August 2024 is an 8 month in an 8 year so it’s about our power our abundance and our finances as well as about our Infinity connections. A month or inner reflection looking at our self worth and re-looking ways to create our financial abundance especially as this a Retrograde month. Yes it’s Mercury retrograde Is the whole of this August month -So a perfect time to re look reassess and re decide on which of our investments are working for us -what to invest our time and energy into and which cycles to close off. This applying to both financial and our intimate partnerships stories ... From the 4th to 25th of August it's Mercury retrograde is in Virgo - we may need to review the current structures and order in our lives and reshape it accordingly. Then from 15th til the 28th of August the Mercury Retrograde is in fiery combustionable Leo so it’s even more chaotic and a chance to look back at all that has happened in the last eight months and act on anything that we have been procrastinating with . The Lionsgate portal opens on August 8th a powerful 88 portal further aligning us to new and high frequencies manifesting abundance money and opportunities to grow and also the work with the magic of love and divine partnership and reconciliation and reconnecting with divine partnerships which are now in divine alignment .So if one concentrates in these areas , energy flows where attention goes and where there is a will there is a way … It is all about our power of our focus and 8 is often in our long term legacy investments and opportunities- using our creativity and opportunities to push forward to make the things that are pending actually happen! Indeed a magical time and with the retrograde a time to slow down and choose wisely… mind body and soul in alignment-right place right time and of course synchronicities .. August also has a Uranus conjunction which means some unexpected surprises and curveballs both good and bad so push us forward in the correct direction with projects and monies and our love stories-We must expect the unexpected in all areas in life -big shifts and realignments are happening quickly grabbing those sudden chances and going with the change .. The month of August ends with 6 planets in alignment, which means the further creation of flow in our lives after the Retrograde. ..as Mercury Mars Jupiter, Uranus Neptune and Saturn all align this is a divine flow time .. The Lionsgate portal on August 8 as well as the Regulas Star Gateway on 21st of August bringing the union of the sun and the Royal star known to activate our heart chakra and our crown chakra bringing positive energy and good fortune in August is a great month for intuition and wisdom during the Mercury Retrograde in August it will make things a bit more slow moving and will have to learn to adapt healthy rituals these difficult times to support ourselves .. Planetary vibes are as follows August 4 is the new moon. We need to think about what we want to keep close to us and not be in our egos and recharge ourselves enjoy friendships and business collaborations Also August 4 Venus in Virgo is the planet of love and relationships- indeed time for Balance & Harmony in one’s life August 4 Mercury goes into retrograde in Virgo so we will be doing all the re s re looking re assessing and working around the retrograde glitches in communication unforeseen delays It will be a time to go deep within and look at our relationships and enjoy the spontaneity -Good things can happen quickly and unexpectedly -reconciliations and reunions too! August 7th Mercury conjuncts Venus its a good time not align mind and emotions and try to get your heart on the same page and get those desires into action ... August 8 the Lionsgate portal occurs is the when the light of the Sirius Sun brings about a rebirth and strong energy upgrades so good for our finances strong and powerful spiritual growth at this time too . This lionsgate peaks around 8th and dissipates on 16th. August 13 Mars is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, which means expansion and expression . It is a brave time a time to take action in feelings of love and a great time to communicate and express ourselves and also to get things done. Jupiter likes bus to be genuinely inspired and Mars wants to have our goals aligned in order to act because of the conjunction in Gemini are in Nour headband during the Mercury retrograde we can slow down and re think then move with more clarity. August 14th -There is a T squared Jupiter with Venus and Saturn -It shines a spotlight on our relationships at this time our boundaries and our lessons we need to stand up for ourselves -When there is a mutable T square it is a change that may need to be implemented and Venus calls us o look at our hearts desires and act in them.Venus in nVirgo Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini we ask does this still make sense - we must remain committed else committed to change by the time Uranus and Pluto trine with Venus August 14 mercury retrograde enters Leo Leo a time to shine, but because of the effects of the retrograde things are going to take a little bit more time 19th Aquarius full moon a time to shake things up in our lives August 19th Jupiter squares Saturn a massively important transit taking us back to December 2020 when JupiterSaturn metal zero degrees Aquarius a total reset! It was a crisis and action time and now we need to decide to continue like that or re adjust we need to see if it still makes sense -It is a clash time of mind and heart! August 19th we also have a full moon in Aquarius at 27 degrees which can be shake up time and readapting the routes In business and in life to choose to go forward with 21st August the sun and regalis align which is a time of good fortune. It is a time to supercharge our heart and Crown chakras a time to love and to enjoy 22 August, the sun is in Virgo , it’s a great time to create healthy habits and a fun time to shine Then 27 August Venus trains Uranus a time for freedom positive change and spending time with our loved ones on August 28/29th Mercury goes direct so time for things to go full force forward again pushing forward with all our wishes dreams and desires August 29 Venus is in Libra its home sign at time for good energy and manifesting love and partnership and heading towards our greatest dreams and manifestations and thus at the end of the month time for forgiveness, compassion and a win-win situation for all . Hoping you enjoyed this blogpost - Happy August happy #888 to you all! by Lauren xx
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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