thinking ... A time for us to crack the codes of the minds of our loved ones and enter or exit the journey depending on where we are each at on our individual Journeys - It is decision time so it with you or without you.. no more limbo no more indecision and with Mercury entering Sagittarius on November 2 it relates to our thinking and communication about new ideas and broadening our horizons in business too ! On 3rd November Mars is in Cancer opposite Pluto and Capricorn is a time to be mindful and there are definitely potential challenges around this time in both our business and personal lives ..It is the unraveling of the puzzles in our lives deciding which pieces fit and which don't both in business and in our personal lives as we all evolve learn heal and grow... November 3 Venus is in Sagittarius is also opposite Jupiter in Gemini and this opposition can be about overindulgence of all kinds in our relationships or even in our finances. Are we over giving or overspending or over indulging? November 3rd Mars enters Leo so It’s a time for action so we will be bold and direct -no mincing words at this time ... November 4th Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces. It is an excellent time for long-term planning and goal commitment on all work project fronts -what to shelve and what to prioritise. This is important as we need to be shrewd and careful not to waste time with what needs to be shelved and to redirect energy onto projects with a life span that are in sync with our journey. Mars enters Leo on 4th a playful time with authentic connections that lift you! 11 th November Venus enters Capricorn-It is about stability in our commitments in love and work partnerships and long-term planning! It is love and loving with structure and discipline -What is the plan what is the aim and what Is the bottom line does the relationship or partnership have routes and structure .The 11.11 is a divinely supported time and a time to work with 1111 magic at this time a powerful time for manifestation. On 12 November there is a square of Saturn in Pisces with Mercury in Sagittarius . This can mean patience and persistence goes a long way and Saturn goes in Pisces on November 12 shifts us -we may feel a this big shift forward and a regaining of our equilibrium as Saturn goes direct ! Saturn is our daddy karma our discipline and our karmic lessons that we’ve either mastered and learnt from during the retrograde which brought up a multitude of issues to the surface for us to sort!We either evolve or we repeat the lesson ! 15th November is a full moon in Taurus all about material stability security comes to light and for some a time of love and sensuality .Taurus is material possessions comfort and love .This moon can be help us see through illusion and a little confusing due to Neptune .. On 16 November, the Sun is in Scorpio in opposition to Uranus in Taurus so things can do the unexpected..so be free be loving be kind and open to new possibilities as Pluto also moves right out of Capricorn for the next 247 years -so never to look back again on these hard lessons in this life time the Pluto Capricorn ones and being inJupiter so bigger and more in our face -no more illusion it is as it is -what stays stays what goes . Its about the importance of keeping promises so not to make promises that we can’t keep with the Sun is Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces On 17th November the Sun opposite Uranus may leave us exhausted from the chaos and exhausted energetically and literally spin us onto a new course 18th of November which is about creativity, artistic pursuits and transformation of our inner selves transformations. Pluto moves out of Capricorn into Aquarius on November 19th which is a huge transformation for the world at large massive growth and expansion -Pluto entering Aquarius on November 19 is also to do with AI technology and growth with this will be revolutionary and massively impact society as well as our personal freedom . 21st November. The sun enters Sagittarius -We can look back a s see how and where we hand grown since then amd look at what we wish to manifest now ! November 22 portal stuff love is in the air divine partnerships are coming alive with Venus is in Capricorn Sextile Saturn in Pisces. It’s a good time for long-term planning and building of solid foundations and then Venus and Capricorn November 22 is also about building solid foundations and long-term planning stability aspects to our lives...It’s a time to reflect on our beliefs and a time for introspection and reviewing our goals love and in life, On 25th Mercury goes retrograde and its a full review of our year and our goals what to take forward and what to leave behind November 26th mercury retrograde in Sagittarius the last retrograde of 2024 crating confusion and delays There is a new moon in Sagittarius on 30 November and this new moon so a powerful reinvention with optimism to end November which is indeed and individuality month, especially after the eclipse season Pluto going direct out of Capricorn for the last time in our lives, bring divine alignment and divine partnership in divine timing so focusing on the 2 aspect of November, as well as the 1 growth individually, the underlying energy of the month and the 8 energy of the year money power and legacy building and a massive transformation from the ground up ...each of us working through everything at once and culminations leading to new beginnings and fresh starts.. so that this year comes to a massive head and things are out in divine order for the last month of the year where we can put to bed everything and digest everything that this year has actually made us tackle so a big month with huge transformation huge movement this November Thank you for following me by Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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