December 2024 is a 3 month in an 8 year so 2 vibes underlying -This month starts in a Mercury retrograde which only ends on December 15th - thus a start of delays and confusion and mishaps and a re- assessing of our finances and our lives as a whole ... indeed it t is time to revisit karmic stories and the past to wrap up the years lessons of love and also close out our business projects and prepare for 2025 a 9 year of further culmination . themes will re appear to test us ...Have we worked on our toxic patterns and have we healed ? We also have 2 moons this month to end 2024 We are turingnbig corners and making big new starts ...We need to look at how our 3 creativity power and 8 money aspects have been as well as our the focus in on our love and partnerships - there is much enjoyment to be had and exploring of our divine unions once we are healed and ready ...The time is now ... The Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius til 16th December brings us the issues we need to look to re balance in love and life and these are up for review ..Are we on track ? Have we learnt the lesson ? Are we coming into divine union with new boundaries?or are we repeating old patterns ? Have we done the shadow work ?Think twice before making any big decisions until after this retrograde as it sure is a time of confusion delays and disorder... Have we learnt the the lessons of Pluto in Capricorn which was to do with our discipline our health our work are we ready for massive shifts and change with Pluto in Aquarius which is our partnerships and relationships for the next 20 years... This is a new era and a new game plan time... Are we in or are we out ..Are we free minded or narrow ..Do we feel contracted or do we experience freedom... It is all a matter of perspective- Life is about experiences beyond the current norm in all areas -We will need to act differently think differently adapt differently in this next chapter of our lives with Pluto in Aquarius -.Divine union and divine alignment is at play -want is meant shall never pass you by on your journey called life - it’s about the journey and exploration verses the destination -Destiny and fate is at play currently and with the 2 moons a double manifestation of love time ... We are all journey our Karmic and Akashic lessons on a soul level that we were born to learn and experience so our expansion and growth is inevitable it’s evolve or repeat! The game is on synchronicity is key ..elevate your frequency and manifest it All and just fo it -We need to go deep look at the cause of things much will be exposed during Pluto in Aquarius but it’s up to us individually and collectively to do things differently.. The Age of Aquarius and our next 20 years will be profound ...Pluto in Capricorn was male father figure issues ..healing these over this 15 year transit entailed a lot of hardship for many and a grand reconstruction offer human values transforming our relationships and us as individuals as well as the collective...Now it is a time of groups and pleasures and finding your tribe Sagittarius season does bring healing this month and we have Mars retrograde in Leo which is an every 2 year thing and the time its part of the mars opposite Pluto transit so about deep truths and resurrection and very much dealing with forces out of our control December's 2 moons a new moon in Sagittarius and a full moon in Gemini bring a lots of exciting shifts before the New year...double power and what we dream can indeed be... Dec 1st new moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces and trine Mars in Leo - a time to plant new seeds new ideas and time to grow and shine uniquely 7 Dec Jupiter is opposite Taurus and Mars retrograde in Leo so a wake up call but best to to avoid bold moves in projects at this time and big shifts in perspective... 7 Venus enters Aquarius a time of open heartedness and open-mindedness towards love and union 8th Dec Neptune goes direction Pisces so differentiation of our reality verses fantasies and illusion and possibilities that have not occurred before- it os sensual and explorotive time with love and passion 15 December Full moon in Gemini a bit of confusion and second guessing the 2 sides of any situation the twins the yin and the yang .. always the dark and the light to consider...which will it bemmm 16 December Mercury out of retrograde yay it has been a rough ride and now we know what needs our undivided attention and repair..its been chaotic ... 21st December the Sun enters Capricorn time to get structured and organised for 2025 24 December the 2nd Jupiter Saturn square all about long term goal and what to concentrate on and what to from- regarding our order of our priorities ! `a fulfilled rollercoaster month to end 2024 which was certainly a power year albeit with a lot of lessons and forced change and into 2025 we go belts on and ready for the ride ... Thanking you for following me and trust you enjoyed this interpretation by Lauren XXX NOVEMBER 2024 Love union and destined magic 2 month 8 year ..let your individuality shine !11/1/2024 November 2024 is a dynamic month full of surprises and astrological events. Its most certainly time to see things in our with clarity and intention.What a crazy Dragon Year it has been so far ...November is no exception the 111portal bringing in magical transformation and unraveling of the mystery of life..big changes death of a cycle and the rebirth for many There is a New moon Scorpio on November 1st so this is an extremely powerful time for setting intentions and it taps into the 111 new beginnings manifestations portal thus a time for profound change in our lives. Scorpio season involves secrets unravelling into tapestries that will heal us and put us back on course- changing the course of our lives … The 111 ignites new beginnings and in 1-st and 11th and then on 22nd of November the 22 portal for divine alignment is open and destined connections are to unravel and unfold and transform our lives ..closing old chapters …Our lives will not be the same after these healings and transformations…Mercury is also in Scorpio on November 2nd this bringing about deeper understanding and transformation of love mysteries in our lives and unravel our minds and those of our loved ones and taking a deeper look art our feelings versus our thinking ... A time for us to crack the codes of the minds of our loved ones and enter or exit the journey depending on where we are each at on our individual Journeys - It is decision time so it with you or without you.. no more limbo no more indecision and with Mercury entering Sagittarius on November 2 it relates to our thinking and communication about new ideas and broadening our horizons in business too ! On 3rd November Mars is in Cancer opposite Pluto and Capricorn is a time to be mindful and there are definitely potential challenges around this time in both our business and personal lives ..It is the unraveling of the puzzles in our lives deciding which pieces fit and which don't both in business and in our personal lives as we all evolve learn heal and grow... November 3 Venus is in Sagittarius is also opposite Jupiter in Gemini and this opposition can be about overindulgence of all kinds in our relationships or even in our finances. Are we over giving or overspending or over indulging? November 3rd Mars enters Leo so It’s a time for action so we will be bold and direct -no mincing words at this time ... November 4th Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces. It is an excellent time for long-term planning and goal commitment on all work project fronts -what to shelve and what to prioritise. This is important as we need to be shrewd and careful not to waste time with what needs to be shelved and to redirect energy onto projects with a life span that are in sync with our journey. Mars enters Leo on 4th a playful time with authentic connections that lift you! 11 th November Venus enters Capricorn-It is about stability in our commitments in love and work partnerships and long-term planning! It is love and loving with structure and discipline -What is the plan what is the aim and what Is the bottom line does the relationship or partnership have routes and structure .The 11.11 is a divinely supported time and a time to work with 1111 magic at this time a powerful time for manifestation. On 12 November there is a square of Saturn in Pisces with Mercury in Sagittarius . This can mean patience and persistence goes a long way and Saturn goes in Pisces on November 12 shifts us -we may feel a this big shift forward and a regaining of our equilibrium as Saturn goes direct ! Saturn is our daddy karma our discipline and our karmic lessons that we’ve either mastered and learnt from during the retrograde which brought up a multitude of issues to the surface for us to sort!We either evolve or we repeat the lesson ! 15th November is a full moon in Taurus all about material stability security comes to light and for some a time of love and sensuality .Taurus is material possessions comfort and love .This moon can be help us see through illusion and a little confusing due to Neptune .. On 16 November, the Sun is in Scorpio in opposition to Uranus in Taurus so things can do the unexpected..so be free be loving be kind and open to new possibilities as Pluto also moves right out of Capricorn for the next 247 years -so never to look back again on these hard lessons in this life time the Pluto Capricorn ones and being inJupiter so bigger and more in our face -no more illusion it is as it is -what stays stays what goes . Its about the importance of keeping promises so not to make promises that we can’t keep with the Sun is Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces On 17th November the Sun opposite Uranus may leave us exhausted from the chaos and exhausted energetically and literally spin us onto a new course 18th of November which is about creativity, artistic pursuits and transformation of our inner selves transformations. Pluto moves out of Capricorn into Aquarius on November 19th which is a huge transformation for the world at large massive growth and expansion -Pluto entering Aquarius on November 19 is also to do with AI technology and growth with this will be revolutionary and massively impact society as well as our personal freedom . 21st November. The sun enters Sagittarius -We can look back a s see how and where we hand grown since then amd look at what we wish to manifest now ! November 22 portal stuff love is in the air divine partnerships are coming alive with Venus is in Capricorn Sextile Saturn in Pisces. It’s a good time for long-term planning and building of solid foundations and then Venus and Capricorn November 22 is also about building solid foundations and long-term planning stability aspects to our lives...It’s a time to reflect on our beliefs and a time for introspection and reviewing our goals love and in life, On 25th Mercury goes retrograde and its a full review of our year and our goals what to take forward and what to leave behind November 26th mercury retrograde in Sagittarius the last retrograde of 2024 crating confusion and delays There is a new moon in Sagittarius on 30 November and this new moon so a powerful reinvention with optimism to end November which is indeed and individuality month, especially after the eclipse season Pluto going direct out of Capricorn for the last time in our lives, bring divine alignment and divine partnership in divine timing so focusing on the 2 aspect of November, as well as the 1 growth individually, the underlying energy of the month and the 8 energy of the year money power and legacy building and a massive transformation from the ground up ...each of us working through everything at once and culminations leading to new beginnings and fresh starts.. so that this year comes to a massive head and things are out in divine order for the last month of the year where we can put to bed everything and digest everything that this year has actually made us tackle so a big month with huge transformation huge movement this November Thank you for following me by Lauren xxx October 2024 is 10 so a 1 month in an 8 year which makes 9 which is Mirrors and Magic energy. There is a lot of transformation shifts endings culminations and hectic realignments going on around us and what we lookout gets bigger...1 is all about our individuality transforming ourselves growing evolving and becoming, and with the current Eclipse series energy the 2 October brings is the solar eclipse in Libra, which is about Relationships, harmony -twin soul love ,reconnecting, realigning, and making those dreams that were literally fantasies or illusions happen in a milli second ! It means discarding all fantasy and illusion and removing quickly what no longer serves! These Eclipse surprise elements which either begin or end things with such haste that we realign onto our true North...Indeed this up and coming two year cycle on the Virgo Pisces axis can indeed begin And the Aries Libra axis of removing incorrect partnerships -! Things are literally eclipse out with a Yip I’m done. and we now know what we are taking on with us over the next six months and what we are leaving behind on thisVirgo Pisces axis Pisces Virgo that will play itself out of the next two years and some themes will continue over the next six months specifically.
If we look back into certain years when there was this Pisces access we can see the areas of our lives that it affects for some of us it Kareh for some of us relationship for some of us it’s finance and for some of us it’s all of the above to consider the alignments were similar 2015-2017 what was happening for you then further back 2006-2008 and further 1997-1998 The lunar Pisces eclipse was a reveal of the state people are in and what cannot go on any longer... October being the 10th month is grand evolution preparing to be catapult us into a brand new existence due to the eclipse energy eclipsing things out as well as in huge changes ultimate transformation so if we look back around 2021, we look at our lives then and perhaps some of the themes coming forward will be not dis similar from October 2nd when Mercury planet of communication turns direct in Virgo. It has been a rather difficult Mercury retrograde and the movement forward will be grand especially for those with Virgo placements who will be particularly affected October 8. Pluto goes direct at 26° of Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime and intense energy about getting stuff done. Capricorn is about an analysis And shift in our Destiny and purpose getting things done for every Capricorn with drive and commitment and planning for the long-term is the theme that we’ve been looking at manifesting. October 9 there’s a full moon at 16° Aries high emotional we will all be fired up with this Moon being an Aries and there may be some emotional fireworks in our lives at this time October 23 the Sun which is our wellbeing shifts from Libra into Scorpio so there’s now a certain mystery sexuality and rebirth of destined connections at time of intrigue and transformation a lot of financial and hidden affairs coming to the surface for Scorpios and any of us with Scorpio placements in their charts. Saturn the planet of structure is thin at 19° of Aquarius going direct so although we’ve been stuck at this time, What was stalled will now move forward in a very forward direction and dreams and goals can be attained at the end of October on the 25th. We have a partial solar eclipse in the early Scorpio degrees 2°, which is about radical shifts miracles and some chaos , what a month to look forward to change change change at a brilliant pace so brace yourselves ... Thanking you for reading my interpretation by Lauren xxx September 2024 a 9 month in an 8 year so culminations in the 9 and money abundance and growth in the 8 -Knowing which business deals to pursue which to drop which will make long term and which will be shorter term beneficial...
The 99 portal opens after a long Mercury Retrograde in August making those endings and culminations come up for completion quite an intense time felt by many! #99 is completing cycles 9 is totality , 9 holds the key it is transformation in a circle ⭕️ we have 360 degrees which add s to 9 ..so coming full circle in our life lessons.9 is a number representing strength and completions endings as well as heart awakenings 💕surrender and release leaving to new beginnings-leaving things to fate .. so that the cycle can begin again pr close ...So incredibly important for soul mate re unions and twin flame connections just to have the patience to let it all unfold as it is meant and trusting in the process of the ending and divine to create the new beginning or the culmination with or without depending on your individual story ...knowing "What is meant shall never pass you by." 9 is spiritual awakening time honoring where you are on your own path or journey - For some the healing allows us to be of service to others offering guidance time . For other its completion and letting go ...99 is cosmic harmony tuning into spiritual flow integration your role in the collective humanity call ..there is indeed intense transformation energy. Pluto re enters Capricorn September for the last time ever in our lifetime to 1st retrograde shadow ending and being Virgo season a time to get serious about your goals and what it is you set out to achieve this year if you feel repeated crashes and curve balls happening it may be time to re-route especially as its eclipse season which will eclipse things in and out for us to wrap up or think differently about. 17/18 September is a lunar eclipse..proper wild card time. We will need to navigate the upheaval that is possibly coming eliminating the wrong path stuff and putting us on our path of authentic truth...brace yourselves this SEPTEMBER -Its truth or dare...a moth of focus and discipline and a search for order Sept 1 Uranus retrograde in Taurus our material clarity and break throughs world and worth re evaluation Sept 2nd Pluto retrograde ingress Capricorn personal growth deep transformations of long standing traditions and a time to work toward long term goals with determination this occurs until November 19th 2024 and then never again in our life rime Sept 3 Gemini and Mars square Pisces and Neptune at 28/29 degrees there is a sense of urgency perhaps a crisis or a completion could be a karmic cross road - Things may feel muddled or unclear at this time Sept 3rd new moon in Virgo new healthier beginnings set intentions for organisation and growth practicality and focus 4 th sept Libra Venus south node the hard to let go of a pattern or an ex feel opposing Aries North node affecting our relationships going into that is meant for your highest and be a good a challenging time a time to overcome the need for outside validation it may feel like unknown territory at this time For other on the 5th moon conjunct Venus bringing more harmony in relationships and love 6th sept Leo mercury squares Uranus in Taurus 7th sept Virgo sun opposes Pisces in Saturn 9 th September Mercury in Virgo clear communication 14th moon conjunct Pluto intense emotions Sept 17th moon meets Saturn high emotions 17/18th sept Full moon Pisces eclipse deep emotional healing eclipse a rare super moon/blue moon a pisces lunar eclipse potent energy focus on your desires and miraculous outcomes divine interventions and plot twists... Sept 21st mercury square Jupiter ideas good news Sept 22nd sun enters Libra peace and equilibrium in relationships Sept 23rd Venus in Scorpio intense deep connection Sept 25th moon meets Mars passion and emotional Sept 30 sun conjunct mercury focus of thoughts and a time of clarity ... A busy and profound month to say the least lets see if the divine twists and turns throw us back on the true north track without too much turmoil and unforeseen surprise! Thank you for following my September 2024 interpretation .. By Lauren xx August 2024 is an 8 month in an 8 year so it’s about our power our abundance and our finances as well as about our Infinity connections. A month or inner reflection looking at our self worth and re-looking ways to create our financial abundance especially as this a Retrograde month. Yes it’s Mercury retrograde Is the whole of this August month -So a perfect time to re look reassess and re decide on which of our investments are working for us -what to invest our time and energy into and which cycles to close off. This applying to both financial and our intimate partnerships stories ... From the 4th to 25th of August it's Mercury retrograde is in Virgo - we may need to review the current structures and order in our lives and reshape it accordingly. Then from 15th til the 28th of August the Mercury Retrograde is in fiery combustionable Leo so it’s even more chaotic and a chance to look back at all that has happened in the last eight months and act on anything that we have been procrastinating with . The Lionsgate portal opens on August 8th a powerful 88 portal further aligning us to new and high frequencies manifesting abundance money and opportunities to grow and also the work with the magic of love and divine partnership and reconciliation and reconnecting with divine partnerships which are now in divine alignment .So if one concentrates in these areas , energy flows where attention goes and where there is a will there is a way … It is all about our power of our focus and 8 is often in our long term legacy investments and opportunities- using our creativity and opportunities to push forward to make the things that are pending actually happen! Indeed a magical time and with the retrograde a time to slow down and choose wisely… mind body and soul in alignment-right place right time and of course synchronicities .. August also has a Uranus conjunction which means some unexpected surprises and curveballs both good and bad so push us forward in the correct direction with projects and monies and our love stories-We must expect the unexpected in all areas in life -big shifts and realignments are happening quickly grabbing those sudden chances and going with the change .. The month of August ends with 6 planets in alignment, which means the further creation of flow in our lives after the Retrograde. ..as Mercury Mars Jupiter, Uranus Neptune and Saturn all align this is a divine flow time .. The Lionsgate portal on August 8 as well as the Regulas Star Gateway on 21st of August bringing the union of the sun and the Royal star known to activate our heart chakra and our crown chakra bringing positive energy and good fortune in August is a great month for intuition and wisdom during the Mercury Retrograde in August it will make things a bit more slow moving and will have to learn to adapt healthy rituals these difficult times to support ourselves .. Planetary vibes are as follows August 4 is the new moon. We need to think about what we want to keep close to us and not be in our egos and recharge ourselves enjoy friendships and business collaborations Also August 4 Venus in Virgo is the planet of love and relationships- indeed time for Balance & Harmony in one’s life August 4 Mercury goes into retrograde in Virgo so we will be doing all the re s re looking re assessing and working around the retrograde glitches in communication unforeseen delays It will be a time to go deep within and look at our relationships and enjoy the spontaneity -Good things can happen quickly and unexpectedly -reconciliations and reunions too! August 7th Mercury conjuncts Venus its a good time not align mind and emotions and try to get your heart on the same page and get those desires into action ... August 8 the Lionsgate portal occurs is the when the light of the Sirius Sun brings about a rebirth and strong energy upgrades so good for our finances strong and powerful spiritual growth at this time too . This lionsgate peaks around 8th and dissipates on 16th. August 13 Mars is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, which means expansion and expression . It is a brave time a time to take action in feelings of love and a great time to communicate and express ourselves and also to get things done. Jupiter likes bus to be genuinely inspired and Mars wants to have our goals aligned in order to act because of the conjunction in Gemini are in Nour headband during the Mercury retrograde we can slow down and re think then move with more clarity. August 14th -There is a T squared Jupiter with Venus and Saturn -It shines a spotlight on our relationships at this time our boundaries and our lessons we need to stand up for ourselves -When there is a mutable T square it is a change that may need to be implemented and Venus calls us o look at our hearts desires and act in them.Venus in nVirgo Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini we ask does this still make sense - we must remain committed else committed to change by the time Uranus and Pluto trine with Venus August 14 mercury retrograde enters Leo Leo a time to shine, but because of the effects of the retrograde things are going to take a little bit more time 19th Aquarius full moon a time to shake things up in our lives August 19th Jupiter squares Saturn a massively important transit taking us back to December 2020 when JupiterSaturn metal zero degrees Aquarius a total reset! It was a crisis and action time and now we need to decide to continue like that or re adjust we need to see if it still makes sense -It is a clash time of mind and heart! August 19th we also have a full moon in Aquarius at 27 degrees which can be shake up time and readapting the routes In business and in life to choose to go forward with 21st August the sun and regalis align which is a time of good fortune. It is a time to supercharge our heart and Crown chakras a time to love and to enjoy 22 August, the sun is in Virgo , it’s a great time to create healthy habits and a fun time to shine Then 27 August Venus trains Uranus a time for freedom positive change and spending time with our loved ones on August 28/29th Mercury goes direct so time for things to go full force forward again pushing forward with all our wishes dreams and desires August 29 Venus is in Libra its home sign at time for good energy and manifesting love and partnership and heading towards our greatest dreams and manifestations and thus at the end of the month time for forgiveness, compassion and a win-win situation for all . Hoping you enjoyed this blogpost - Happy August happy #888 to you all! by Lauren xx
July 2024 is a 7 month in an 8 year so humanitarian energy prevalent.7 is spiritual development as well as dedication to our business projects and this month is good for implementation of these.
The 77 portal is a grand transformation and an energy upgrade at this time.Cancer season is time to look for resolutions and truth beyond the obvious it is a great time for healing the heart.July is a magnetic month full of movement and a time to move In ones True North direction and leave behind our wounds. 2 July Neptune is retrograde in Pisces is a time for our dreams and illusions to come to reality. We can manifest our reality at this time and keep optimistic. Neptune allows us to reflect on our emotions and healing through seeking and seeing the truth and facing things a well as overcoming limitations and obstacles. With Mercury entering Leo on the 2nd it’s also a time to shine with boldness and a time to communicate our emotions and our desires to our partners and loved ones.Fire love and passion is in the air. The Sun squares the lunar nodes on the 2nd thus aligning us to our purpose and destiny and direction us towards our fated connections .What is meant for you shall not pass you by... Venus trines Saturn so issues to do with order structure and financial security come up to do with growth and maturity July 4 is the Sirius gateway so a high frequency time a time of growth transformation and rejuvenation. July 5th The Cancer new moon ignites active nurturing of our emotions via self care. July 6th Venus squares Chiron a time for intense further healing of our wounds and patterns in our relationships turning our wounds into wisdom . 7 July is 77 portal time for projects success abundance and completion of projects. A powerful time in business to get things done ! 11July Venus in Leo relationship focus and sharing those feelings of affection and love with a more lighthearted joyfulness. 11 July Sun trines Saturn and the Saturn retrograde is all about long term goals and planning finances and stability and a time to gain perspective on our karmic lessons. 12 July Venus opposite Pluto intensity truth and revelation at this time a time to navigate conflicts and to balance out any power struggles in the work place or our love lives. 15th Sun squares Chiron allowing healing growth and acceptance . It is a good to review your growth on your own healing journey as we are each different . 15th Mars in Taurus so activity creativity and financial opportunities Mars conjunct Uranus is surprise change motivation and action at this time ! Expect the unexpected ! Mars moves into Gemini 20th July and it’s the end of cancer season so a very expressive communication time now Leo season so lets roar out our feelings... 2 1july full buck moon in Capricorn which pushes us to fulfil our full potential looking at what still hinders or blocks our progress 21 July Mercury squares Uranus so again surprises and perhaps unexpected communication -a time to be flexible to adjust to the unforeseen also to adjust to the natural ups and downs 22 July Leo season begins so its ego verses heart good time to look at self confidence time confidence -the sun shines andwe access this sun Leo energy a time for some indulgence letting your hair down! 22july sun trines Neptune a time for accessing ones creative energy 23 July sun in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius we stop and assess how much we have evolved and grown 25 July mercury in Virgo a time for grace and compassion meticulous thinking and planning 26 July Chiron goes retrograde reexamining our past wounds and trauma s addressing our heart wounds and our self limiting beliefs turning these into wisdom and acceptance A very exciting busy month ahead this July with all guns fired up to move forward in our paths of destiny to be structured and slow but excited and fiery a month where it’s all gonna happen. Thank you for reading this blogpost By Lauren xxx June is a 6 month in an eight year so there is 5 energy which means transformation transition movement curiosity and change so a super exciting month.There is also a very unique 6 planets all lining up this June all on the same side of the sun
On 3rd June Mercury Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune .Saturn can be seen with the naked eye Uranus and Neptune harder to see without a telescope this is a once every 100 years occurrence which means a lot of aspects in our lives come into alignment for us in various spheres of our lives . Gemini season is the intellectual talkative busy mind time as well as a a time of reunion celebration and laughter a time to thinker lives and fill them with new ideas.Gemini is also about our duality our inner and outer the so the head verses the heart and moving between them with balance - Indeed a time to find our own unique balance in what we think verses what we feel and then for destiny to align and magic to happen between twin soulmates and soul ties that are prepared to commit to do the work ! So until June 20 this is a wonderful time for love especially asVenus cazimi on June 4 which is when the sun and Venus are conjunct which align communications from our heart and thus our love relationships will be in the foremost parts of our minds !and we will experience this heart the mind healing- We are going through major healing and transformation as a conscious society and we are directed towards our truth north and unique love alignments and destiny can shine at this time . June 4th sun and VenusMercury and Jupiter all conjunct it makes for a stellium in the skies so magic in love connections and harmonious vibes are prevalent and also together with this Gemini quest for knowledge it is super exciting and romantically interesting.. June 6 Gemini the New moon which is sextile Mercury so again thinking mind over heart or is it heart over mind as is currently conjunct the Sun and Venus and sextile the North node exciting times for love and partnership! June 8th Mars enters Taurus this is all about emotions intimacy and also defining what or whom is in your way re emotional and financial security setting relevant goals to go and achieve this . June 9th Sun In a Saturn square clashes with Venus causing some issues with freedom and responsibility and that delicate balance in our lives-what is limiting us from our personal freedom is it finance is it our responsibilities to our loved ones or families we will be trying to balance it all at this time . June 11 Mars is Square, Pluto in Aquarius so this can bring up some fears around the love and connections that we feel it can incorporate big desires and we will be trying to balance the head and heart and work out how to circumvent these big fears within ourselves and how to give more those we love June 14th Mercury is at a superior solar conjunction on the outer side of the Sun so it’s again a busy time sharing ideas and an adventure time for many -life could get pretty exciting! 17th June Venus and Mercury enter Cancer so that’s the feelings that we have coming into play and alignment of thoughts after introspection it is a time of romance and deep connection 20th June is Cancer season starts an emotional and feelings time lots of emotions could come to the surface so again at this time it can be about loved ones family values long term goals and spirituality 20th Solstice summer solstice in northern hemisphere and winter solstice in southern a time to take those leaps ahead On 21st June is the Capricorn structure authority power this full moon themes as we get to thinking about our structure discipline long term goals with finances at this time we go into structure and orderly mode and try to balance work and play it is a time to restructure contracts and support the evolution and change June 24 Jupiter in Gemini travel change trips adventure is prevalent at this time 28th June Venus sextile Mars a time of mending fences reconciliation an emotional time that should bring about the 5 transformation So a superb month for love relationships rekindling and romance a wow month for the middle of a somewhat complicated year thus far Enjoy all the moments cherish your loved ones be in your Heart and let Love rule Thank you for following my June interpreation by Lauren xxx May 2024 a five month in an eight year which adds to 14 which is again five so huge transformational energy this month of May 55 portal which is also transformative and this is the forward movement post the retrograde. Thus lot of change for each of us in our lives and redirection at a pace …Br it in love or our homes changes are prevalent re doing re decorating re defining moving both our homes ourselves and our loved ones finding new and exciting ways to explore and embrace our lives and our journeys with both depth and meaning and playfulness and finding and mastering this balance by living authentically in our hearts and our truths and accepting the changes and transformations which are integral.
2nd May Pluto retrograde to October 11th a time to reflect on our lives our transformation and evolution on a large scale it is a time for us to do our shadow work May 7th Taurus New moon a time to unleash new opportunities and our manifestations with clarity May 13 th Mercury leaves shadow and all things progress forwards time to sign contracts and fulfilling tasks and commitments 15 May Mercury joins Taurus stellium of Venus Jupiter and Uranus a time to execute plans May 19th Jupiter Cazimi time for love and romance a time if good luck bad food fortune end of Taurus season May 20th Gemini season a social time lots of communication and socializing a Time to balance both sides the material and our spiritual sides May 23 full moon in Sagittarius taking action a time of playfulness and adventure a focus on both finances and relationships May 23 Venus in Gemini a time to get flirty a playful time May 25 Jupiter in Gemini a new era of mental and social expansion a time of communication May 28-30 Silver gate portal a magical star gate portal a deepening of our intuition at this time high frequency’s time of downloads and expansion So May is a lighter month esoterically but a 5 month so much transformation and some join de vivre time let’s embrace this after a tough and fiery April ! Thank you for reading my interpretation By Lauren xx APRIL is a 4 month in an 8 year so it has 3 creativity to it. The month of April starts with Mercury Retrograde on the April 2nd. We have been retrograde free this year thus far so there has been forward movement and now it’s time to stop breathe and re assess all the happenings since January and with the Eclipse “shake up”on 8th a time to integrate the upheavals and reflect and reassess all partnerships, business dynamics , and all things of importance to us. What is eclipsed in and what is eclipsed out? The first eclipse was the lunar Eclipse on March 25th to do with partnerships and authenticity then the in between days prior to the full solar eclipse on 8 April really may bring in the unexpected for us to contend with and some closure and or new beginnings snd literal re routing …For some it’s moving cities or countries or else moving home and bearing in mind that the themes of the eclipse in fact unfold over a six month period this one being on the Libra /Aries axis is partnership and interdependence verses co codependence .So it is time to see beyond illusions or delusions -time to finally face reality and see the truth of everything that has been pushed under the carpet-or that what we’ve thus far put up with or chosen not to see! It is all highlighted via the eclipse in a way where decisions are being made as it is now or never…If it’s a returning to the past it may be with new boundaries or with a fresh or a different outlook …Whatever each individual is experiencing it is a time to truly assess what we are taking with us going forward and what we are leaving behind … Eclipses are Uranus like so things or people are literally eclipsed Into our orbit or else completely removed out of our lives forever-( eclipsed out) !!! Aries is about fire and independence so it’s like chapter beginning or chapter concluding !It can also be unexpected realignments that just happen a big move a reconnect or a dissolving of a personal toxic connection a redefining of one’s business life and projects -what flies now has wings and what falls truly falls and collapses and redirects us onto our true north node paths of purpose. Bring Aries season and Equinox means shedding of old skins and stepping into new beginnings using this energy of the Aries fire to get cracking … During this Mercury retrograde April 2nd a time to truly re assess all aspects of our lives and drive ourselves forward this is a 3 week thing .. April 8th solar eclipse is biggie it’s on the April is also the the #44 portal which is about us making strong structures and boundaries so these are powerful days to implement foundations 4th 13th 22nd and 31st are at specific days to work on this On 2nd April the Mercury retrograde occurs so save your information as all technology has weird glitches Avoid signing contracts unless absolutely necessary as they will go back and forth or change! 1st/2nd Mercury retrograde in Aries ♈️ 3rd Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces 5th Venus in Aries 8th Sun conjunct Chiron 8th Total solar eclipse 9-11th Mars conjunct Saturn 🪐 12th Mercury cazimi 19th Taurus season 21st Jupiter conjunct Uranus a biggie 23rd Scorpio Full moon 30th Mars in ♈️ Aries So a time of reinvention reviewing revival and re starting the new astrological year with a bang to say the least Hoping this assists and guides you through the chaos into order .. By Lauren xx March 2024 is a 3month in an 8 year so a lot to do with our partnerships and our finances due to the 2 overture 3 and 8 adding to 11 which is a master number and in fact a master teacher number !A time to assess what is working what is no longer working in our partnerships and new ways to make our money work for us in this changeable times . March has the 33 portal on the 3rd which is about building and being the master builder of our lives and in moving into Aries which entails building it with a fire and a new enthusiasm . The Virgo full moon eclipse at the end of March on the 25th is a time for us to really look at ourselves through a perfectionist lens and to plan and work things out with precision in our partnerships and in our work lives especially planning and rethinking prior during and post the lunar eclipse being a penumbral lunar eclipse. March is being a 3 month in a very specific month for creative endeavors and creatively working on our lives and projects with precision and care. 3rd of March also when Venus Squares Uranus The planet of love and wellness Venus in Uranus makes for the unexpected ! So some unexpected problems with relationships and some financial issues or delays can possibly occur at this time and perhaps patience is required as our prior expectations and timelines may not be met. Pisces has a very idealistic expectation attached to it and we have to navigate wisely and continuously reassess as we go along and make the necessary adjustments. Also on the 8th March Venus becomes “invisible” in Aquarius and returns only in July leaving us with a very different energy and outlook toward our love partnerships by then as well as relooking at some of our business partnerships. In fact Love finance and abundance and joy are all in a sense all “out of sight” at this time as Venus being “incognito”impacting on us working on things behind the scenes-So it’s more about using our gut our intuition and inner wisdom too at this time. It’s is not a good time to start new financial projects or ventures nor register new businesses but to consolidate at this time as Venus needs to be visible for success! It’s placement is super important especially re money and success and for inception projects and or romance. It is a very good time to plant seeds and plan and prepare for the new .. Also Mars in Venus can bring about complex or even secret love at this time indeed a Beautiful mystical time but just not necessarily immediately! A time of 33 master building in both love and career and our finance a definite plant the seeds time verses reap the rewards kind of time in the energies. While Venus is Invisible it is best to be very cautious to do anything medical avoiding unnecessary surgeries at this time as we can start preparations then bless our success in the future. We need to wait for material achievements but it’s a good time for our spiritual growth.Slowly catch the monkey so to speak . March 10 is the Pisces new moon, which is again ethereal and romantic March 11 into Aquarius, which is also this type of energy, Venus is in Pisces and is very pure during this time. We must be careful not to be too idealistic though when Venus and Mars join the sun on March 22 things become crystal clear and the rose tinted glasses get removed and we see things as they really are without illusion . March 20 when the sun enters Aries -A new Astrological year and the Equinox , so time to start fresh and go into a forwards mode with fire and enthusiasm. March 25 is the lunar eclipse in Virgo a big transit as it s the first of 4 eclipses !Eclipses mean Change sometimes forced changes so any pent-up emotions or unresolved matters may come to the surface and what is meant will reshape itself and we need to adjust our sails in all areas along with the changes. March 25th lunar eclipse up and coming April 8th solar eclipse are bringing big changes so their energies can’t be separated as they are both in the Virgo Pisces axis. So it is particularly triggering our collection karma verses our outlook on humanity.Mars in Pisces is big for humanity and it is a time of compassion and respecting the diversities of our world and working within that . March is a creative preparation month to allow us to work on what’s worth working on and walk away like it or not from what has become a burden or obsolete ! Thank you for reading my blog Wishing you a fabulous March with much positivity and creativity! By Lauren xx |
AuthorLauren uses her intuition and the tool of Transcendental Numerology to empower |