2025 is a 9 year in Numerology, which is a year of Conclusions followed by Grand New Beginnings. It is a hugely transformative year in all areas of our lives...The number being 9 is associated with endings and then the new beginnings from the 9 closing out and back to the 1 which are new stories and the new wheel of our lives that are unfolding this 2025.. It is indeed an incredible innovative time in our world- So I will touch on a few the big planetary transits that are impacting this change as it is a time to ignite our passions and our dreams.. Pluto moved into Aquarius left Capricorn which is a massive shift and a new era with new ways of existence unfolding over this next 20 years. Pluto has been in Capricorn for the last 16 years so now these old stories and karma are wrapping up for a final time It moved into Aquarius on November 19 2024 and says there until March 8 2043. A long time if new and massive shifts growth and changes both individually and on a collective level will occur. Being in Aquarius It is about others and it has a humanitarian overture. We will see huge technology development in AI and even possibly space travel to Mars. Pluto was in Aquarius back in in 1778 to 1798 and during this time both the American and French Revolutions occurred - Thus this is new Revolutionary time in our lives with much big change- a new world order unfolding and us freeing ourselves from old thought patterns and karmic patterning.This transformation will involve huge scientific break throughs and existing power structures and governments could fall away and leadership will change and evolve. January 1st is a biggie the opening of the #111 Portal -A time of blessings miracles and synchronicities a time of the formation of destined soul connections and all these stories aligning the Portal closes on 11th of January -this period is a time of miracles magic and opportunities.. Also on January 11th nodes change - this is big, as the nodes are pivotal points in our lives ... The South node goes into Pisces and the North node goes into Virgo - The South node is where we have come from and our lessons we have learnt to date and North node is where we are headed our destiny our true North path ... This nodal change will bring about spiritual healing a Pisces theme verses the practicalities and being of service and enhancing our health routines which is the Virgoan theme- Virgo is the structure to achieve your goals and the Piscean part is the emotions and the placing boundaries to maintain emotional well being- to create peace in our love partnerships finding equality and respect -So a wonderful time for love and destined connections amidst Virgoan perfection with a Picean uniqueness and gifts the soul on our individual love journeys -so a special time for many.. On January 19th there is a 6 planets line up all at zero degrees all in alignment at once ! This is wow - This is like a massive reset and we can expect change in many areas both individually in our destiny journey and to our world at large. Pisces Virgo axis from January 2025 - July 2026 they are nodes of north and south our destiny and are pivot points for big changes and then we have eclipse in Virgo in March and in Pisces really igniting the nodes ...Big destiny stuff - March 14 th a total lunar eclipse which can change direction in our romantic lives and work lives- or take the story to a new level - Following our destiny being a key factor what comes in for us at this time is Important its either on or off -in or out and it happens March 29 there is a partial Eclipse a solar eclipse in Aries a time for further deep transformation what gets removed and what stories stay.Its fire energy !Later in the year on 7th September there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces bringing the March story to the next level and on September 21st an annular solar eclipse the most impactful of all of the year 2025! Then the 2025 Retrogrades will have a big effect... Mars retrograde begun Dec 6th continues on until February 23, 2025. It’s a planet of action and it’s going backwards marking a bit of a sluggish start to the new year. But a time to set intentioned goals and work out the energy we want to put in - what we put in we get out! Venus retrograde is in my the planet of value IN Aries March 1st 1, 2025 til April 12 2025 in Pisces so a time assess partnerships in love as well as the material work and money .Best not to start new relationships ofr businesses until Venus is direct Mercury is in Retrograde March 15 to April 7th 2025 then again July 18th to August 11th and a 3rd time November 9th -29th 2025 this is a reassess and review time period for all our projects and partnerships - what is serving ud and what isn't as well as a time of delays and confusion whilst working this out - Mercury retrograde offers us a time to see valuate and work on and complete old projects and a time to alway avoid signing new contracts Pluto retrograde May 4th to October 13th 2025 a time of transformation and rebirth of our inner power Neptune goes into Retrograde July 4th to September 10th a time of spirituality creativity and intuition this is a spirituality planet a sign of a time of expansion is a good time for caretaking And encouraging abundance and compassion and growth during this time Jupiter in Retrograde October 9 2024 -Feb 4 2025 and again 11 November 2025 - March 10 2026 a great time ti=o gain deeper insight in our faith and beliefs Saturn in Retrograde July 12 2024-27 November 2025 career goals ambition and responsibility Uranus in Retrograde September 1 2024- January 30 2025 and again September 6th - February 3 2026 freedom independence and our inner rebel side- lots of unexepcted change Other major planetary changes happening that will affect us are Neptune in Aries it moves there 30 March until October its about bold creativity and innovation and is has in fact been in Pisces since 2012 and in fact dips back into pisces in October before heading for Aries where it then stays til 2038!! Saturn independence relationship boundaries rules and systems it also dips back into Pisces in September before it goes into Aries in 2026 until 2028 Saturn does join Neptune in Aries for a taste of it on 24th May this is a time for responsibility discipline and courage Uranus in Gemini changes for the 1st time since 2019 on July 7, 2025 is about a revolutionary radical social and political change around July 7 so those are some of the outlines of the transit for the first six months of next year and because the planets are at 0° in January,18 it’s like a big reset starting 2025- we will feel like things are moving fast and it is a time to be unique and shine a shake up time of how we connect and share ideas So to summarise outline 2025 January is a one month in a nine year which makes 10 which reduces to a one one is about new beginnings leadership and taking the initiative. It is a great time to start new projects and clear up goals. It is a time of action And independence. It is time to take advantage and plant the seeds of what you want to harvest for the rest of the year, just be careful with any hasty decisions and not to be impulsive as a one energy is very much individuality and not so much of teamwork scenarios, so balancing action and time to think Things through carefully is important February is a two month in a nine year which makes 11 which reduces to a two it’s about partnership cooperation, and balance. February is good for any form of collaboration, partnerships and harmony, and a good time to strengthen love relationships, as well as partnerships together with being empathetic and patient in personal and business relationships. The risks involve are about indecision and keeping the balance between Partnerships making sure that both parties are involved in the decision-making. March is a three month in the nine year which makes a 12 which reduces to a 33 is about expression and creativity. It is a very good month for communication and creativity. A great time to express ideas connect with other people, expand friendships connections, networking socializing, but if you spread yourself too thin, this can be the risk. It can also be a time to not spread yourself on one thing properly, so spreading yourself too thin and not focusing on the right things or on what really matters so choose wisely what to spread your energy April is a four month in a year, which is all about hard work stability discipline and four is all about structure and organization, routines, and focus whether you focusing on personal projects or on yourself it’s important not to be rigid and to stay flexible and not to be overloaded with too much to do and too much Responsibility to ensure that load is manageable. May is a five month in a nine year which is a 14 which breaks down to a 55 is about to change and impulsivity and dynamism and moving traveling getting out of the comfort zone reinventing yourself it can be a time of lack of focus and being all over the place in too many directions so just be wary of that June is a six month in a nine year which comes to 15 which reduces to a six, which is about family and chemistry and love as well as responsibility. It’s all about family, domestic matters and balancing personal and professional life and being cautious of overloading oneself with too many responsibilities regarding family and friends and being careful not to take on too much and also being able to delegate correctly July is the seven month in a nine year which comes to 16 which reduces to seven, which is about focus, self knowledge, spirituality, and deepening of one’s own introspection. July is good time to think about looking at new courses learning new things and spiritual, searching for oneself and deepening one’s own studies for oneself Seven can also be going within too much and just a sentence assisting oneself from people and being over critical August is an eight month and it’s about abundance success, money flow and it’s great for success and financial aspects as well as leadership taking care of careers, goals, plans and investments. It’s always about power and ambition so it’s important in the eight month to stay humble. September is a nine universal month and it is a nine year makes 18 so it’s a 999 month nine is about completion endings and a lot of humanitarian causes lots of completion of pending projects. It is a good time to close up stories and get involved in the humanitarian causes but not to get attached to the past and also to be able to let go of what no longer serves and practice Detachment versus attachment so that one doesn’t not close out the chapters that are meant to be closed. October is a 10 month which reduces to a one in a nine year so this one is about new beginnings, action, renewal of energy and opportunity and taking the initiative. It is important not to be impatient and to listen to all points of view and not to be stubborn November is a two month and a nine year which is 20 which reduces to 2 and it’s all about partnership again, balance and sensitivity, harmony in partnerships in relationships, prioritizing communication collaboration, and it is important to keep the balance of giving and receiving and then December a three month in a year which comes to three which is huge creativity, joy communication it’ll be light and festive time to celebrate once yearly achievements, and time to enjoy oneself and be social. It is also important to not be superficial and not to neglect one’s responsibilities and focus on the goals to close the yearoff carefully. Hope you enjoyed this outline wishing you a 2025 year of magic and miracles and a wonderful transformation By Lauren xxx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |
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