September 2024 a 9 month in an 8 year so culminations in the 9 and money abundance and growth in the 8 -Knowing which business deals to pursue which to drop which will make long term and which will be shorter term beneficial...
The 99 portal opens after a long Mercury Retrograde in August making those endings and culminations come up for completion quite an intense time felt by many! #99 is completing cycles 9 is totality , 9 holds the key it is transformation in a circle ⭕️ we have 360 degrees which add s to 9 ..so coming full circle in our life lessons.9 is a number representing strength and completions endings as well as heart awakenings 💕surrender and release leaving to new beginnings-leaving things to fate .. so that the cycle can begin again pr close ...So incredibly important for soul mate re unions and twin flame connections just to have the patience to let it all unfold as it is meant and trusting in the process of the ending and divine to create the new beginning or the culmination with or without depending on your individual story ...knowing "What is meant shall never pass you by." 9 is spiritual awakening time honoring where you are on your own path or journey - For some the healing allows us to be of service to others offering guidance time . For other its completion and letting go ...99 is cosmic harmony tuning into spiritual flow integration your role in the collective humanity call ..there is indeed intense transformation energy. Pluto re enters Capricorn September for the last time ever in our lifetime to 1st retrograde shadow ending and being Virgo season a time to get serious about your goals and what it is you set out to achieve this year if you feel repeated crashes and curve balls happening it may be time to re-route especially as its eclipse season which will eclipse things in and out for us to wrap up or think differently about. 17/18 September is a lunar eclipse..proper wild card time. We will need to navigate the upheaval that is possibly coming eliminating the wrong path stuff and putting us on our path of authentic truth...brace yourselves this SEPTEMBER -Its truth or dare...a moth of focus and discipline and a search for order Sept 1 Uranus retrograde in Taurus our material clarity and break throughs world and worth re evaluation Sept 2nd Pluto retrograde ingress Capricorn personal growth deep transformations of long standing traditions and a time to work toward long term goals with determination this occurs until November 19th 2024 and then never again in our life rime Sept 3 Gemini and Mars square Pisces and Neptune at 28/29 degrees there is a sense of urgency perhaps a crisis or a completion could be a karmic cross road - Things may feel muddled or unclear at this time Sept 3rd new moon in Virgo new healthier beginnings set intentions for organisation and growth practicality and focus 4 th sept Libra Venus south node the hard to let go of a pattern or an ex feel opposing Aries North node affecting our relationships going into that is meant for your highest and be a good a challenging time a time to overcome the need for outside validation it may feel like unknown territory at this time For other on the 5th moon conjunct Venus bringing more harmony in relationships and love 6th sept Leo mercury squares Uranus in Taurus 7th sept Virgo sun opposes Pisces in Saturn 9 th September Mercury in Virgo clear communication 14th moon conjunct Pluto intense emotions Sept 17th moon meets Saturn high emotions 17/18th sept Full moon Pisces eclipse deep emotional healing eclipse a rare super moon/blue moon a pisces lunar eclipse potent energy focus on your desires and miraculous outcomes divine interventions and plot twists... Sept 21st mercury square Jupiter ideas good news Sept 22nd sun enters Libra peace and equilibrium in relationships Sept 23rd Venus in Scorpio intense deep connection Sept 25th moon meets Mars passion and emotional Sept 30 sun conjunct mercury focus of thoughts and a time of clarity ... A busy and profound month to say the least lets see if the divine twists and turns throw us back on the true north track without too much turmoil and unforeseen surprise! Thank you for following my September 2024 interpretation .. By Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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